1997.07.11 - New York City, NY, USA @ Randall's Island (Lollapalooza)

Source A:
DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony TCD-D8

For some reason, this particular recording has been widely elusive for many Tool collectors. This is due partly to various VHS>CD rips of the other known source floating around & also because, simply put, this DAT source has been confused with other shows. Oh well. Hopefully, now, this mystery is solved. There are some occasions where the 2 known sources overlap a little bit with the screams as well, this is strange. One thing to consider: it is not totally uncommon that taper's work together. Just a thought. This is definitely not the video source though, not a chance. There is a bit of talking around the taper & a couple obligatory "wheeww's" so this is not a crystal clear recording. The bass is rather prevalent as well. There are quite a few digi-noises that occur sporadically in this recording & they are common in all known circulating copies. However, those minor flaws should not turn the collector off. This is an awesome capture of Tool doing what they they do. When I listen to this, I adjust the bass a bit & turn up the high frequencies - that allows the depth of the recording to come out a bit more. Make it a bit brighter. So, in sum... depending on what your activity level is this may be a semi-challenging recording to come by but it is worth it if you look over minor flaws. I highly recommend this as it is very "live" & is, more importantly, a quality DAT recording.

"Tee shirts, baby T's; all on sale, just for you”

Time: 67:12

Hooker With A Penis
46 & 2
Swamp Song
Swamp Song

Source B: Analog Recording --- (unknown microphones) > Sony WM-D6
Beau Marsh
Gen: ANA-M > WAV > CD-1 > EAC > WAV

This recording surfaced rather late in the game, so to speak. Quite a wonderful little gem as the sound is above average for this time period & the performance is, well, classic Tool. There are the classic Tool 'whewws' a few times, however, this is less a criticism, more of an observation. The taper seemed to have a relatively firm grasp on the how-to's of taping which shows a bit. The microphones, to me, sound a LOT like Sony ECM microphones although some trader presumed that they may be Aiwa CM-30 - which I personally doubt based on the sound. Apparently the taper did not recall the type of microphones, either. As it is, this is definitely a show that many collectors or fans will most likely listen to more than once. Of course that presumes that many 'hardcore' traders/collectors actually listen to recordings like this - this, I doubt. This hobby is filled with so many wanna-be posers it's enough to make you want to grab a Kelly Clarkson CD, an issue of Juggs, rusty slinky & a balloon filled with nitrous.

Time: 68:25

Source C: Unknown Video Recording Equipment
Source C:
Low Gen VHS > DVD
Source C:
VHS > CD (transfer by Galen in 1999)

There is a layer of fuzz, coating this recording. There is almost no -I mean no- bass. There are also some odd digital sounds that are probably from the Master>VHS so take note of that. A couple of channel flutters too. Maybe this would be best left for collector's. Decent sound but it all kind of is at one level & does not really have any peaks or valleys. It's all even. Good performance. The video is shot from the back-right of the venue. There are some decent close-ups although they are nothing to really write home about. The video, at times, has that 1980's slow-motion feel / bad special effects to it & look to it, more appropriately. I have a feeling that the same person responsible for this creation is the same person responsible for the 07.11.98 recording. The special effects (or defects since they are so lame), give credence to my perception. The video must be a low even though there is a line of analog distortion > dvd to it. There are a couple instances where audio is there but the video itself is frozen for a minute or so... odd. All in all, this could be a bit more pleasant, overall. Perhaps of someone took the time to mix the csb>d8 source with this then it would be a bit more interesting?

Maynardism: "Tee shirts, baby T's; all on sale, just for you”

Time: 1:15:55