2019.05.05 - Jacksonville, FL, USA @ Metropolitan Park (Welcome To Rockville)
No Released Recordings
(MK4>Sony A10)*
Verbally told to me, I’ve not heard or laid my eyes on either.
2019.05.07 - Birmingham, AL, USA @ Legacy Arena
Source A: Solid State — Schoeps MK4 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Ryan J
Notes: Clean and intense recording of a rather solid performance even thought there are a couple small bloopers by AJ but most people would not hear them without listening to countless hours of the same songs like a meth-addicted troll living above his parents garage. The crowd noise is at best kept at bay (by and large) which is somewhat rare for a Tool show. This recording picks up MJK’s vocals quite vividly whereas other sources of the same performance are clearly lacking. It is with somewhat of a reasonable assumption that this particular source is one of (if not the) best recordings from 2019. Excellent job to the taper, this should be mandatory listening for any Tool fan.
Time: 1:48:40
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Litanie contre la Peur
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
Source B: Solid State — Samsung Galaxy 8
Taper: BioshockDaddy1
Notes: Recorded from the pocket of a jacket or shirt, this source is sourced from a Samsung Galaxy 8 and, holy-f’ing-shit, it certainly sounds like it. Low frequencies are flooded/distorted, crowd noise is ‘all over’ and although the vocals are clear-ish it is a challenge to muddle ones’ way through this recording. Lots of phasing throughout the recording. Best left for collectors only.
Time: 1:59:08
Source C: Solid State —Zoom Q3HD
Taper: CJ
Notes: Hmm. Consider this source a mix between Source A and Source B, while realizing that it is much closer to B than A. This is a standard internal microphone video camera (unsure if video exists but if it does it would be shaky as hell). Sound is minimally better than Source B although there is no distortion which is a step-up. This is not for collectors only but it is almost a bit unnecessary compared to the brute and dominance of RJ’s Schoeps recording. Again, this is by all means a fine recording but if anything it is flat and less dynamic than one would hope when looking at the year this was recorded.
Time: 2:00:53
2019.05.08 - Louisville, KY, USA @ KFC Yum! Center
Source A: Solid State — Audio-Technica 853 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: live2cd
Notes by Taper: I attempted to get tickets for this show during the initial onsale a few months ago and struck out getting anything remotely near a speaker stack. Then, just last week, ticketmaster released a bunch of tickets in 117 and 105 due to the stage dimensions allowing a view from those sections. I decided to jump at the chance seeing a pair on the aisle in row U facing the side stack. MJK's vocals could have been more prominent in the mix, but it still sounds fairly good for an arena recording. The last I heard there are 3 sources for this show (AT834's as well as a set of MK4's). Be sure to check those out if you have the chance. This was the 3rd show where they performed the 2 new cuts, "Descending" & "Invincible". They sounded very solid, especially the latter. The new record is slated for 8/30/19, excited would be an understatement. I had fairly quiet neighbors near me, altho it was interesting seeing a couple guys 2 rows in front of me hauled out by security when they were found to be video recording the show on their phones. I absolutely despise people holding up their phones (for long periods of time) in the air at shows, so I had a little laugh when they were walked down the aisle by security in arms past me. The encore break lasted over 10 minutes (not kidding), so I cross faded this and cut it down to about a minute and a half. Enjoy this one! Im very happy w/ the turnout!
Time: 1:52:10
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Litanie contre la Peur
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
Source B: Solid State — Audio-Technica 854 > Zoom H1
Location: Recorded 25’ from stage right
Taper: hollowmoons
Notes: First thing that grabbed me about this recording was the pervasive crowd noise. It is a lot; unsure what some of the people around the taper were doing. Snorting helium? Smoking ants? Chugging honey with live bees? That said, the recording quality is actually really quite decent. MJK’s vocals are somewhat buried more so in this mix than Source A but still this is a solid recording offering a very ‘live’ feel throughout. I will add that Litanie contre la Peur does sound especially good on this recording as the crowd manages not to scream over every second of it.
Time: 1:50:39
Source C: Solid State — iPhone 8 Plus (internal microphone)
Taper: MrG
Notes by Taper: Recorded from 13th row in line with Justin. Pretty good quality with the exception of the few times I forgot and put my hand in my pocket.
