1995.12.15 - Ventura, CA, USA @ Ventura Theatre
Source: DAT --- Sonic Studios DSM6 > Sony TCD-D7
Notes: Really nice recording: balanced, measured, measured but yet not quite refined to the point at which the 1996/1997 tour demonstrates. The performance is very tight & although the AEnima songs are still being polished -live- they are very interesting, at this stage. Low crowd noise & virtually n one sound from the taper. I've read that some traders give this recording a rating between 8-9. Maynard seems to be in a decent mood and the band is playing as best they can. Adam, however, seems to be only slightly off key a couple times. But, that is just being picky. It would be nice if more recordings from '95 surface as the energy seems to be a little bit different. Like, Tool is in the transition stage from playing smaller venues to larger ones, once AEnima is released. The performance gives the listener a hint of what the future will hold. For those that man simply enjoy listening to the birth of the AEnima era, then this recording will hit nicely with what your tastes are.
Maynardism: "We would like to introduce a new person, Justin Chancellor."
Prison Sex
Crawl Away