2006.06.08 - Dusseldorf, Germany @ Philipshalle
Source A: DAT --- Sony ECM-717 > Sony TCD-D100 @ 32 kHz
Notes - by: Galen: I think I have heard one of my new favorite recordings of Stinkfist from this tour, this era. With the scream of "what" to the fluttering effect of the wah-wah peddle to the climatic ending; wow, what a performance. The band is not spot-on 100% this night but, to me, the performance is entertaining & highlights the band doing what it is that they do best: rocking our fucking socks off. Surprising, really, that the microphones are of the above source info as this is a clear, kick-ass recording of an excellent performance. I would, for one, not expect the audio results contained herein this source with the microphone information alone. Very nice. As far as setlist variation, that is, well, the same at this point of the tour as it was for the majority of the mi-west, east-coast US mini-tour dates; this is neither good nor bad, just an observation.
Maynardism: "Thank you very much Germans. And Dutch. And.. you know. See you, next time. Peace... out..."
CD 1
Time: 47:12
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Forty-Six & 2
CD 2
Time: 50:23
Right In Two
Source B: Hi-Mini Disc --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony MZ-RH910 (HiSP)
Dissemination: Sony MZ-RH910 Hi-MD > USB > Sonicstage > Wav > Audacity > Wav > FLAC (verify, align, lvl8) > FLAC
Location: Front of Stack
Taper: Jadg2
Gen: 0 from Master
Notes / Taper:
Ran with blind levels, so was lucky to get a recording. The recording came out very bassy, so the bass was reduced by additional 6db below 120Hz in Audacity. A raw copy is available on request. If anyone wants to re-equalize or master a copy, let me know. - The crowd pushed me around a lot this night. The separate front area meant a lot of people who wanted to dance ended up right behind the second rail. This forced a few position changes during the show, due to some un-relentless dancing . Also security had a pretty good view which caused a bit of a headache. The sound dims a couple of times I think during Lateralus and maybe Vicarious, due to searchlights (and security) going into the crowd for the people standing in the stands behind and the girl taking pictures adjacent to me. This is due to the mics hitting the floor. Feel free to make a matrix with this source. Kabi, who also recorded this show, was positioned in an equivalent position on the left side in the end stand, maybe another 10m further back.
Notes / Galen:
The bass is very crunchy in this source. Kind of sounds like you are in a thunderstorm. The bass was rocking! As it is, I like the result even if it can be a bit overpowering at times. This recording features some in-your-face guitar with some clear vocals. This source definitely can stand on it's own two feet as I am not sure if it needs to be part of a matrix. There may be a couple times where over-saturation occurs but am unsure if most people would notice them. All in all, a standard CSB FOS AUD recording. For better or for worse.
Time: 96:17
Source C: Solid State Recorder --- Hama Stereo Digital Microphone 46108 > iPod Nano (8GB)
Taper: Eulenspiegel,
Gen: 1 from Master
Notes / Galen: This recording, during very quiet parts, is not too bad. However, whenever the SPL goes above, say, 100 dB, this recording distorts. Not a terrible sense of distortion but the kind of distortion that is less about digital noise & more about using equipment that is not up to snuff. That said, this source should be pretty much strictly for collector's only. Do not get me wrong, this is not a terrible recording but it in comparison with virtually any other recordings from this leg it is just not good enough, audio-quality-wise, to cut the mustard. Anyone for more metaphors? This recording travels only in one-track & is not split-up.
CD 1
Time: 45:15
CD 2
Time: 49:15