1993.08.06 - Irwindale, CA, USA @ Santa Fe Dam (Lollapalooza)
Main Stage
Source: Sound Board > DAT-1 @ 48 KHZ
Taper: Sound Engineer / Sylvia Massy
Transfer: DAT-M > UXL 2496 > Tascam DA 20 MKII
Gen: CU.ORG Master
Transferred by: Galen
Notes - Items with this notation are from the personal collection of Tool Memorabilia and are not property of CU.ORG: There is a story that is not mine to tell about these unique DAT tapes as these were procured by the legendary collector known as Tool Memorabilia from his vast entanglements within the Tool community. The DAT tapes were transferred by Galen in 2012 and given back to the owner. If these exist, more than these DAT tapes exist in the wild… That said, I’m not implying one can procure what Tool Memorabilia has been able to do over a long collecting career but if you never try, you will never know. Happy hunting.
Notes 2024:
The Tool performance from Lollapalooza on 1993.08.06 is, for sure, the most widespread live recording of the band due to bootlegs and official/semi-official releases including this giveaway promo CD consisting of mixed tracks from the previously mentioned date. It’s almost like Tool only performed that one show! Just kidding. As it is, whomever mixed it merged the songs from out of order akin to the set list but whatever, it was a promotion to sell more albums. If anything, I was surprised there was even a version of this on DAT but here it is. Also, the images to the right were liberated from somewhere on the Internet as I do not have a copy of the CD version, however, I thought it would be important so you could see it.
DAT Time: 13:11
Flood (Floor)