2013.04.27 - Melbourne, Australia @ Rod Laver Arena

Source A: Sony ECM-DS70P > Rockboxed iRiver h320 (line-in @ 16bit 44.1kHz wav, +5.0db gain) > USB > Cool Edit Pro (normalised to 115%, tracks) > .wav > CDWave (split) > TLH > .flac (lvl 8)Disc

Notes by Taper: Started recording dead center, two people back from the front barrier. I didn't last there too long once the songs started, but remained thereabouts for the whole thing. Various bits of static/mic scrapes and knocks throughout, but pretty good all in all.

Notes by Bobcat:  do you like sing alongs ? this is a sing a long tool show! Were back in Australia which is always a good thing. Tool enjoys playing 'the down under' and treats there audiences better then they do in NA. General Admission on the floor is still happening over there but in NA were treated like children or something. hmm onto the show. its muffled and recorded with a half assed kinda mic. you can make out the songs still but in a so-so kinda way. its ok but nothing special. At least this person taped which is cool. If your after high quality recordings dont get this one. its in Australia though so that might change your mind. its nice 'hooker' is in this set along with 'pushit'. two songs that arent around as much, especially ''hooker''.

Notes by Galen: Although not pervasive, static and shifting microphone sounds throughout. I could be labeled as beiung a bit critical in labeling this as a collectors only recommendation... and I stand by that.

Maynardisms: "Hello... Some of you we will see tomorrow''

Time: 1:56:34

Third Eye
Hooker With a Penis
Forty Six & 2

Source B: Apple iPhone headphone mic > FiRe2 app on iPhone 5 > WAV > iTunes > PC > Audacity (bass boost, mono to false stereo) > FLAC

Notes by Taper: Some crowd talkers and a few shouts and whoo!! noises from the guys next to me but nothing too bad.
Notes by Bobcat:   2nd source for the first australia of 2013. this time with a cell phone! lets do this!
ah, this one has a little more to it then the 1st sourced recording. its much clearer and sounds like the taper is close to the stage/in a good taping stop. its still a cell phone mic so its not overly warm. its tinny but thats what you get with cell phones. if you dont have it too loud it does the job ok. Performance wise its good. They are playing australia but nothing overly stands out in any different way. Its classic tool professionalism at this point. They are polished and play well with the odd mistake here and there. I know, that sounds boring but find the good recordings and all is well.
its nice 'hooker' is in this set along with 'pushit'. two songs that arent around as much, especially ''hooker''.
Notes by Galen: I dig the fact that, since 2006, Australian Tool tapers have been the first to record sources with Apple products. I used to know a taper who used an iPod mini (or something akin to that) to tape concerts. Myself, I have used the strategy of using an iPhone to tape something impromptu. The end result, such as this, something better than nothing. Not great. It's like talking to your friend on speakerphone - do you want to listen to your buddy rant about lachrymology for two hours? Still, something better than nothing. Kudos to the taper to even do it.

Time: 1:54:17

Source C: CA 14s (cards) > Bat 2B > Sony PCM-M10 > FLAC
: Roman79
Notes by Taper: Very good quality, some minor audience noise at times. Intermission that took place between  Lateralus and Jambi has been cut.
Notes by Bobcat:  Third times a charm they say? for the 3rd source of this show were getting places. this one sounds a little more like it! taped with better gear, this has sound a little closer to a colour tv compared to black and white like the first two sources were kinda. Or an antenna compared to cable, whatever. Maynards belting it out pretty good on Sober at this show. The band are in good form,it sucks saying that all the time sorta but from show to show performance wise, i find its the same often and its fine, its just i dont notice much difference. its more about how good the capture is/how good the venues are sounding. if your into an australian show the 3rd and 4th sources are the ones to get imo. its nice 'hooker' is in this set along with 'pushit'. two songs that arent around as much, especially ''hooker''.
Notes by Galen: Solid enough recording. Not a ton of crowd noise. Vocals, pre usual, somewhat muddied in the mix but overall a nice listen.