Notes: The recording is surprisingly not distorted to high heaven and is listenable. That said, it is distant at best and lacks any dynamic range in sound spectrum. Not going to argue that this is ‘decent’ but saying it is ‘pretty good’ is taking a stance that is not accurate. Vocals are buried as are the mids, highs and the lows. I would easily put this into a category of best left for collectors, however and arguably, since this is both complete and not distorted then leaving it off that designation is warranted. But not by much.
Time: 2:05:47
2019.05.10 - Hampton, VA, USA @ Hampton Coliseum
Source A: Solid State — Sony ICD-PX470 (built in internal microphones)
Taper: wahoowa
Notes by Taper: Recorded with a Sony ICD-PX470 stereo digital voice recorder from row 23, seat 6 stage right in .wav format.
Notes: Not a terrible recording as in it is not distorted, vocals are clear enough, drum sounds decent and the bass does not bottom-out; all valid concerns for a recording with the source information provided. The recorder in question is a bottom-of-the-line Sony recorder meant for, say, recording an interview or lecture, not a loud rock concert. Indeed, it was good that the taper was a good distance away (clearly) from the PA’s as the sound would’ve obliterated the tolerances for this Sony recorder with little options to change input volume especially without a microphone with it’s own gain setting. Thus, all things considered, this is a decent recording with a lot of crowd noise and accurately picks up the performance but is not going to win any beauty contests for its hi-end audio quality. Also, in case one did not note, this is an incomplete recording cut at the end of 46 & 2 up until the beginning of Vicarious.
Time: 1:39:13
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Litanie contre la Peur
Chocolate Chip Trip
(cut on recording)
(-) Ions
2019.05.13 - St. Louis, MO, USA @ Enterprise Center
Source A: Solid State — Schoeps MK41 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: TB
Notes by Taper: DO NOT ALTER AND/OR REPOST ANYWHERE, EVER. Taped from the 1st row, directly in front of Justin.
Notes: How is one to enforce never altering or repost anywhere/ever? I mean, it just sounds like a very difficult task to master let alone put into practice. That said, wow, this is a great recording of a nice performance. Sound is exceptionally balanced with AJ clean, JC balanced and DC laying out the beats the only real tangible issue is that the mix coming from the PA’s, clearly, has MJK’s vocals too low. There is not much one can do to fix something like that other than, oh, I don’t know adding another source/s in post? Again, solid recording and maybe one of the best from the tour leg however the vocal issue is a very real struggle.
Time: 2:01:25
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Litanie contre la Peur
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
Source B: Solid State — MBHO KA 200N > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: specialk
Notes by Taper: Taped from section 107, Row M, Seats 1/2.
Notes: This is a great recording. Excellent job to the taper, nice one, Karl. Sound is very full with a wide dynamic range although the vocals could very much use a nice, pleasant boost in the mix but that is just discussing low hanging fruit. There does seem to be a layer of pervasive crowd noise which does not detract from this source it leaves the listener with an impression of a very live performance. All that said, for MBHO KA 200N recordings I guess I thought there would be less of a ‘squish’ at times when the drums/bass hit hard; such as in Intolerance. It almost sounds like some funky compression going on but that would not be the case out of the box as the mics are insanely cool and the M10 is a basic PCM recorder; only thing I can think of is maybe something done to the recording in post?
Time: 2:04:19
Source C: Solid State — DPA 4061 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: geordy
Notes by Taper: No EQ, just tweaked the volumes some. First of two shows with ToolDVN and Distortion. Seats were lower bowl, back left corner. Crowd was louder around us than I remembered, mostly between songs, maybe due to the ear plugs. I tried to even things out in post as much as I had patience for. It was a relatively sloppy performance by the band - Maynard came in too early on the second chorus? of Aenema and Adam or Justin dropped the ball half way thru Parabola, typical 2019 performance otherwise.
Time: 2:02:36
Source D: Solid State — DPA 4061 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Distortion
Notes: Real nice recording by Mr. Distortion up over there in Misery-Ya. That’s a Mid-West joke dissing one Red State from a Blue State here in MI. But seriously, Missouri sucks as a State and a place to visit, IMO. First and only time I ever saw a squirrel carjack a BMW - I swear - was outside of St. Charles back in 2010 on my way to Family Arena to see Tool. As it is, this source is super clean and for the most part sounds a lot, a lot, like the other DPA 4061>M10 source because of course, right? This is super clean, vocals are clear and not buried which is different than other sources. My own opinion, this may be the best AUD source from this night even up against some heavy-hitters in regards to microphones used. Nice work.
