2001.11.05 - Spokane, WA, USA @ Spokane Arena

Source: Core Sound Binaurals > Sony SBM-1 > Sony TCD-D7

Leaked into the sweaty hands of collectors in late 2003, this recording captures one of the last few gigs of the 2001 summer + fall tour of the world as well as the United States. Tool was right on the money when it came down to professionalism & finishing up a massive tour with minimal sweat involved. Maybe it's me, but this show did not sound exceedingly inspired nor experimental. Which is fine as I doubt it is easy to pull-out distinct shows every time they get up on stage. If anything, the band's performance was at least above average for Tool & highlights subtle changes in the songs that metamorphosis only after time... sort of like on Pushit where there is the 'slow' intro then they shift gears and go into the 'original' version of the song. That is a rather interesting twist to the show. As for the recording; the source info is unverified for some reason. Really, it's not a bad recording but is average or a little below average at best. The taper & friend(s) or people by them really -do- know the lyrics to all the songs. I thank them for sharing. As such, there is a bit of annoying crowd yelling & whatnot that can sometimes get in the way of the recording. The bass really could have been EQ'd down as it is thick like maple syrup rather than punchy like a drunk college-girl who is high on methamphetamines. The higher frequencies could've used a facelift or 'bump' up so they came out better as well. My point, if you take a second or two to mess with the EQ on whatever system you have, the show will sound better than it does in it's native form. There are also minor track transitions throughout. Ah well.

"Hopefully, most of you were wise enough to be here early & hear Tricky. It's not often that you will get that opportunity. Hopefully, this evening has been a catalyst for inspiration or healing. Hopefully, you'll take these feelings home with you & in the coming weeks, create something positive."

CD 1

The Grudge
(-) Ions
(Suspicious Minds)

CD 2

Eon Red Apocalypse (noise)
(w/Perry + Hawk from Tricky)
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
(w/Perry from Tricky)