2006.09.28 - Camden, NJ, USA @ Tweeter Center
Source A: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Core Sound Battery Box w/bass roll off > Sony PCM-M1
Location: Section 203, Row QTransfer: Tascam DA-20 > Coaxial > Audiophile 2496 > Audacity > CD Wave > .wav > Flac Frontend (level 8) > .flac
Taper: daskrabs
Notes - by Taper: Overall, a decent recording. Complete show. LOTS of crowd noise immediately surrounding the taper. Loud and annoying at times. Some phasing present as a result of crowd movement and distance from the stacks. These are the only major issues. However, if you can't stand a bit of crowd noise, inane chatter from drunk morons, and phasing, then this is not the recording for you. Enjoy.
Notes - by Galen: Fine recording. This definitely proves the fact that it is hard to get a poor recording with CSB mics & a DAT. Clean, clear recording albeit with a decent amount of crowd noise that permeates throughout. The sound appears to be "all around you" rather than in your face or FOS-style of recording (which obviously it is not). There are several instances of significant microphone phasing/movement. Overall though, an enjoyable recording capturing a rather polished but less than lackluster performance of Tool.
Maynardism: "Is it raining yet? No? Well turn that frown upside down and during deviant sex let me pee in your mouth"
Time: 1:45:23
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days