2019.10.13 - Sacramento, CA, USA @ Discovery Park (Aftershock Festival)
There are no known released actual full recordings of this performance but there are a bunch of random snippets which someone with more time on their hands than me spliced it all together so it makes a Frankenstein-esque sort of a source? It’s not on YouTube and generally not great.
2019.10.15 - Denver, CO, USA @ Pepsi Center
Source A: Solid State — Audio-Technica ATU853 > Edirol R-09
Taper: Dassarri
Notes: Clear recording of a good performance. The lower frequencies have some issues at times bottoming out but it hardly detracts from the overall quality and enjoyment of the performance. In fact, I really do enjoy this source quite a bit. Clear vocals for the most part, bass has some tight hits, drums are on point and Adam’s guitarwork is second to none. High quality recording, for sure the best released AUD recording.
Time: 2:10:48
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
Source B: Solid State — Apple iPhone XR
Taper: Noider
Notes: Seriously, I thought that, just by looking at the source information, that this recording was going to be a simple pile of garbage. In actuality, it is a viable source. A lot has to be going in this sources’ favor for this to be a reality including a quiet group of neighbors, a taper who is not waving the phone every which way and an actual application for recording whilst using the included internal microphones of all things. I remember the day iPhones came out back in 2007; was at a Tool show in Cincinnati, OH and MJK made a joke about it, among other things, making toast for the user. Well, it is 2019 and it’s not making toast but the iPhone is making toasty recordings! Shit, that was lame. I’ll work on that.
Time: 2:16:00
2019.10.16 - Denver, CO, USA @ Pepsi Center
Source A: Solid State — Audio-Technica ATU853 > Edirol R-09
Taper: Dassarri
Notes: Overall, sound is a lot like the previous night although this evening the taper did sound slightly further away from the PA’s. Vocals are clearish but somewhat obfuscated between some phasing throughout the recording. Instruments are clean and crisp as per usual with a special note of DC’s spectacular drumming. If anything this particular source has somewhat of a minor echo associated with the capture which does not change from beginning to end.
Time: 2:09:14
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Part Of Me
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
Source B: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: TB
Notes: Big fan of this recording. Clear, clean and just enough dirty bass flutter to make it sound like I’m actually at a Tool show. Excellent. By some measures, this is my subjective favorite source of this performance including any other Intriguing Entertaining Mimosas as generally I err on the latter but this is a completely fantastic recording barring some crowd interactions outside of the tapers entire control. My own opinion, this is one of the best recordings of this leg of the tour; nice job, taper. You are on fire. Figuratively or metaphorically only, I wish you only the best and hope you pass on your taping skills to the next generation. I am trying with my kids…
Time: 2:06:37
2019.10.18 - Salt Lake City, UT, USA @ Vivint Smart Home
No Known Recordings
2019.10.20 - Los Angeles, CA, USA @ Staples Center
Source: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Ryan A.
Notes by Taper: Night one of the homecoming L.A. shows: This was a powerful show. The performance was tight and intense. Probably the best Tool show I had seen since the Lateralus tour. Pneuma was the highlight.
Notes: Leave it to Ryan A. to nail this performance/recording! Solid, clear, clear and other than few and far between crowd noise this is a spectacular recording. Impressive audience pull, that is for sure. If only we knew slightly more about where the taper was standing we could understand some of the lotions, potions and motions he conjured up to create this recording. For those that may have read some in-depth analysis of recordings from cu.org over the years, maybe, it was conveyed that 1996.11.23 is a recording that cu.org regards as one of the best. This, has that some big-big energy. This is as close to a stack tape as you are going to get in 2019. Excellent job, Ryan. You nailed it.
Time: 2:01:46
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.10.21 - Los Angeles, CA, USA @ Staples Center
Source A: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Ryan A.
Notes by Taper: The recording turns mono for a few minutes in Jambi and Stinkfist. Left mic went out briefly so I pasted the R channel into L for those minutes. Sound clarity improves after a few songs when I was able to get a better sight line to the stacks.