Time: 1:51:32
2019.05.14 - Kansas City, MO, USA @ Sprint Center
Source A: Solid State — Schoeps MK41 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: TB
Notes by Taper: DO NOT ALTER AND/OR REPOST ANYWHERE, EVER. Taped 15 rows from stage, dead center
Notes: This is a great recording. I will say that the crowd can be somewhat more obtrusive than one would hope for throughout this recording. Audio-wise, this is a powerhouse and lovely to listen to with great levels throughout. Even MJK’s vocals are something I cannot complain about (too loudly). There is a tendency for this recording to sound almost slightly crunchy at times when the lower end frequencies create especially powerful sound pressure levels. There is no distortion, to be clear.
Time: 1:59:30
The Pot
Part Of Me
(first performance since 1998)
Forty Six & 2
Litanie contre la Peur
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
Source B: Solid State — DPA 4061 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Distortion
Notes: Totally solid recording. Maybe its the sandwich effect. You know what that is? It’s where you have basic ingredients to make a sandwich but not matter what it is always better if your wife or friend makes it for you rather than making it yourself. Just me? Well, I have this with this particular source. Have the same microphones, same recorder/s but yet here we have Distortion just killing it with what sounds like a stack recording whereas my AUD recordings are not at the same caliber, per se. I’m impressed. Vocals just right in the mix, guitar is clean, bass hits nicely and DC’s drumming is out of this world. The only issue is, so common with DPA mics, the bass can flutter at certain decibel which does happen a few times here.
Time: 1:51:32
Source C: Solid State — DPA 4061 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: geordy
Notes by Taper: Recorded from floor, left of the soundboard. No EQ, just raised the volume some. Thanks to ToolDVN for driving to KC and back and to Distortion for somewhat blocking the 3 guys to our right that were really enjoying the show. The whole band flubbed the start of Schism. If you want to hear CCTrip from this show, go grab another version. As CCTrip starts a paper airplane landed near us. I started folding one up to throw and the next thing I know security is escorting me out of the arena. Apparently throwing a paper airplane will get you ejected from a show, however, folding one with the intent to throw it will not :) I assumed I was going to get tossed but kept recording.
Notes: I feel like I need to talk about this recording during CCTRIP. The taper, balls-out, gets pulled away by security but keeps his head while recording. This, my friends, is a total Boss Move. I’m impressed, good job, Geordy. That is some serious Ninja-like skills going on. And he was honest about the entire transaction to which security listened and let him continue to enjoy the show. Although, after, during CCTRIP the sound gets totally distorted until he fixes the input issue.
Time: 2:01:00
2019.05.16 - Lincoln, NE, USA @ Pinnacle Bank Arena
Source A: Solid State — DPA 4061 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Distortion
Notes by Taper: Right channel had issues throughout most of the show. I decided to patch the left channel over for most of it, minus a few large chunks and some clean sections here and there. Disappointed it didn't go perfectly but at least I still managed to get the whole show. Security was the worst I've ever had to deal with, had a guard immediately standing to my right the entire show so I couldn't check anything at all. With that said, it's the only source I've seen so far, so figured it's best to get it out and wait to see if anything better pops up. Enjoy!
Time: 1:51:13
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Litanie contre la Peur
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
Source B: Solid State — Core Sound Stealth Cardiods > Tascam DR-05
Taper: Scott R.
Notes by Taper: First time seeing Tool since 2006. Started having issues with my mics, and as a result the left channel was unuseable. This recording is right channel mono. I’m happy I avoided spoilers with the 2 new tracks up to this point as it was awesome to experience them for the first time live! What a treat.
Notes: Low layer of pervasive crowd noise over a PA system which would’ve done well with raising MJK’s vocals higher in the mix but, thankfully, this taper chose Cardioids based on his location (or just had these). It sounds to my ears that the taper was roughly mid-way from the PA’s and the microphones actually propelled this recording from being a muddy Omni muddy mess to a straight-forward, clear CSC recording. Not the most beautiful model in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition but, hey, it sill made it into the issue which is still hotter than your ex-girlfriend.
