2001.08.11 - Berkeley, CA, USA @ Community Theatre

Source A: DAT --- Neumann KM140s > Aerco > SBM-1 > Sony TCD-D8
Taper:       Bill Shaw
Gen:          2nd from Master

Good show, all around. For being a supposed Neumann source, it doesn't sound up to that caliber but then again, the crowd occasionally was loud around the taper. But, on the other hand, this source generally made a better recording than many other sources as the taper did not seem to be exceedingly close to the stacks but nonetheless pulled off a real tight recording. Performance is a bit rehearsed but not yet tiresome & full of energy as the band is very, very tight. After spending the Spring & Summer on tour, they had it done pat. This recording itself, though, is a real nice capture of what it is to be at a Tool show. Not much more you can ask for, is there? There are different audio rips of this show as the taper traded out DAT clones & other people have then put those clones to CD. The one listed below is reported to be ripped by the taper.

CD 1

CD 2

The Grudge
46 & 2
Pushit (alt)

Source B: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony PCM-M1

Notes: Very accurate capture of the performance by Tool this fine, fine night. For a very long time, this source has been rather uncommon. not rare but uncommon... not sure why. The microphones are clean, clear & rather concise. This recording is as accurate a representation/capture as CSB's are able to offer when recorded from at least some distance away from the stacks. Potentially, front of board on a lower level of the seating. As it is, this is definitely worth a spot in anyone's collection &, in some ways, I would prefer to listen to this source instead of the Neumann source. But each collector is able to decide if that is best for them. If you are a fan of listening to a live, fluid type of recording, this would be good to get but if you are looking for an "in your face" type of recording / front of stack, you may want to check out a different recording. If you ever want to identify your source of this recording & not take my word for which souce you have... take a listen to Disposition at about 3:00 minutes or so into the song... the taper sneezes.

"Thank you very much. Hopefully, hopefully, all of you were wise enough to show up early to see King Crimson. It's a rare chance, a very rare chance. A meeting of those two worlds is very important so you can see where it came from and where it's going. But I know it's cool. They were the bricklayers. They were the ones who remained anonymous & fought the good fight. And, uh, we'd like to thank them for coming out with us."

 CD 1

CD 2