Notes: I’m not going to kid you, Ed Davis’s recording is sick. However, Ryan’s recording is even sicker, not in a Covid way, but in a positive manner. Obviously, you are going to have ‘whoo’ and ‘yeah’ throughout but I swear Ryan’s recordings sounds like they were mixed with a soundboard recording, they were not, but still that is testament to the overall quality and relative skill this long-term Tool taper is capable of delivering… I mean, I believe we met back in 2006 in Columbus, OH after that show? Nice guy, fwiw. This recording was not recorded at the same location and as such is slighlty more distant than the previous night but here I am splitting atoms.
Time: 2:04:14
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Part Of Me
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
Source B: Solid State — Schoeps MK41 > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: Ed Davis
Notes: I’m not going to kid you, this Ed Davis recording, is sick. Unfortunately, I was not kidding at all. The drums from DC are right in your face, AJ’s guitar is super clean, JC’s bass is perfect and, get this, MJK’s vocals are sublimely relevant in the mix from the PA’s. This is as close to a perfect recording as one is going to get. Nothing like a new album to bring out the A-Team. Very strong performance by Tool which is an amazing component to this outstanding recording. Whew nice job Ed Davis! I feel like everyone owes you a hot chocolate or tea or coffee or… a seltzer of some kind.
Time: 2:00:42
2019.10.23 - Glendale, AZ, USA @ Gila River Arena
No Released Recordings
2019.10.25 - Sant Antonio, TX, USA @ AT&T Center
No Known Recordings
2019.10.27 - Houston, TX, USA @ Toyota Center
Source: Solid State — Audio-Technica AT831 > Edirol R-09
Taper: Adam L.
Notes by Taper: Recording stops at intermission and does not restart until 3/4 of the way though Invincible.
Notes: Yet another high quality recording from one of the nicest tapers I’ve ever met (Feb 2020 in New Orleans); Adam L. Crystal clear recording with at most minimal crowd noise I suppose the biggest diss you could level to this source would be a barely audible echo on the vocals which one could confuse with sound waves bouncing around the venue but in actuality that is how they were prepared for the performance. Excellent recording and, could be, one of the better recordings from this leg of the tour. Solid from start to finish. The only technical and ‘actual’ issue is that this is an incomplete recording as per tapers notes.
Time: 1:54:10
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Part Of Me
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.10.29 - Tulsa, OK, USA @ BOK Center
Source A: Solid State — MBHO KA 200N > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: SpecialK
Location: Taped from Section F, Row J, Seat 2
Notes: SpecialK nailed this recording. It’s phenomenal. My own opinion, easily the best capture of this performance. Some could argue it is a beautiful capture of Tool. My own opinion is that it is just that: Fantastic. It almost sounds like there is a little something extra in the mix but I think it comes down to equipment, talent, location and dedication. Good job, dude.
Time: 2:07:13
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
Source B: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4080 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: TB
Notes: This source is a very fine and accurate capture of this performance, however, compared to the MBHO source it is just that: very fine and accurate. Which, really, is what you want out of a recording. But if we are comparing sources in regards to which version of this performance one may choose to put on to either zone out, geek out or have on in the background as you sweep the floors at the sweatshop you work in manufacturing knock-off Mickey Mouse marijuana rolling papers, this may be the second choice one would make. There are some issues of movement and microphone knocking which is not a big deal as this source is awesome, it truly is. The only hole I can find to comment about this source is that MJK’s vocals are absolutely lower in the mix which this source picks up. Performance, Tool is Tool but AJ does miss a couple cues during this performance let alone in Fear Inoculum.
Time: 2:14:41
Source C: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Edirol R-09
Taper: Adam L.
Location: Taped from center floor, 25 rows from stage
Notes: Man, there must have been a tapers’ convention at this Tool show which must have been quite the fun time. I missed my invite, how about you? This recording sounds great, however, as a critic and use the same microphones, there is something swishy brickwallish about the way the bass and drums can sort of meld into almost one frequency on this source - I have come across this as well with DPA 4061’s from my own time using the microphones. If anything the vocals are somewhat distant but not really ‘distant’ just not in your face as much as one would potentially prefer. At least me. All in all though, a great recording and this was just one of his from this evening.