Time: 1:41:32

Source D: Church Audio CAFS > Church Audio BatteryBox > Tascam DR2d (@24/96) > 16/44.1 > FLAC

Notes by Taper: A brilliant show put on by the band, though Keenan 's vocals could have been a bit higher in the mix. Security getting in, and inside the venue, was WAY over the top. I need to buy a lottery ticket!!!! The only downside were the talkers around me. I've not been to a gig with so many fuckwits that have spent their money just to have a chat and carry on through the show. Luckily they do not intrude much on the music.Notes by Bobcat:   hmm, according to the tapers notes there was some not so well behaved patrons at the show this day. Maybe austrlia crowds arent all rainbows and sunshine after all! they still have GA at shows in 2020, so i guess Tool still loves them regardless! The quality of this one is a little more like it! its got some balls compared to the other 3. Church Audio mics are quite popular amongst tapers but i find they dont have enough bass. this recording is not the case! its got some full bass that feels right and the high end is just enough but not over cooked. this is my favoutire source out of the four from this day! not bad either, 4 tapers at one show. you dont see that everyday! grab this one, a nice show with good energy!
Notes by Galen: Best recording to surface of this performance.

Time: 1:42:30


2013.04.28 - Melbourne, Australia @ Rod Laver Arena

Source A:  Tascam DR-2d (internal mics) > SD card (WAV) > PC > split into 3 WAV files (Audacity) > Mega.co.nz / Mediafire.com > PC* > Audacity* > Split* > FLAC Level 8 (24 bit)*
Taper: Bernard Shakey
Gen: 0

Notes by Taper: I was a bit worried about this show - I'd missed out on their sold out Big Day Out sideshow, and heard some really bad things about it (and the whole tour). On the other hand, the setlist for the first night in Melbourne looked really good, and Tool are on the long list of bands that I'd like to see at least once. So the afternoon of the show I bought a ticket. The show ended up being really good (apparently night one wasn't that great, so looks like I was pretty lucky). Maynard James Keenan didn't say much, but apparently that is pretty much par for the course. Without an album to tour the set focussed on Aenima, which suited me as a big fan of that album. For hard core fans, Opiate made a relatively rare appearance. So overall, they did a good job of ensuring there was something for everyone. The twelve minute 'intermission' that was really only an excuse to pretend they didn't do an encore was a bit too cute for mine, plus I would have preferred that time be used for an extra song.
I'm pretty pleased with the sound quality of this one; unlike some of the stuff I record, I've actually given this a few listens, because both the performance and the audio justify it.Notes by Bobcat:   after listening to the 2nd source first then going to source 1,my first thought was, this sounds like its under water. it isnt that bad or weird but its just the difference between recordings can sometimes be weird on the ears. having said that, source 2 is a more direct sound for sure. this is still good once my ears adjust. it has its own quality and is a good contender in its own right. The end of Sober is neat during this time. in 2012 they did that as well, with an extended cool mellow middle jam part. Its what made hearing it better then just hearing ''the big hit'' when i'd rather of heard ''ticks & leeches'' but were not talking about the show i saw in 2012 but close enough being its the next year. ha! Seems Australia is nailing it on this tour. already lots of sources and its only the 2nd show of the tour. i wonder if Maynard rants at the crowd at other shows ?? i guess will find out0
Notes by Galen: Interesting placement of Opiate.

Maynardisms: "Before we begin,.. who is here tonight?. Every minute of your life your always going somewhere, orgetting to be right were the fuck you are... texting,, tweeting to be here, be with us. I think some of you are lying... Did frank fuck your shit up, what a cock. Hopefully will see you again soon'' 

