1993.XX.XX - Travel Video - Paul D'Amour - VHS #1

Source: Hi 8MM Video
Transfer: Hi 8MM Video (Master) > VHS > DVD (Galen 2002)
Paul D’Amour + Unknown

Notes on this source: This is certainly a treat to finally share some information about this unique capture. Many, many moons ago I was contacted by someone very close to the band, more specifically the former bassist, who provided me with two VHS tapes sourced from Paul D’Amour’s Hi 8MM tapes. Truth be told, it’s not like there are elements of ‘private things’ on this video but all of this video is behind the scenes, private stuff. Sadly, the individual is no longer around to answer emails or speak on the phone. There was a DVD version of this CU.ORG ascertained many moons ago which was essentially this, however, it was rather incomplete for some reason. Surprisingly, there were and or are some snippets of this video on YouTube by a random(?) user. Now, I say random as this is not remotely a common recording for someone to have as I have always thought this was really rather rare. I point this out as there do appear to be copies of this out there so go hunt for it!

Mostly, this is Paul filming travels in Europe opening for Rage Against The Machine and Lollapalooza 1993. At the beginning of the tape, Paul talks about how he just “bought this camera” so, again, we can thank a taper for capturing moments in time which would have otherwise been lost. cough. Many, many videos and pictures of European architecture throughout which is cool to me as I am into that. I will say that this video demonstrates how close Tool and Rage Against The Machine were in the early days. Rage was great on their own but every Tool fan should give a slight nod of appreciation to RATM for facilitating the success Tool would have had on their own by bringing them on tour. Very cool. And, I don’t need to tell you, but Tom Morello and Adam Jones were in a High School Band together in IL, USA called Electric Sheep. There are some hilarious parts such as Danny Carey and Tom Morello playing HORSE with Morello’s mother, checking out MJK’s car, the band watching Rambo III on a train, comments about architecture and Adam Jones in the Amsterdam Sex Museum sitting under a massive penis. I mean, that’s funny. There are some live videos of Tool and Rage Against The Machine but for the most part they are few and far between as, clearly, that was not the point of this video. There are two circumstances where Rage Against The Machine are playing completely nude, there is a slightly NSFW picture above if you are so inclined - and Paul got that filmed. There is a snippet of the infamous Rage gig where they stood naked on stage for 15 minutes (Lollpalooza 1993.06.19) including when the police arrested them (snippet).