Time: 2:00:50
2019.05.17 - Des Moines, IA, USA @ Wells Fargo Arena
Source: Solid State — Audio-Technica 853RX > Tascam DR-2D
Taper: crazyafroman
Notes: Yes. Yes, sir. Nice job, crazyafroman this is one heck of a solid recording. Vocals are up in the mix, guitar is clean and consistent, bass is deep but realistic and DC’s drums shine like the Drum-God he is. Although many tapers/fans have admonished this leg of the tour as being somewhat lazy, the band did swap out Intolerance, Sweat and Part of Me which is decent turnover for a variable song slot and the ‘new’ songs from Fear Innoculum. This is an underrated recording from this lag and honestly it should not be. 10/10.
Time: 1:49:18
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Litanie contre la Peur
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.05.19 - Chicago, IL, USA @ Seatgeek Stadium (Chicago Open Air Festival)
Source: Solid State — Audio-Technica 831s > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: tapeworm48
Notes by Taper: Second night of the Chicago Open Air Festival. Storms throughout the day, and extremely windy afterwards. Wind noise throughout the recording impacting the sound at the venue. M10 set at 6. Entire file amplified by +2dB prior to dithering. Raw transfer with no fades or EQ.
Notes: Yes, the wind issues throughout this recording are the real deal. It does complicate the enjoyment of the show as a listener but is it not fascinating that such an incredibly strong and invisible force can impact us in ways most people would not even think about? Here, too much wind, the recording sounds like it is a state of constant flux whereas I know the taper; a solid and focused content creator since what the mid 1990s? All in all, the best one could hope for with extraneous variables one cannot atone for. My question is how is this the only source to be known from this particular performance in the Second City? Oh here’s a fun question/fact… Do you know why Chicago is referred to as the Second City? A lot of people say it’s because it’s between New York and Los Angeles as people fly over it, however, the truth has everything due to the fact that most of the downtown burned to the ground in 1871. Most buildings were built with wood supports/structure. So, upon rebuilding, the city switched to steel beams and concrete to prevent such a fire to occur again. Since most of the downtown was rebuilt, Chicago was gifted the name the Second City. One more fun fact, the first skyscraper built anywhere in the world was also in Chicago, built in 1885! Yes, I did take a tour with my wife and kids when we visited Chicago for Spring Break in 2022.
Time: 1:59:43
The Pot
Part of Me
Forty Six & 2
(-) Ions
2019.06.02 - Berlin, DE @ Mercedes-Benz Arena
Source: Solid State — Soundman OKM-IIr > Zoom H2
Taper: Paul Jaeger
Note by Taper: Recorded a huge part of the show (misses everything before Parabol) quality is not great, I used new binaural mics, unfortunately there is audible distortion in louder/bassy sections. I recorded as two files (main set and after a stop, the encore, put those two files together)
Notes: Yes, the bass does add some minor low end distortion. I think the taper was being a little harsh as this is still a decent recording even though the lower end does have some distortion pervasive throughout the mix. In my own opinion, neither the recording or the performance are for collectors only although I do see how some could say that about the audio quality. Standard, up to this point, 2019 set for Tool with FI only months away from being released.
Time: 1:32:08
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Litanie contre la Peur
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.06.04 - Prague, Czech Republic @ O2 Arena
Source: Solid State — Samsung A750 (phone)
Location: Top of venue
Taper: Jop
Notes: Although the high end of this recording is (surprisingly) clear, there is a ton of movement throughout this very obvious phone-internal-microphone Frankenstein creation which renders it awesome for the year 1998 but barely tolerable for 2019. Too much movement, so many people talking, phasing all the time, volume adjustments and some weird low end humming throughout… I just, as my daughter would say, “I just can’t with this recording it is just too basic”. In fact, with the two people I discussed this source with, we all seem to be on the fence as to whether or not this is for collectors only. Thus, that interpolation is up to you.
Time: 1:49:29
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Litanie contre la Peur
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.06.05 - Vienna, Austria @ Wiener Stadhalle - Halle D
No Known Recordings
2019.06.07 - Nurburg, DE @ Nurburgring (Rock am Ring)
No Released Recordings
*MBHO>Sony PCM-M10
*Soundman OKMIIR>Sony A10
*was told these were recorded by two tapers, have yet to hear/see 11/2022
2019.06.09 - Nuremberg, DE @ Zeppelinfeld (Rock im Park)
No Released Recordings
*MBHO>Sony PCM-M10
*was told this exists
2019.06.11 - Krakow, Poland @ Tauron Arena (Impact Festival)
No Known Recordings
2019.06.16 - North West Leicestershire, England @ Donington Park (Download Festival)
Source: Solid State — DPA 4061 > Sony PCM-M10
Location: Taped front of stack (left), ~5m back, then ~15m
Taper: Rob
Notes: First of all, this is a really pleasant recording and the crowd (including the taper) was really into the performance and the music. Sort of a standard Festival set although they did get both Intolerance and Part of Me in one sitting so maybe this is n above average Festival set? Vocals are decent in the mix, guitar, bass and drums are all in good line with appropriate levels it is the crowd we need to discuss. And, that is also where the issues is: the taper and his friends/crowd really enjoyed the show verbally, throughout the recording. It’s just really loud with the crowd singing and on some level it is heartwarming to hear a bunch of Brits screaming “see you drown in Arizona Bay” but there is also the ‘what if’ factor. Like, what if, the audience was not yelling/singing the entirety of the show? That would be quite the moment.
