2001.11.01 - Irvine, CA, USA @ Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Source A: DAT --- Sound Professionals Premium Slimiline Cardioids > Sony TCD-D100
Taper: Mason D. (Chunks)
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: Without a doubt, in my opinion, one of the best audience recording of Tool from 2001. Other than someone shouting "Gordy! Gordy! Come here!" & a cough during Pushit, this is definitely the finest recording achievement of a taper. A lot has to do with the equipment used ($) but also has a great deal to do with the taper, he knows what he's doing. We've shared a couple recording stories & I've tried to adapt some of his methods into my own taping routine to get better sound. I think taping is a long progress that is a little bit more interesting when you can discuss methods & whatnot. Getting back to the recording, this is finely mixed, leveled out and has an absolutely clear vocals by MJK. Nothing is drowned out & the crowd is very low. Someday...somewhere...sometime...someone will mistake this for a sound-board recording or something very close to it. Just wait, it will happen. Well, perhaps soundboard is a bit strong but this is revered as a quality capture pf a stellar performance. What an awesome setlist as well...whoah.
CD 1
Time: 57:59
CD 2
Time: 67:24
The Grudge
(-) Ions
Ticks & Leeches
Eon Red Apocalypse <noise>
<with Hawk of Tricky>
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
<with Hawk of Tricky>
Source B: Mini Disc --- Sonic Studios DSM-6S/L > PA-6LC3B/170 > Sony MZ-R37
Notes: Slightly distant, a slight amount of talking between songs by people around taper and has fluctuating sound every once in a while, probably caused by the taper being on the outside or lawn area of the venue. Not a bad recording, but not as clean as Mason's version. I think the taper rated this recording a B+. If I went with that sort of grading scale, I would probably concur. All in all, a decent enough capture of Tool live.
CD 1
Time: 59:30
CD 2
Time: 64:30
Source C: DAT --- Danish Pro Audio 4061S > Sony PCM-M1
Notes: Very clear recording as it should be, for the equipment used to record the show. The overall sound has a nice layer of depth that gives a bit of expansion to the sound, the mics do a good job in that respect. Not sure where the taper was but it sounds closer than farther away to the sound-source but not quite front of stack. Maynard is very clear as is Danny, Adam & Justin. The bass does not drone, it slaps & is very crisp. Hard to complain about this recording. The bass truly just hits very nice. One of my favorite 2001 recordings is this show & this source. Although, this recording is very good, there are a few instances of people chatting about -whatever- during Stinkfist & a couple other times, sounds like the taper was talking as well. Maybe it's just me but I get quite annoyed by that at a show & when it is on a recording.
CD 1
Time: 57:34
CD 2
Time: 68:42
Source D: DAT --- Core Sound High End Binaurals > Sony PCM-M1
Notes: Very low crowd noise mixed with a taper who knows how to tape equals a very potent recording. Although to some the little bit of talking by the taper & his friends at the very beginning may give evidence that this recording will suck, it should be noted that you cannot judge a book by it's cover nor can you judge a recording by the initial reactions to it. Am not sure why, but this recording has been not hard to find but just sort of uncommon even into 2005. This is, perhaps, the most accurate capture of Ticks & Leeches from 2001 recording that I can honestly recall from memory. Highly recommended recording. Please do not take my word for it though, think for yourself.
CD 1
Time: 57:29
CD 2
Time: 68:40
Source E: Sony ECM-717 > Sony MZ-R700 (Mic-In LP2, Loge seats Right stack)
Taper: Distortion
Notes: Good mini disc recording, all things considered. Like the majority of recordings captured with Sony ECM mics, this is very clear with an emphasis on capturing high frequencies such as the clashing cymbals, the guitar licks & that "guy" standing next to the taper. There are alternative transfers of this show in the trade-pool, please pay attention to what you attain. The following information was provided by taper: Transfer: DIGITAL - Sony MDS-E10 (SPDIF Out) > M-Audio Delta Audiophile 2496 (SPDIF In) > Sound Forge 7.0 w/ Waves Masters Tools (EQ and Level) > CDWave (Tracking) > .WAV > .FLAC / Generation: 0 (Direct Digital Transfer). I will finish this source page with the following rather accurate quote from the taper himself...
Notes / Taper: This is an upgraded source, digitally transferred and mstered this time. This was done on 2-19-2005. This recording only shows how horrible it is to stand next to a douchebag that talks the whole god damn show; and yes you did ruin it for me. Thanks a whole fucking lot.
Maynardism: "Good evening. It's good to see you all. Especially all of out Hollywood guests. This next song we don't normally do but seeing as how we have so many very important guests from Hollywood, we figured we'd do it for you. Incidentally, can we get you anything else? Cold beer, hot chocolate, pillow on your fucking seat? Anything? Good"
Total Time: 127:16