Time: 2:16:27
Source D: Solid State — audio-technica 853 > Edirol R-09
Taper: Adam L.
Location: Taped from center floor, 25 rows from stage
Taper Note: Taped from center floor, 25 rows from stage. Left channel had issues, was replaced with right
Notes: Not to be harsh but this is the least listenable of the sources. That said, there are three other fantastic sources of this performance so it is with direct comparison to the other sources I would say this. If this were, say, the only source for this performance it would be easy to say this is relatively balanced and has a very live sound with not a lot of low end. Absolutely cool to pull multiple sources at the same time. Great job to the taper - a taper who is honestly one of the nicest fellas I have been lucky enough to meet in this hobby (New Orleans, 2020-02-01). I am not the only one who feels that way. Just a cool, nice dude.
Time: 2:13:31
2019.10.31 - Milwaukee, WI, USA @ Fiserv Forum
Source: Solid State — Audio-Technica 831s > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Tapeworm48
Location: Taped FOB right risers, 8 rows up.
Notes: Above is actually not Dwight Schrute from The Office but is in actuality Adam Jones, guitarist and if copyright is any indication, business leader of Tool. How much fun would it be to be at a Tool show and see this? Just so cool. Danny, Justin and MJK did not dress up, well, other than Maynard as his preferred Joker for this tour-era. Wonderful recording of a somewhat abridged and precocious setlist (The Pot was skipped and the order was altered). Even after roughly five years this recording is the only one to float out but, uh, there were other tapers at this show. I remember downloading this high quality source from one of his emails with a link for the show. Tapeworm has so many high quality recordings in his arsenal from over the years it is, really, quite impressive. And, having met him more than once, is a heck of a nice individual who really enjoys the craft.
Time: 2:13:38
Fear Inoculum
Chocolate Chip Trip
46 & 2
(-) Ions
2019.11.02 - Indianapolis, IN, USA @ Banker's Life Fieldhouse
Source A: Solid State — MBHO KA 200N > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: SpecialK
Location: Taped from Section 11, Row 19, Seat 21.
Notes: Whew! This recording is sick. If this tapers’ SD card was a piece of flint it would immediately burst into flame catching everything around it on fire. Vocals, albeit somewhat buried from whatever position this taper was in, are as present in the mix as possible. The separation between instrumentation for a straight up audience recording is quite remarkable. My own opinion is that SpecialK’s recordings current crop of MBHO are off the charts. Great job, dude.
Time: 2:16:20
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
Source B: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Geordy
Location: Taped from floor, left of center on an aisle about 20 rows back from the stage.
Note: OK wow OK Geordy reigned in the taping Gods to harness the power of Tool. Although the vocals are slightly reverbish, this is not meant to be a criticism just an observation as I was at this show and this venue is basically a big Fieldhouse where people play soccer and American Football. Straight up, solid recording and honestly this is just a fantastic capture from a taper who has a plethora of experience in both the light and dark arts of taping. If you have not listened to this recording, well, you are missing out as it is superb.
Time: 2:15:35
Source C: Solid State —- Danish Pro Audio 4080 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Tb
Location: Taped from 5th row floor, directly inline with Adam
Notes: OK. I’m calling bullshit on this one. Yes, this is an AUD recording but this is also, clearly, somewhat of a Frankenstein. This sounds like a real nice DPA 4080 mixed with what sounds like either Adam Jones’ or his guitar tech’s mix. There is absolutely, no fucking way this is a straight up AUD recording. You know, some of these recordings from these little enclaves of tapers who hit multiple shows together and some recordings are better than others and I could (no, I do) analyze the spectrogram and kind of give some liberties… but, no, not this. This is AJ or his tech’s mix with this AUD recording. And, really, it’s not that good, I mean it is good but audibly you can hear it is not how the sound was coming from the stacks. The vocals are WAY buried. Maybe the ‘special’ is all “DVN” got or released to his compadres from that show, I don’t know. But honestly, I would listen to the MBHO or DPA4061 before I’d jump on this. I do say all of that having experience with many elements of the dark arts.
