2006.06.28 - Paris, France @ Le Zenith
Source A: DAT ---- Danish Pro Audio 4060 > Bass Roll-Off > Sony TCD-D8 / 32 kHz
Location: Front of Stack - Right
Taper: Bazille (FBZ)
Gen: DAT-0 > DAT-1 from Master
Notes - by: Taper:
Paris .... Very stressful at the entrance ! My friend Jon who taped Grenoble on d100 + DPA 4060 has been captured by security before entrance & had to let his DAT outside :-// Came my way to enter, I was just behind Jon .... The guy saw that I had something in my pants ... I said a recorder .... & asked to me to go with another guy to let it outside .... So, I did all for all .... I followed the second guy but he did not know what I was hidden exactly ... so I gave them my portable phone from my bag .... Doubt of the guy who did not understand .... I said I did not too ..... I did the silly boy you see .... And the guy who found my recorder was to busy with others people to see that .... So after a big pressure & adrenaline, they let me go inside & my DAT was still in my pants !!! Crazy thing & so happy to be able to tape !!! Jon had still his mics, (security did not find it), so I taped with TCD-D8 + DPA 4060 .... Bass roll off, Jon told me to record like that. Taping is pretty good but not enough loud for me, I mean because of the bass roll off .... I like loud sound but the result is pretty good :-) Great version of Opiate, lucky we were !!! By the way I preferred Grenoble show & the taping as well. But classic set list ... MJK said see you in November ....
Notes - by: Galen:
Extremely clear, balanced, clean & in-your-face Front of Stack recording. This is one of those recordings that you put on because you want to hear a solid-clear performance. In fact, this is the type of recording I, for one, prefer: low crowd, clean sound & may very well prove to be in the race for the best recording of the this leg of the tour. Moreover, it is rather difficult to find a technical flaw with this recording. Levels are stable, no obtrusive crowd-members & man is this a bright recording. Dare I say this is a beautiful recording? Yeah, why not? It is. Although the taper finds this to not be exactly what he was expecting, I suspect that this will in fact be much, much more than you were expecting. Definitely a must-have for any collector + fan. As a final note; I do not have this on CD but on DAT. If you wish to trade for this recording please contact my friend Franck via the information above; he is a great trader, taper & all around nice guy.
Personality Note:
MJK seemed to be a little *different* this night; rather mouthy. A couple quick highlights are in regards to the selected quote &, of course, the MP3 sample from Stinkfist of the "alternate lyrics in Stinkfist" followed by an insane scream.... If I can make one comment on the chosen MJK quote... time to spit-fuck the old lady? That may take the cake for being one of the most graphic things I've heard MJK say at a show. I had to listen to that four times until I stopped laughing.
Time: 85:00
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
"Yeah yup time to spit-fuck the old lady."
Bridge: "slip my penis fuck it all suck my penis fuck it all sucking in deeper pristine / naughty no way / nowhere
Spoken: "can't do this if you smoke" > Scream
Forty-Six & 2
"I have a question for you. Do you like what you hear so far? Would you like us to come back? Do you like the sound of my pretty voice? Can you put your fucking cigarettes out so I can keep it, come back and sing for you pleeeease? Two hours is all we ask; two hours out of every fucking 5 years put your fucking cigarettes out so I can keep my voice? Pleeease, pleeeease ....Fuck head. We have some special stuff comin out tonight some extra songs possibly. if my voice holds up hint hint...Cocksucker."
Right In Two
”We have a special guest tonight we're gonna bring out. It's not like you guys deserve it... His name is Haithem come on out Haithem... drumroll... Every one say hello to Haithem. The one person in this town that's shorter then I am."
"You okay Dan, you need a break? What are you like 55 now? I'm super rich I bet all my money on France sorry Spain... I just bought Barcelona. That was a really bad joke that's why we don't translate it for you."
