1993.05.24 - Glasgow, Scotland @ Glasgow Barrowlands
Opening for: Rage Against The Machine
Source: Sound Board > Analog Cables > Cassette-M > DAT-2 @ 32 KHZ
Taper: Sound Engineer
Gen: DAT-2
Notes: Interesting recording & performance. MJK seemed to be in a semi-abrasive but mocking tone this evening (see transcription between an audience member & him below). This source has been confused and/or labeled as "Europe 1993" by one source. According to a cassette with labeling of "Glasgow 93" it is verified as the Glasgow performance - believe it or not, this took quite a bit of work to figure out. For those that know the Scottish accent, you can hear the audience a bit in this recording; this helped to give evidence to affirm the date. Cool recording with a definite guitar-heavy sound throughout.
Time: 40:42
(missing intro)
Part Of Me
MJK: I am.
(to someone in crowd)
MJK: This is a love song. It's called Prison Sex, it goes out to you.
Prison Sex
MJK: Oddly enough, this is a love song too. Don't try this at home, all right?
Crowd: Jerk Off
MJK: No!
Crowd: Opiate
MJK: No!
Crowd: Swamp Song
MJK: No!
Crowd: <unclear>
MJK: Stomach is?
Crowd: Whatever.
MJK: This song is called Christmas with the devil
MJK: This is another song
(incomplete / has "fade-out" effect on it like the volume was lowered)