Time: 2:15:15

Source D: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source E: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / d
Taper: The Collective: “MItaper78, MZ”
Gen: Master
Notes: Total last minute thing to hit this show, literally bought tickets the day of,. Invited my neighbor/friend who basically was game for the 10+ hour round trip SUV ride to and from Indianapolis, IN to middle of everywhere MI. Oh we just talked about all sorts of things and made jokes but really we analyzed politics. My friend, MZ who came on this trip, he has been a hardcore Trumpie (and Republican for year) and I am about as liberal (Lib-tard as he would say) as they come. It was amazing, really, we are friends but have such differing sense of reality in regards to fact versus fiction one would think it should not be possible. But it was. You know what brought it all into perspective? That’s right, Tool. The music of Tool. This was the first Tool show I had seen since 2017 and I thought it was superb. MZ’s takeaway was basically that the drummer was absolutely amazing, couldn’t understand the singer, the guitarist was cool but the bassist was insanely talented.
Time: ~2:15:00
2019.11.03 - Chicago, IL, USA @ United Center
Source A: Solid State — Audio-Technica 831s > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Tapeworm48
Notes: Another great recording from Tapeworm48. The vocals are somewhat and clearly buried on this source and there is also a substantial increase in the lower frequencies throughout (bass) which is not a bad thing but combined with unclear vocals this can result in a somewhat muddy listening experience. If one were attempting to be critical over an otherwise nice recording; this was recorded not super close to the stacks. If anything the guitar dominates this recording more so than any other instrument. Intolerance is a real good measure of how this recording sounds. Real nice capture, ye old Tapeworm.
Time: 2:12:53
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
Source B: Solid State — MBHO KA 200N > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: SpecialK
Location: Taped from Section 109, Row 17, Seat 4.
Notes: Another amazing MBHO recording. Clearly, this taper enjoyed travelling quite a bit from the SW to Chicago but hey that’s part of the fun of being a Tool fan and/or taper. Do I need to write it or say it? Maybe. Of the known recordings, this is clearly the most proficient AUD recording, hands down. Beautiful, even. I mean, if you think this type of music and a capture could be beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, is it not?
Time: 2:15:55
Source C: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4080 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Tb
Taper Note: DO NOT ALTER AND/OR REPOST ANYWHERE, EVER. Taped from the floor, 13th row, directly inline with Adam. The right channel was blocked by clothing a few times during the show for 1-3 minutes at a time. I made a few attempts to fix it in post but it ended up being more trouble than it was worth.
Notes: I would highly recommend not altering and/or repost this show anywhere, ever! Haha, that makes me smile on the inside like I just watched an episode of Daniel Tiger on PBS. Really, this is a sweet recording with vocals as present as the MBHO source. Clean, clear and precise. Now, going to redirect your attention back to 2019-11-02 and compare the two recordings. One sounds pleasant like this and the other is a Frankenstein which was not mixed properly. This recording/source blows the other out of the water. Now, you could argue and say “hey where is the sample for me to compare” well, this is mid 2020’s and if you can’t locate a source to figure it out… I am not a horse wrangler, it’s not my duty to both lead you to a stream and then make you drink from its cool, delicious water.
Time: 2:12:29
2019.11.05 - Cincinnati, OH, USA @ Heritage Bank Arena

Source A: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source B: DAT — Sony TCD-D100 / d
Source C: Solid State — Zoom F1 / p
Source D: Solid State — Sony PCM-M10 / a
Taper: The Collective: (MItaper78, LW, ITS41984)
Gen: Master
Notes: I have taken the journey from Michigan to Cincinnati six times in my life: 2007 for Tool at this venue, 2009 for the Flying Pig Marathon (harder than it sounds this area has a lot of mountains), 2009 for Tool at PNC Pavilion, A Perfect Circle in 2011 at PNC Pavilion, driving through Cincy on route to Graceland with my wife and kids in 2016 and then Tool in 2019. It is a total hike and easily a 10 hour round trip experience but for Tool? Always worth it - even when I got kicked out of this same goddamn venue then snuck back in (different name - back in 06-29-2007) it was worth it. And that, lovely, memory makes it so extra special to have had such a enigmatic time at this wonderful performance. say wonderful and I mean it, have you ever been to a bad Tool show? Met up with loosely associated Tool tapers who met through the forums eons ago which is how The Collective taping community was formed… Not registered with lobbyists yet but it is what it is. As it is, Tool just killed this performance. Am somewhat surprised that there are not any other sources of this performance around… I do recall seeing a suss, as my daughter would say, car across the street from the venue in the parking garage but who believes in that stuff anyway?