Time: 1:42:30

Hooker With a Penis
Forty Six & 2

Source B:  CA 14s (cards) > Bat 2B > Edirol R-09 > FLAC

Notes by Taper: Recorded ~ 15m from LHS stack. Excellent quality. Audience noise is negligible. Intermission that took place between Lateralus and Jambi has been cut. 2nd night at Rod Laver Arena. Opiate is played instead of Vicarious. **Te taper has requested that this show not be uploaded on public torrent sites, blogs, mp3 file shares etc - TOol drive project is fine"
I'm pretty pleased with the sound quality of this one; unlike some of the stuff I record, I've actually given this a few listens, because both the performance and the audio justify it.Notes by Bobcat:  this is a pretty in your face kinda recording. very upfront, clear and all that. a pretty fine performance. Dannys always nailing it no matter what it seems. Maynard rants early in the show. i think he must of been annoyed the night before with the phones hence why he didnt say much but made it a point to chirp the audience at this show the next night.. just a guess but it kinda seems that way to me. Pushit is intense as always. grab this recording!

Time: 1:39:31


2013.05.01 - Adelaide, Australia @ AEC Arena

Source: Solid State — Zoom H2n

Notes: This recording has cuts at various points; which is evidenced by the 1.5 hr record time. Further, far as I can tell no one has mentioned in the X amount of years since this recording has been available, that there are random drops from songs. For an internal recording, this is actually better than adequate which is impressive. Vocals decent in the mix but you can hear the limitations and near brick-wall of the internal microphones. It is easy to classify that this taper pushed his gear to the limit and was lucky with the results.

Time: 1:28:33

Forty Six & 2

*** If you ever see “B’Boom” as a song - it is, sort of. It is an unrecorded Danny Carey track that involves his creativity on the drums and other instruments but it is generally his ‘solo’ and around 3-5 minutes at most incarnations.


2013.05.03- Sydney, Australia @ Allphones Arena

Source: Unknown
Gen: Unknown
Location: Unknown

Notes by Bobcat: Mystery recording! No source info, no name, no f all! But that is ok. Its here and doe not sound horribly bad. The sounds has got a fullness to it and that always keeps things from overly hurting the ears or something. I wouldn't call it amazing or anything but its alright. They open with Third Eye which makes this set awesome from the start. One of the best tool songs ever, imo. As usual the performance is up to par for a tool show. Australia is a different vibe when they play. Its also a holiday for them and the audiences in Australia are a little more behaved then they can be in North America as it is a good energy from these Australian shows. The sound in this venues is better quality than many of the massive arenas in North America. The instruments can feel a bit more ''there'' then they do in big sports arenas on this side of the pond. Give these Australian shows a try. They are pretty good!

Maynardisms - ''Thank you very much, you've been wonderful. Goodnight, goodnight, sounds good, bye''

Time: 1:43:25

Forty Six & 2


2013.05.04- Sydney, Australia @ Allphones Arena

Source A:
Zoom H1 @320kbps MP3
0 gen FLAC

Notes by Taper: To conserve space I recorded directly to 320kbps MP3. To me personally I could never tell the difference between this and the much larger 'lossless' WAV files. It was originally only going to be for personal use. So its as good as it gets, sorry. The device was a Zoom H1 slid into the seam of my Marshall beanie xD I think I got such good results because I was in the B reserve side seating, maybe 5-6 rows back from the front. At the angle my head was at to view the stage, the recorder would have been pointed straight at the huge speaker array. I was also fortunate in that my fellow Tool fans around me weren't screaming lunatics (for the most part).
Notes by Bobcat: hmm, seeing it was just internal mics at a loud rock concert, i wasnt expecting too much. Turns out this isnt the case and it puts the 1st source up for some competition! this sounds pretty nice! not a ton of bass but enough, you hear everything else the way you would if you got a good audience recording with internal mics, well a little better then expected id say. the taper had a good spot for taping etc,etc. a sweet recording for sure! add this with the 1st source and your good to go!

