2006.08.13 - Tokyo, Japan @ Summer Sonic Festival

Source A: Hi-Mini Disc --- Danish Pro Audio 4061 > MPS6030 > Sony MZ-RH10 (PCM)
Dissemination: MZ-RH10(PCM) > USB2.0 > Sonicstage > Wave > Flac (tradersden.org, 08/2006)
Taper:      selfdistract
 Front of Board / DFC
0 from Master

 I, personally, really like this recording. I think it is smooth. I think it is intense. I think it is balanced. More importantly, I think it rocks. This is one of those shows you can toss in your vehicle & listen to 100% & think "wow that was a nice show". Apparently not everyone thinks this is as some of the issues folks seem to have are in relation to: very low bass frequencies, not being totally 'bright' on the high end & an overall lack-luster capture. Everyone is entitled to opinions of course. Do not get me wrong, this is not a perfect recording in relation to crowd noise (there are some instances of crowd chatter) but those issues are not overpowering. This is a recording that may have some warts but that does not mean that it is still better sounding than many recordings of performances around. All in all, definitely worth the time to listen, burn to CD & enjoy. I wonder if anyone can decipher what MJK says as he walks on stage? As a final note, take a quick listen to the intro music -er, talking- as it is the same tape that Tool used back in the mid 1990's as they came on stage. Rather interesting!

"See you in February."


The Pot

Source B: Mini Disc --- Aiwa (model # not known) > Sony MZ-R900
Edit: SONY MDS0JE640 >> (Opt) >> Canopus DA-Port USB >> (USB) >> PC >> Flac

 In comparison with other recordings from this era of Tool, the audio quality is lacking in this source. There is a lot of crowd noise, phasing (movement), a 'dumpy' low-end & a high-frequency that, unfortunately, you can hear the compression (of the MD) or the SPL threshold of the microphones simply cannot handle. Now, if this was a recording from, say 1992-1995 then this would be pretty good. However, these days, mediocre equipment just does not cut-it. If you can get over the quasi-OCD & negative vibe I relate in regards to this source then you may find that this is exceptionally enjoyable & will never, ever leave your CD player. However, the vocals seem to be almost 'behind' you, the bass-thump that sounds like a 'wave' as it coats your ears to the very high guitar-part; I doubt this will get a ton of playback. Hopefully I am not being too negative but I am giving a subjective & honest response to this recording. Enjoy?
