2006.10.06 - East Rutherford, NJ, USA @ Continental Airlines Arena
Source A: DAT ---- Sony ECM-MS907 > Sony TCD-D8 (via mic-in)
Transfer: DAT>Cool Edit Pro (via line-in)>Wave>Flac Level 6
Taper: Al (moderndaywarrioir)
Notes - by Taper: My 4th time seeing Tool (my first taping them) and they just keep blowing me away everytime I see them! They are definately pushing the envelope as far as live performance is concerned. I really hope someone caught this on video because the visuals are stunning. I got there late on ISIS' opening set and only managed to catch their last song. I've included that here as filler on the second disc. If anyone who knows ISIS can provide me with the song name, that would be great. Also anyone who is good with artwork can creat some nice art that would also be great. Trade freely and enjoy
.Notes - by Galen: Must admit, when I realized that the microphones used to capture this clean, clear but predictable performance by Tool my gut reaction was "no way". However, the end result is a recording worth checking out however it is debatable how long this source will gain in your CD changer. Kudos to the taper. If nothing else, the included radio adds are definitely interesting!
Maynardism: "Jersey, how ya fuckin' doin'?"
CD 1
Time: 55:54
Tool Radio Add #I
Tool Radio Add #II
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
CD 2
Time: 46:03
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days
Source B: DAT ---Core Sound Binaurals > Battery Box (roll-off enabled) > Sony PCM-M1 (mic-in)
Location: Section FL1, Row Q
Transfer: Tascam DA-20 > Coaxial > Audiophile 2496 > Audacity > CD Wave > .Wav
Taper: daskrabs
Notes - by Taper: Overall, a really nice recording, IMHO. The best I've done to date, in fact. Complete show. Warning: there's a Maynard fanboy next to me talking and yelling dumb shit during some of the show. If that person is reading this: Fuck you. You're easily the biggest douche-bag I've ever met at a show in my whole life. I saw you standing around outside after the show and was tempted to come up and punch you in the mouth, but lucky for you, cooler heads prevailed. OK, end of rant. Enjoy.
Notes - by Galen: I concur with the taper's opinion that this is his best recording.. Sure an occasional jeer or annoying blip from the audience occurs but this IS a Tool show and that in and of itself tends to attract the offspring from the classic film Deliverance to attend. Solid, clean, clear, concise and "good" recording that is on par with microphones with, technically, better specifications. Tool seem to be getting ready for a break though &, to me, tend to be playing less with precision & beauty & more with a routine mindset. Not trying to be overtly harsh however, take note, over X amount of performances they change the setlist around Y times... I think that is null? All in all, probably the best sounding source for this particular performance.
Maynardism: "Don't listen to me, I'm on acid. Antacid that is, I'm having stomach problems"
Time: 1:42:15

Source C: Video ---- JVC MG12U
Transfer: Cyber Link Director (make Mod files into one MPG)->Cyberlink Power Producer( Menu and VOB )-> Dvd Shrink (for you anoying people)
Taper: D. Dawson
Notes - by Taper: Stinkfist is very dark and shaky since I was very nervous with security everywhere but i soon relaxed. This is my virgin taping and am very proud of what i produced Mild crowd chit chat (including myself) in between songs but luckily very polite crowd Thanks to everyone for all the editing softwear i played with Thanks for people in front of me for staying out of my way during filming
Notes - by Galen: Very impressive capture of Tool. The filmer specifies that, basically, he popped his taping cherry whilst at a Tool show, under heightened security (a task that some hardened Tool-folk tapers do not attempt) but yet somehow yields an interesting, fresh, varied & "good" filming of Tool from this leg. As of 10/2006 this source is the best "film" from the Fall US Arena Tour. The main issue associated with this recording is the lack of "definition". Many times while enjoying this show, the pixels from the resolution (or something) are extremely apparent, visible & demonstrate that some compression exists and/or this is a result of equipment that is not as good as it could be.
Time: 1:42:36