2006.06.04 - Landgraaf, Holland @ Pink Pop Festival
Source A: Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-719 > Sony MD MZ-R700
Dissemination: MD Master > Wavelab 3.0 > FLAC Frontend (Level 8) > Torrent / Dimeadozen (06/2006)
Taper: Progtrol
Gen: 0 from Master
Notes - by: Taper: Once again I had problems with the batteries for my MD-recorder. I had to switch them between some songs so some seconds are missing. Considering these circumstances this recording still sound decent. In order to burn the show onto one CD you need to over burn it and leave out the New Tool Gig Announcement (track 12).
Notes - by: Galen:
This note section for this source is somewhat revised in 2024. I did notice this until now but the front cover of this performance has the Blind Pig symbol; this is a well-known bootleg-for-profit company. Or, well, it once was many many decades ago particularly in the 1970’s, 1980’s and into the early 1990’s. I wonder if the taper thought it would be cool or if he was actually associated with some branding of Blind Pig? My opinion, he was just being cool. On to the recording. Although the microphones & recorder used for this recording may not be considered, technically, great... the end result is definitely a positive listening experience. As of 06/06/06 (uh, oh, the number of the beast!) this recording is the first time I've heard Rosetta Stoned performed minus Lost Keys (Blame Hoffman). Interesting stuff! There are some rather technical difficulties with this recording that the taper makes ample note of above. The recording itself gives a clear indication of the overall sound this evening; yes, there are some issues with crowd noise, clapping, etc but this recording is a good & accurate capture. If you simply based your decision to listen to this show on the source information in & of itself, you would miss out. All in all, worth your while. The taper included front & back covers to this show as well - if you were to burn it to CD like you should so you would listen to the entire show instead of a couple clips on your computer.
Time: 84:04
"who wants pizza? ... I do!"
Rosetta Stoned
"That's how we fucking do it in Texas."
The Pot
Forty-Six & 2
"Who wants pizza? I want waffels. ... New album out, called 10.000 Days. Buy it, so I can afford waffels."
"It's kinda cold."
(Texas accent:) "Well, it has been an absolute pleasure. ... Peace out!"
New Tool Gig Announcement

Source B: Mini Disc --- Core Sound Low Cost Binaurals > Sony MZ-N10
Dissemination: MD Master > Wavelab 3.0 > FLAC Frontend (Level 8) > Torrent / Dimeadozen.org (06/2006)
Location: Front of Stack
Taper: Bliv
Gen: 0 from Master
Notes - by: Taper:
Nowhere near a perfect recording: 1) I got bumped around A LOT 2) I was REALLY close to the speaker stacks and the volume was VERY high for this set. I guess my mics couldn't handle this very well, resulting in some brickwalling and distortion. 3) Missed some chatter and the first few seconds of Aenema because i had to switch discs. 4) This German dude kept on screaming into my ears and consequently into my mics... Still very listenable though!
Notes - by: Galen:
This recording is definitely listenable & for all practical matters is an enjoyable, enough, capture of Tool. The simple truth is the llow cost Core Sound mics the taper used simply cannot handle the SPL of a Tool show. Regular CSB mics, sure, but not these. Like using Giant Squid microphones at a Tool show in a front-of-stack position; just not going to get a great result. This product is relatively clean but there are instances where a scream from MJK, a guitar lick from Adam or even a couple of audience attendees will cause the recording to have some mild distortion. This distortion is not throughout the recording but it certainly is apparent at different intervals. All in all, a fair recording well above being just for a collector but perhaps not up into the "must listen to repeatedly" category.
CD 1
Time: 55:39
Time: 26:22
Source C: Mini DV --- Panasonic NV-GS17 > Panasonic 80min tape - normal speed
Dissemination: Master > DVD
Location: Front of Stack
Taper: Wafels
Gen: 1 from Master
Notes - by: Galen: Make no mistake, this is a Tool European Festival performance; a place for the band to make a stand in regards to their radio-friendly-big-hits. Lucky for us, there was a taper in the audience with enough balls to bring the first video from the 10,000 Days-era to the masses or at least on CU.org. Although I am sure someone, at some point, will torrent the hell out of this video my suggestion to you is contact the taper for a "real" trade. There is always a risk involved with taping & an arguably larger risk in regards to filming. There are a few instances of heads that block your vision but this is, generally, a temporary critique as there are plenty of MJk, Adam, Justin, Danny & screen shots to make this feel like a real Tool performance rather than a concert sang by a 40 year-old with a mohawk (for those that know many Tool recordings are very MJK-centered). Is this a perfect video? No. But then again, please, show me one example of a "perfect video" (no A Perfect Cirlce jokes, please) as this video, for better or for worse, is as close as many will get to seeing a "perfect Tool video". Nothing like watching as Tool enters the stage at dusk & exit in the dark. Definitely a fair amount of crowd noise but nothing compared to what it could sound like. The built-in microphones managed quite well... although, I imagine, any closer, the sound would be brickwalled. All in all, this recording is definitely a highlight of this particular leg of the tour. Any comments you wish to make on this excellent recording? Check the forums to find out how...
Time: 1:22:19