Time: 1:36:07
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Part of Me
(-) Ions
2019.06.18 - Amsterdam, Netherlands @ Ziggo Dome
Source: Solid State — Zoom H2N
Location: Recorder in shirt pocket, taped just in front of the mixing desk a little to the right (Justin's side)
Taper: Jop
Notes: Ah yes, the Zoom H2N. When the recorder came out it tried to single itself out as audiophile at your fingertips thus taking the difficulty out of taping and relying on an all-in-one. Well, it partially delivered. The built-in microphone of the unit is half of the structure of the casing (on the top) and is by all rights and means a good unit for all in one recording. That said, like all things with audience recording, placement. The taper placed the recorder in a shirt pocket which limits how much sound actually makes it to the microphones. It is not ideal; leaving the listener with more of a muddy situation than what could have been attained using microphones. That said, this is arguably better than many microphone sourced sources throughout the years. Absolutely, a huge step up in quality from Jop’s first Tool recording on a Samsung phone.
Time: 1:50:09
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.06.20 - Copenhagen, Denmark @ Refshaleoen
No Known Recordings
2019.06.23 - Clisson, France @ Val de Moine (Hellfest)
No Known Recording
2019.06.25 - Zurich, Switzerland @ Hallenstadion
Source: Solid State — Schoeps MK41V > Sony PCM-A10
Location: Recorded from section H1, right side
Taper: sebi2704
Notes: Is this recording of Tool one of the best recordings from this leg of the tour? You bet your sweet ass it is! Clean, clear, concise and perhaps almost beautiful; this is a recording which captures what Tool sounds like live. I mean, yeah, all recordings capture what Tool sounds like live but this one does so with actual intent and gives other tapers a goal for what they can achieve in the future (if you spend a small fortune on MK4 microphones). You absolutely get what you pay for and add that fact to skill, well, you are looking at one fantastic capture of Tool at arguably the height of their musical prowess for this tour. 10/10. Disclaimer: Do not put this on if you do not want your head to get wrecked with rock music.
Time: 2:02:34
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.06.28 - Werchter, Flemish Brabant, Belgium @ Festivalpark (Rock Werchter Festival)
Source: Solid State — Audio-Technica AT853sc > Tascam DR-2D
Taper: PM
Notes: According to the taper, Tool’s headlining set actually took place on June 29th, 2019 @ 00:30 Military Time or 12:30 AM lazy-ass American time however it was billed as taking place on the 28th of June. Sort of like how Bonnaroo works. As it is, I really appreciate this recording. It is clean with low crowd noise for the most part with vocals in-the-mix (although generally could be increased) and, no joke, this is absolutely one of the better captures of Tool from this leg of the tour. There are minimal issues and trivial complaints for this stellar capture of Tool. Whatever day it was.
Time: 1:37:08
The Pot
Part of Me
Forty Six & 2
(-) Ions
2019.06.30 - Madrid, Spain @ Caja Magica
No Known Recordings…
…Which is unfortunate as this venue just looks amazingly fun. It is a soccer/football stadium in Spain with a concert max of around 10,000 which has the ability for the top to close/open depending on need/weather. I just imagine how many options there could have been for a Tool show if, you know, Junior (long-term lighting engineer who despises handing out setlists), was feeling wild and wanted to think without being subject to order, rules, regulations, informing - forming in his mind - Tool’s version of reality. For Junior to think for himself, he must must question authority and learn how to put himself in a state of vulnerable open-mindedness, chaotic, confused vulnerability to inform himself… Open and close the top of Caja Magica as Tool performs Vicarious…”
2019.07.02 - Lisbon, Portugal @ Altice Arena
No Known Recordings