2006.05.04 - Oakland, CA, USA @ The Paramount Theatre

Source: DAT --- Neumann KM140's> Sound Devices MP2 > Sony SBM1 > Sony TCD-D7
Dissemination: DAT master > HHb CDR830 BurnIT PLUS > EAC > WaveLab > FLAC > Torrent
Taper:      wilson66

Notes - by: Taper:
According to Distortion Online, this is the setlist. 13 songs. I have only 11 files tracked out. Not sure where the discrepancy is, but this is the entire show.
Awesome recording, really. Deep guitar, a little hint of dirty bass and unlike so, so, so many of these early 10K Days performances MJK's vocals are not buried in the mix but yet are how they should be: an integral part of the performance, crisp in the mix. Listened to this show one day at work as I wrote case notes, chatted with customers on the phone and replied email; one of the quickest almost two hours ever. Was absolutely a pleasure to listen to. Truth is until this source, which surfaced sometime in 2010, I had not listened to one of the early 2006-era in a while. This, by the way, is currently one of my favorites, for what it's worth. And, may I add, on DAT nonetheless! Nice job all around to the taper.  

Time: 1:48:56

Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Forty-Six & 2The Pot
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient