1993.06.23 - Mountain View, CA, USA @ Shoreline Amphitheatre (Lollapalooza)\
Source A: Sony ECM-909 > Sony WM-D3
Taper: Steve
Gen: 1st
Notes: This is a rather interesting recording. On one hand, the recorded quality is rather crisp, clean, sharp & very nicely balanced, especially for the time period, and is one of the better audio recordings from the USA in 1993. On the other hand, there is a lot of taking by the taper & the people around him. A few hoots & hollers as well. More importantly, there are a few microphone bumps & the beginning of Cold & Ugly it is most noticeable but is much better throughout. Good overall quality, there are lots of tapers that can't get this clarity with their recordings even these days. Now, personally, I find the combination of the two -hands- & feel that the unprofessionaally of it only adds to the history of what Tool is, live, and the recordings of their existence as a band. I am sure that many people will write something like "B" or "crowd noise" but is that really fair to the performance or to the uniqueness of the recording? Ok, I'm done. You can tell that the people in the audience are having a lot of fun & that Tool is way better than they should be, playing on the second stage of Lollapalooza. Also, for those that may not know, there is rumored to be a SBD version of this show floating around... Recently, a 1st Gen surfaced and the difference is slight but is an improvement. Very nice. As a note, Opiate has some relatively severe microphone issues at the end of the song.
Notes: by - Ryan A circa 2006: The taper did a straight transfer onto cdr a couple years ago, without any ANA lineage, which has upgraded the sound a bit. Sharp sounding '93 Lolla audience show here. And a very on performance from Tool as well. There's a lot of audience around the taper, but it doesn't distract that much. A rare, complete performance of Flood is given though, making this show extra worthwhile. Paul seems to be in a bit more funky mood than usual. A SBD source of this show has surfaced - slowly at first, then mass-distributed when it was torrented in 2004. So as a result of that, this audience source is kind of irrelevant now except for historical purposes (or if you are into hearing the crowd comments of a show).
Time: 40:34
MJK: "Hi. We're Tool. We're a punk, rockabilly ska-gay band from the Marshes of the Castle Earth. Uh...and we do a lot of rave so prepare to dance."
Cold & Ugly
Paul: "Here we are my brothers, my beautiful alternative nation. What a sorry...looking...case."
Paul: "This song is called Sober."
Prison Sex
Paul: "I think I remember some of you punk-rockers from high school, you used to kick my ass & call me faggot.
"MJK: "They still do that."
MJK: "Hurry up Paul, we have five minutes. Five minutes, that's it." (not talked in microphone but audible)
Paul: "If you guys went & saw Dr. Leary today, you would understand what this song is about; it's called Opiate."
Source B: Sound Board > Analog Cables > Cassette-M > DAT-2 @ 32 KHZ
INCORRECT Source Information: SBD > TCD7 > DAT Master > Oade 7 pin > Delta Dio 2496 > Wav > CD Wave > FLAC Frontend > Flac
Taper: Sound Engineer
Gen: DAT-2
Time: 40:04
Notes: This is a SBD that I am fairly sure every collector has, if not, it is easy to get if you know where and/or how to get it. But beware, the amount of mislabeling, conversion (i.e.: WAV/FLAC > MP3 then back to WAV or CD) and overall lack of caring (by some, it seems) regarding this recording would make it a daunting task to find a verifiable gem copy. But they are out there. This has been "out" floating around for years, years, years, years... since, at least 1999, 2000. It is myopinion that this is the most widely available of the 1993 SBDs. And what a performance it is! The board sounds very, very good. Hard to believe too that it was sourced from aa tape & then put to 32LP -- for those 24/96 'purists' out there.
Source C: Analog --- Sony PC-62 > Sony WM-D3
Taper: Unknown
Gen: ?
Notes: This source and the Sony ECM-909 source have been widely mixed up. A good indicator of which version you may have versus the other is actually rather simple: during C&U, there is a portion missing with dead-air proceeded by the microphone bouncing in the jack causing static & noise. The beginning is also very quiet unlike the the version which is, more or less, smooth. Once the technical issues are done though, this is a rather solid recording with minimal tape hiss. Transfer/lineage information is unknown. There is a lot of talking associated with this source even though the sound is actually quite nice, especially for the time period. However, take my word, expect a very, very, very loud scream in your ear as the song begins. Ouch. All in all, this is not really a rare recording or anything like that, it is however, a source that is kind of hard to find as a "verified source". Take note also that various cassette>CD rips of both this source & the ECM-909 source are common. I do recommend this recording, pretty fun.