Notes 2: Last picture above… Any ideas who’s tour bus that was speeding off towards Cleveland while the rest of the band is hanging out after the show? Here’s a hint, not anyone involved in the collective.
Soundcheck was: Descending (with MJK) + Jambi and Fear Inoculum (VIP, no MJK).
Time: ~2:15:00
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions

2019.11.06 - Cleveland, OH, USA @ Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse
Source A: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source B: DAT — Sony TCD-D100 / p
Source C: Solid State — Zoom F1 d
Source D: Hi Mini Disc --- ATu853(c)>Nady cbm40s/PS-2>(line in) Sony MZ-M100 HIMD (Nameloc)
Taper : The Collective: “MItaper78, Anon, LW, Nameloc01” (Special Note on Source D: Nameloc’s last Tool recording)
Gen: Master
Notes: This particular entry has been exceptionally difficult to address. This show, this performance, is the last time that I (Galen) had the opportunity to share a handshake, dinner, a brew and time with Jason Coleman AKA Nameloc. Fun fact which, I’ll tell you here because I was exceptionally unaware that Nameloc is/was his last name spelled backwards. He was a hell of a dude, you know, as a person. Kind, respectable, intelligent, fun and he loved great live music - his tapes need to live on, however, I only have his Tool recordings and besides being one of the only tapers to record AJ, DC and JC @ the 2018 Tool workshops, he pulled a ton of amazing stuff. Truly, a legend. I loved the venue Tool performed in this evening and I appreciate the numerous times J and I taped/chilled but this one was… the last. Unfortunately, he passed due to Covid in 2021. There is a line from a band called Plains (a country duo hybrid of Waxahatchee and Jess Williamson) which has a lyric which rings true here:
“There’s always is a last time for anything you do,
We don’t notice in the moment,
You’ll know after it’s through”
Time: Full Show
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.11.08 - Pittsburgh, PA, USA @ PPG Paints Arena
Source: Solid State — Audio-Technica ATU853 > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: live2cd
Notes: The only source of this performance to be publicly released, this is a very live sounding recording with clear guitar, bass and drum however the vocals are more or less buried in the mix. It does not actually sound that the taper was significantly close to the stacks as there is some amount of roomy-boomy from the sound as it bounces around the venue, somewhat, before being captured by the microphones. Am I being harsh? I am. Make no mistake, this is a solid recording from a taper who understands the concept of recording as this is certainly no iPhone or Samsung internal phone-thing going on, this is a quality recording of a tight performance by the Scott Hill Clown Band.
Time: 2:03:57
Fear Inoculum
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.11.09 - Detroit, MI, USA @ Little Caesars Arena
Source A: Solid State — MBHO KA 200N > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: Toaster
Notes: Based on the sound, the taper was not in-line with the stacks nor was he super close to the source. This recording is saved by the simple fact of the quality of microphones the taper used, MBHO KA 200N - among the best, arguably, in the world for recording. Subjective, yes. Even if you turn the volume up high on this source you can hear the distance the audio had to travel from the source to the microphones. Rather than a stack sound, this has a very ambient and live feel to it. For sure, the best AUD source to for this performance to be released or known. Crowd is relatively low throughout this blistering performance by Tool.
