2001.06.25 - Berlin, Germany @ Columbiahalle
Source A: Mini Disc --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony MZ-R50
Notes: Very nice audience recording for a MD source, I mean that. Very nice. A show like this is one of the many reasons why live recordings are much better than studio. I think the taper was right by the stack as the sound is really clear and the crowd is quite low. The only issue is that the bass slightly, slightly brick-walls from the bass but, all in all, isn't that bad. Most people seem to not notice it. This is the same taper as 06.26.01.Notes: Right as Schism starts, you hear the taper's friend, who is taking pictures on a digital camera, get busted for that action while the audio taper stands right next to the security guy who is definitely from Tool's management. Better to have a still-photographer filmer busted than an actual taper, IMO. Chris Loudon, AKA Hawk, is featured here making sure that no illicit still-photographs make it out onto the black-market of Tool fans. You know, it sucks that Tool dislikes photographs but on the other hand, can you think of a distraction more than flashes of light? The band gets in a zone, maybe that's why they don't appreciate pictures being taken.
Check this recorded interaction with ‘Hawk’ (part of Tool’s security detail, at the time:
Hawk: "Give me the film dude! There's no picture taken here!"
Filmer: "Ok."
Hawk: "Yeah, not Ok, I want the disc, I want the disc & the battery! Have fun at the show, ok? I'll give
it back to you after the show -- I'm at the top. Ok, they call me Hawk."
Filmer: "Hawk?"
Hawk:. "You go right over there & I'll give it back to you."
CD 1
Time: 70:49
CD 2
Time: 44:22
The Grudge
(-) Ions
46 & 2
Prison Sex
Source B: DAT - Soundman OKM-II > Casio DA-R100 / 48kHzDAT: DAT-1 > Digital Clone-2
CD: DAT-1 > CD (transfer by Per: 2005)
Taper: Anonymous
Notes - Recording: Really nice recording; levels are clean, no distortion & there is very much of a live feeling to it. However, this is also quite bass-heavy. Depending on what your preferences are, this is either a positive or it is a negative. The taper seemed to be relatively close to the stacks but it is apparent that little or no bass roll-off was used. However, I suggest that you do not let this slight issue take away from a powerful performance intertwined with an otherwise stellar recording. Although there is not much variation in this setlist compared with other performances from this leg of touring it is important to keep in mind that the band was out promoting their new album, Lateralus, and therefore were catering to this aspect of promotion. All in all though, this is hands down the best recording from this performance out of the 2 that are known to exist or be available. Nice.
Notes - Per: Per put in an absolutely obscene amount of work in regards to hunting this + the other 3 Tool recordings from this taper down. These recordings would quite possibly never, ever have been known to exist had it not been for his innate skill in hunting sources-down. After everything, he then shared these with collectors thereby severely limiting any amount of trades he may get out of them. Although all of these shows are now common in the trade circle, please let it be known that it is to his credit that these recordings are even in your collection. Remember that what comes around, goes around - next time you receive something 'cool' shoot Per a line flintstone5@hotmail.com to offer to trade or just send it to him.
"Hey, some of you look familiar. Didn't I see you last year next door?" (referring to A Perfect Circle's performance a year prior)
CD 1
Time: 73:32
CD 2
Time: 45:24