"See you in November"
Source B: Hi-Mini Disc --- Core Sound Cardioids > Sony MZ-H10
Dissemination: CDR > FLAC (dimeadozen.org 06/2006)
Location: In the crowd, Front from the stage, 40 m from the stage
Taper: Teething
Gen: 0 from Master
Notes - by: Galen: Well this is a nice addition; the first debut performance of Opiate for this tour leg. Interesting stuff. Used as a replacement for the ever sobering performance of Sober during this leg; this particular performance features Heitham Al-Sayed formerly of Lodestar / Sensor as guest vocals - his vocals are prevalent throughout - for those that can relate; visualize Layne Stayley of Alice In Chains doing his part on Opiate & you can get a feel for a portion of the layout. Heitham takes a detour in the song & it appears that Tool does something different; they seem to jam. Yes, I said it, Tool sort of has a free-form-laid-back-groove during Opiate. Almost experimental - experimental as in musical territory not plotted out completely. This recording is an absolutely lovely capture of the band, as they, at the very least, experiment + are creative live-on-stage. Sorry, Opiate is best heard without my yipping & yapping. The exchange as MJK's part comes back (pound of flesh?) scream mixes with Heitham's scream - whoah. For those that really want to know, this is the same fella who was captured reciting poetry during Pushit, 02/23/1997, as MJK wrestled a fan to the ground. Oh shit - there is more to this recording than just Opiate? The rest of this recording sounds pretty much like the MP3 sample; clean, clear & concise - what more can you ask for in a recording? Oh, wait, check out source A.
CD 1
Time: 70:14
CD 2
Time: 32:15
Source C: Hi-Mini Disc --- Giant Squid Audio Lab Binaurals > Battery Box > Sony MZ
Dissemination: CDR > FLAC (dimeadozen.org 06/2006)
Location: 25 meters from the band,a little on the right (front to Justin)
Taper: Fiji / Jean-Phillipe
Gen: 1 from Master
Notes - by: Galen: Given the above source information, you would not immediately think that this recording would be all that good. Surprisingly, this id s a clear recording. There are track transitions throughout. The bass definitely over-powers the microphones during significant bursts of bass but this is to be expected. When the deep frequencies from Danny's drum "hit", this causes a very deep layer of bass to flutter. It does not distort but it sounds like it could be getting close; such the limitations of the microphones. However, during times when the overall volume is not too loud, the recording sounds quite balanced. I, personally, used the same model of microphone for a period of time; they are ok but the limitations are clear + evident. However, in a small club setting, for example, the microphones can compete with other brands but in any other, louder, concert setting, the microphones simply are lacking. This is apparent on this source. That said, this is still a decent enough listen & should not be ignored as, like all recordings, gives a bit of insight into the band we enjoy; Tool.
CD 1
Time: 70:14
CD 2
Time: 32:15
Source D: Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-717 > Sony MZ-R50
Dissemination: Taper burned master wav files to cdr(M) and deleted them; mailed out 2nd Gen CDRs
Transfer: PC > Soundforge > Normalize > WAV > 2nd Gen CDRs > EAC > WAV > FLAC Frontend (Level 8) > FLAC
Taper: Nicolas
Gen: 3 from Master
Notes: Although this recording certainly is not the best of the sources available it is not necessarily a poor recording. The instruments are all fairly cohesive + congruent in the recording/mix. However, the clear limitations of the microphones & the compression from the MD are apparent. The end result is somewhat of a tinny, far-off feel when you listen to the recording. It's ok, but that is far as I can honestly take this discussion. Now, if you were going to look at this recording in comparison with the overall technology + high quality sources available for this show then someone could make the argument that this is for collector's only. However, if you were going to give it some lee-way, you would say it is ok. You be the judge.
CD 1
Time: 60:35
CD 2
Time: 41:15
Source E: Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Sony MZ-NH900
Taper: Rob
Notes: Totally solid recording. 10 out of 10 in regards to audience captures in a real world setting. Being critical, a couple instances of phasing/bumping from people around the taper but, whew, he knocked this recording out of the park. I will say that the bass can pump very, very prominently as DPA’s have a nature to capture rich depths and that does show up here. This source was clearly very close to Front of Stack. Crowd noise is minimal and anything but the music is non-existent. Great recording, nice job to the taper!
Time: 1:42:04