Time: 2:09:13
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Part of Me
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions

Source B: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source C: DAT — Sony TCD-D100 / p
Source D: Solid State — Sony PCM-M10 / d
Taper: The Collective “MItaper, RJB, Aimee”
Gen: Master
Notes: Whew… Who did we have for this performance actually show up? It was a good showing of friends. RJB, ABC and Aimee B made it out of the woodwork for this show even going so far as to dust off old equipment, valet a vehicle and stay in Detroit for the evening. It was a communion or a cacophony of old friends chilling and having fun, however you want to look at it. When we work together, cool things can be accomplished and be it building metaphorical bridges or tearing down walls of divisiveness it is all about communication, collaboration and unity. At least that’s what we took from this performance of Tool on a cold night in Detroit, MI. The band roused through a blistering set with a highlight for many of those over 40 in the audience, Part of Me.
2019.11.11 - Toronto, ON, Canada @ Scotiabank Arena
Source A: Solid State — MBHO KA 200N > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: Toaster
Notes: Much like Toaster’s Detroit recording two days prior, this source sounds like it was recorded a distance away from the stacks although the vocals seem to be slightly more prominent in the mix. You hear a lot of guitar in this recording, the crowd is absolutely energized to be present in the moment as they are vocal about it and only when MJK’s really growls or screams are his vocals at the front of this source. That said, this is a tasty morsel full of all you need for your daily Tool intake. To my ears, this source benefits most from the microphones used to capture the performance rather than location.
Soundcheck: Descending (w/MJK), Fear Inoculum (VIP)
Time: 2:10:18
Fear Inoculum
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions

Source B: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source C: DAT — Sony TCD-D100 / p
Source D: Solid State — Zoom F1 / d
Source E: Solid State — Sony PCM-M10 / mon
Taper: The Collective: “MItaper78, ITS1984, Anon, LW, RJB”
Gen: Master
Notes: There was a very intense and early snow storm that dumped almost a foot of snow in the Mid-West including many parts of Canada the day of this performance. Just a day or so earlier it was maybe 55* and sunny but, nope, not for a day of travel. I drove and I cannot even recall how many vehicles I passed which were either on the side of the road with their blinkers on or stuck on the side of the road (not in a dangerous way per se) but I kept moving in my truck. Once we made it into Canada we actually beat the majority of the snow storm so as long as Tim Horton’s was flowing, the truck was moving to Scotiabank Arena to see Tool. And what a show it was. Was this one of the longest shows of this tour? They performed both Intolerance and Descending this evening which was notable as these songs were in the ‘switch’ spot on the setlist. Excellent performance, the collective I was with were blown away and it was not even remotely their first time. And then there was night two…
2019.11.12 - Toronto, ON, Canada @ Scotiabank Arena
Source A: Solid State — Audio-Technica 853 > Tascam DR-05
Taper: Bobcat
Location: Lined up directly with side stack, Adams Side.
Notes: Tasty recording of one amazing performance. It almost seems like Bobcat was in the perfect location to record this show. Instrumentation and percussion are off the chart clear. The vocals, however, are buried. But that is seriously just how it sounded this evening in Toronto. Crisp cymbals, punching bass with drop-D guitars just blowing at you throughout the recording unfortunately the only time you really hear MJK’s vocals clean are when he’s belting it out because he ran out of Poutine. It is what it is. Real nice job to the taper.
Soundcheck: Swamp Song (w/MJK), Fear Inoculum (VIP)
Time: 2:14:11
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Part of Me
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions

Source B: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source C: DAT — Sony TCD-D100 / p
Source D: Solid State — Zoom F1 / d
Source E: Solid State — Sony PCM-M10 / mon
Taper: The Collective “MItaper78, ITS1984, Anon, LW, RJB”
Gen: Master
Notes: Toronto, Ontario, Canada is simply one of my absolute favorite cities. Sure it is expensive like any major city but it has a feel of a metropolitan European city. Like, Stockholm. There was and still is a sports bar directly across from Scotiabank Arena which has surprisingly good food and is reasonably priced, all things considered. Toronto is an expensive city at least to a country bumpkin who spends ten hours a day working on the farm or fixing tractors or feeding alligators - three of those statements may be inaccurate. Seriously though, third picture, that is a scene from the Amazon Original of The Boys (Season 2) when Maive and the Nazi-superhero are fighting… You would have to know the series to understand what I’m saying. It was cool to walk by the production team filming that part in a square, somewhere downtown Toronto as I was looking for some warm soup, ale, record shop and a head shop. As for the Tool performance, members of the collective recall hearing Swamp Song as they waited eagerly to be the first to purchase posters they would never sell for a massive mark up years later only to realize that the market for Tool posters is both volatile and relatively cliquey. It is interesting to note that Swamp Song was not performed this evening and was instead saved for the Philadelphia show which was the only performance at an actual Tool show; this tour leg. This particular performance does feature The Pot and Part of Me which both were in the ‘rotation’ spots during this leg. Thus, fans who were lucky enough to see both shows were able to enjoy the full offerings from Tool during this leg… Well, with the exception of Swamp Song.
