2001.06.07 - Dublin, Ireland @ SFX

Source A: Mini Disc --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sharp MT77
 1st from Master

Really nice recording...a little bit more crowd noise & a bit less-close-up than is usual for a recording which Duncan does. Good, none-the-less. Maynard's vocals are a little bit distant as are the other instruments. Not in a terrible sort of way or anything like that, but worth noting. However, I am -looking- for something to comment on other than a really nice recording. Tool did not seem to be all together talkative this night. Standard setlist, standard performance. Saw the venue for myself in 2001, a few weeks after the performance, rather small. Tool seems to play much smaller venues overseas whereas in the USA they may play venues with 10K of people.

CD 1

CD 2


The Grudge
(-) Ions
46 & 2
Prison Sex (OTRM)Schism
Intermission (Schism Video)

Source B:  Unknown Analog Recording Equipment
The Son of the Owner
1st from Master
Dublin, Ireland

Notes 2001:
If you look at the unknowns regarding the source info + taper info, how in the world is it possible to have a 1st Gen of a recording? It seems weird but it is how it is. In the Summer of 2001, early July (about 2 years ago now), my fiancée/wife & I studied abroad through our University. We were taking classes on medical ethics and socialized health care in London, England. On the weekends, we would go to places + countries to just check what we can out. One of our weekends, we would go to different places and sight-see. One weekend, we stayed in Dublin. While looking around, we came across some very interesting shops, locales & tasty treats. And, fortunately, a very cool record store. I forget the name but I can tell you this: their address was in the phone book, when I was in Dublin, Ireland in 2001 with my wife they had two stores in Dublin & one of the stores, the main one, you had to walk down the steps into the basement of a building with a totally different shop on top I will put the name of the shop if anyone ever discovers the name of the establishment or after Sarah & I get back, whenever that may be. Walking into the record store was exactly what I wanted to see - rows & rows & rows of bootlegs, 80% or so on cassette. To be honest, cassette-hunting was interesting to me as each one was quite cheap. Apparently, this is the store where U2's Bono is said to have gone into to purchase stolen demo tapes from the 'Zoo' era. According to the guy I talked to at the store, he just laughed and thought it was funny. I bought a couple live U2 recordings. After browsing through some of the selections & picking up some more bootleg cassettes (Rolling Stone, Faith No More, Beatles) I came across the copy of Tool in Dublin, Ireland on June 7, 2001. At this point, the time past the performance was maybe the second week of July & was rather interested in this recording as, to this point, I had no idea that it was recorded by anyone else (Note: Duncan's CSB>MT77  is other source). While I was purchasing the cassettes, I asked if the taping of Dublin performances were done by the store & the gentleman said something like "my son does it for the store". In retrospect, I should have asked the source information for the Tool show at the time but at that time, in Europe, source information for Tool shows was the last thing from my mind.

Notes 2001:

The recording quality of this source is probably a hair above collector's only. My best guess for this recording is: Sony ECM microphones > Sony MD. There are no audible tape flips except where the tape actually flips, I think the taper used LP2 mode or something. This is certainly not a DAT recording, no one will mistake that. The speed on the tape is actually sped-up about a half-step-fast, so, I slowed it down a little. The bass is probably the muddiest when the kick-drum really hits. The highs, guitars + vocals, are at a general level of near-distortion. It is listenable & has a rather interesting capture of the performance. I saw the SFX venue, it is very small but this recording was made a distance from a speaker source. Also, Lateralus is incomplete due to the tape running out.

Notes 2023:
I almost cannot believe that this particular recording has never been released. This was literally for sale in Dublin after the show. Maybe I got lucky all those years ago. I have never seen this source anywhere else other than in my collection. I mean, look at the cover of the tape - total and pure homemade bootleg. On some level it is just glorious. It is a shite recording but there is something just charming about the handwritten location and date.

"Thank you very much for your support. In a way, this is kind of a home-coming for us... since our great-grandfathers were from here. Having looked around, it's hard to imagine why they would leave. Thank you for your support."