Notes by Galen: If you ever find yourself in East Lansing, MI, USA I strongly suggest you check out the record store Flat Black & Circular. It is on Grand River Ave. right next to Peanut Barrel, up one floor... you can't miss it when you walk past. Most likely one of the best record stores in the United States. I found first pressings of Bjork, Stone Roses, Belle & Sebastian, bootleg vinyl Beatles albums and, uh, Tool AEnema LP for $40 back in 1997. So, there you go. That said about cool record stores, this source, it actually sounds a bit better than it (on paper - i.e.: MP3) should. It's ok. More akin to the Mini Disk era so many of us taped with, listened to and created.Maynardisms: "Hands up, who's actually here tonight and by that I mean present, in your body. Not thinking about where your going... Fucking with your phone or texting or tweeting, here in your body here with us right now. How many of you are actually here tonight. Good cause I'm somewhere else! just kidding... Try it again,, that's it, that's all we got goodnight''

Time: 1:36:03

Hooker With A Penis
Forty Six & 2

Source B: Solid State — Soundman OKM-II Rock Studio > Zoom H2n
Taper: auroboros @ 3 metres in front of the soundboard, centre stage.

Notes: A pervasive layer of non-obtrusive crowd noise is prevalent throughout this source but I mention that to mention that this is a very clear recording other than that, slight, issue. Myself, owning OKMIIR microphones, I love to hear what others can pull with these mics and this is a straight up solid recording of a solid, polished band. My own jaded opinion is that if I had a choice to listen to any of these recordings available, I would choose this tight AUD recording. Nice job.

Time: 1:50:32


2013.05.06 - Brisbane, Australia @ Australia Entertainment Centre

No Known Recording


2013.05.08 - Auckland, New Zealand @ Vector Arena

No Known Recording


2013.05.09 - Auckland, New Zealand @ Vector Arena

Source: iPhone 4 (16/44.1)
UnknownGen: 0 gen FLACLocation: Unknown

Notes by Taper:
Shit sounding recording as my iPhone was under the seat, wasn't planning on sharing this but since no other sources have surfaced I thought I might as well share this for those collectors out there.
Notes by Bobcat:
Well the taper was straight forward and has no illusions about the recording. I appreciate the honesty. It sounds like it was recorded while the recorder was under a chair. Oh wait! It is. Ok, bad joke but whatever. Not really much to say other then the taper said it all. The fact it is in Australia might make it more appealing plus Maynard didn't chirp the audience with his cell phone rant like he did a few shows back, so its got that.
Notes by Galen:
So, yeah, this recording is tough to listen to. There have been many recordings that are tough to listen to. I appreciate the fact that, in 2013, a fan used an iPhone 4 to tape the show. If that is not technological advancement, please tell me what is.

''Are you sure your ready? Thank you goodnight'' (crowd booos) ''Before we go, does anyone have a time machine? A - time - machine, if we had a time machine we could jump ahead a few hours and wish this big idiot a happy birthday but its not his birthday yet so we can't. So if anyone has a time machine, we can do that. no time machine, no birthday wishes for idiot........Fine! Happy Birthday to you'' (they sing happy birthday to Danny Carey because his birthday is May 10th ,hence the time machine)

Time: 1:44:13

Hooker With a Penis
Forty Six & 2


2013.05.12 - Chiba, Japan @ Makuhari Messe Arena

Source: SP-CMC-2> SP-SPSB-1(69KHz)> Olympus LS-11(48/24) > 16/44.1 > FLAC
The Sphere
Gen: 0/FLAC
Location: Recorded from the rear of the right-front block, about 10m from stage

Notes by Bobcat: This is a pretty crisp recording. Taped from 10m from the stage will do that. it sounds pretty nice though. The high end reminds me of the high end on vinyl kinda has a "sssssssss" feel to it. Really its a nice recording in a place the band does not get to very often. (Tool did not make it back to this area of the world since 2013 and this review was written in Aug of 2020). I heard they keep getting ''low balled'' so that why they have not been back a lot to Australia. There are some interesting crowd noises once in awhile. I guess the polite quiet crowds of Japan have changed? Generations change, for better AND worse. I think I am old enough that I can say that now. Ha! This recording is worth getting for the reasons mentioned above plus it sounds good which is the best part. (obviously).

Time: 61:08

Hooker With a Penis
Forty Six & 2