Time: Varies
2019.11.14 - Boston, MA, USA @ TD Garden
Source: Solid State — Edirol R-04
Taper: EC666
Location: Taped from Loge 8, Row 6, Seat 2
Notes: Recorded live in someone’s pocket! Although not a terrible or completely unlistenable recording it certainly is not great. The sound is miraculously both muddy on the low frequencies and tinny on the high frequencies. There is a bass flutter throughout when, you know, there are deep frequencies. My own opinion is that this is a muddy mess but it is significantly better than a lot of other solid state ‘built-in recordings’ floating around. Lots of crowd participation in regards to helping MJK remember lyrics and harmonization throughout the recording. Um, enjoy?
Time: 1:59:12
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.11.16 - Newark, NJ, USA @ Prudential Center
Source: Solid State — Apple iPhone XS
Taper: Acoustic Phenomena
Notes: Blugh! Ok guys, these recordings using internal microphones on your phones to attempt to accurately capture a concert? Please, please, just stop. They all are terrible. This one, lots of people singing, the instrumentation is different and the result is an annoying sonic mess. The sound fluctuates based on where the ‘taper’ (I say that crossing my fingers) raises or does not raise the phone. So many conversations during and between songs. It is a challenge to listen to. I don’t even know how to categorize these things… Best left for OCD collectors who are sado-masochistic? At minimal, sure.
Time: 2:13:23
Fear Inoculum
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.11.18 - Philadelphia, PA, USA @ Wells Fargo Center
Source: Solid State — Apple iPhone SE
Taper: mdclapps
Location: Taped from row 12 off the floor.
Notes: Oh no not another recording sourced from a fucking iPhone? Yeah. This, however, is the only recording (released - a certain taper from The Arches hit this with a myriad of equipment the word on the street was) with an actual concert performance of Swamp Song for this leg of the tour so that makes this recording somewhat more interesting than the overall sonic, muddy mess which is this source. There should be another MBHO of this performance around, somewhere but maybe only the cool dogs have it? I’m a cat person myself. That said, this taper did something correct by keeping the phone in one spot rather than moving it whilst engaging in a plethora of conversations. And truth be told this source is actually halfway decent not quite the level of let’s say Sony A10 internal microphone but honestly it does the trick, enough. If there were other sources around we would have a totally different conversation but this is what it is.
Time: 2:04:57
Fear Inoculum
Swamp Song
Forty Six & 2
Chocolate Chip Trip
(-) Ions
2019.11.19 - Brooklyn, NY, USA @ Barclays Center
Known but Unreleased Recordings by two Tapers: MK4>A10, DPA4061>M10 as to why these are not released I was told they are ‘for trades’ so hope that works out well for them.
2019.11.21 - Uncasville, CT, USA @ Mohegan Sun Arena
Unreleased Incomplete Video
2019.11.22 - Atlantic, City, NJ, USA @ Jim Wheelan Boardwalk Hall
No Known Recordings
2019.11.24 - Raleigh, NC, USA @ PNC Arena
Several Recordings however the taper/s are sitting on them including RF
2019.11.25 - Washington, DC, USA @ Capital One Arena
No Released Recordings: DPA4061>Sony M10, MBHO>A10, ‘others’