2001.10.13 - Birmingham, AL, USA @ Oak Mountain Theatre
Source: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony PCM-M1
CD: 1G from Taper, Transferred in 2001
Taper: Travis
Notes on CU.ORG Acquired Master 2023:
This show was recorded by a wonderful fella named Travis who later fell out of taping (and Tool) as he found other enriching activities in life such as a family. I knew Travis, he honestly was one of the nicest fellas you would ever come across. As such, his DAT-Master recordings were given to an old pal named Geordy who then sent them to Mr. Distortion for transferring roughly 2021/2022. Once that was done, a question was posed as to what to do with all of the DAT’s Travis had - including Tool, The Mars Volta, other masters, Pink Floyd stuff, etc. The entire set was offered to me as it would’ve been a shame to throw it all away thus how CU.ORG has his DAT-M recordings.
Notes 2001:
It is raining outside when this show happened & most venues do not allow umbrellas at a Tool show so the taper probably stuck the microphone in his coat or something - sound may be slightly muffled, not sure. The sound is very crisp, for what it's worth. A bit of crowd noise but not very bad at all - a little more noticeable than standard during the beginning intro but hardly a concern. Sound is well balanced but is a bit far-away/distant, audibly. Given the conditions, this recording turned out way better than it could've been. A very good capture of a very good performance that, although relatively standard for 2001, is nonetheless a pleasure to listen to.
"Minor suggestion, a minor suggestion. If you take your raincoats which are garbage bags, if you take your raincoats, take all your clothes off & stick them inside then they won't get wet."
CD 1
Time: 57:24
The Grudge
(-) Ions
46 & 2
CD 2
Time: 62:49
Eon Red Apocalypse <noise>