2006.08.27 - George, WA, USA @ The Gorge
Source A: Hi-Mini Disc --- Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Sony MZ-RH10 (HiSP mode)
Location: Rear floor, stage right, under the balcony (Orchestra, Row P, Seat 15)
Transfer: Sony MZ-RH10 > SonicStage (USB cable) > Wavelab 3.04a (EQ, compression, normalize) > CD Wave Editor
Taper: Adam
Gen: 0 from Master
Notes - by Taper: Those tickets cost me an arm and a leg, but they were worth it once I heard the recording. A combination of the open-air venue and the seats in the "sweet spot" made for one quality recording. There were a few annoying fans around me unfortunately. One very large and drunk girl behind me and to my right had this shrill scream. One older woman two seats to my right just LOVED to scream "Wooooooooo-hooooooo!" like she was riding a roller coaster. Lastly, some guy in front of me felt like the four guys onstage weren't making quite enough noise, and that he needed to clap in time to the music... just to add that extra little bit to the songs. All 3 of these people knew that I was taping, because I told them so, and yet they all still chose to be annoying idiots. Thanks guys. I can only pray that you someday hear this recording and realize how truly stupid you are. Anyway, this still came out as one of my best recordings ever. Also, considering how little the setlists were changing on this tour, it was nice to hear Opiate again.
Notes - by Galen: Truth be told, this was the first night of the tour (i.e.: the first performance at a location that the band previously played in support of 10K Days) & quite a few people were anticipating a setlist that was dynamic & offered variance from the norm from this tour. Rumors of the band performing WFM>10K Days fueled speculation that this debut was right around the corner. Instead, the audience at this beautiful venue was treated to a performance that was, at the very least, tight/concise/well-polished as one would expect from any band. This particular recording is exactly how I prefer recordings: very low crowd noise, super crisp drums/guitar/vocals with bass that is heard but not entirely felt; if that makes complete sense? I imagine that some people would complain that there is not enough audience sound as everyone has a preference... This source is definitely highly recommended but you can do with that what you will.
Maynardism: "Blabbidy blah blah blah.
"Maynardism: "Wake the fuck up you drunk bitches."
CD 1
Time: 62:50
01. <bass intro>
02. Stinkfist
03. The Pot
04. 46 and 2
05. Jambi
06. Schism
07. Lost Keys
08. Rosetta Stoned
09. Opiate
CD 2
Time: 40:08
01. Merkaba
02. Sober
03. Lateralus
04. keyboard interlude
05. Vicarious
06. Ænema
Source B: iRiver --- Dyamic Audio Binaurals > Battery Box > iRiver H120 Digital Audio Player / Recorder > 44.1Khz WAV
Taper: badur (Jed Smith)
Dissemination: Wav file from hard drive of iRiver H120 ( USB )
Conv.: Wav > Flac frontend v1.7.1 ( level 6 ) ( FLAC enc. v1.1.2 ) > FLAC (09/2006)
Location:: Front of right stack, about 150 feet away. ( Section A, Row 32, Seat 56 )
Notes - by Taper: This is my first time seeing Tool live, after a great deal of time spent obsessing about them and collecting every live recording I could. I am glad to now share back to the community this recording. There are a couple points at which the stereo signal is unbalanced momentarily. This is from the turning of my head to look at a). the crowd waving a million lighters, b). a guy getting busted on top of the mixing board building, c.) people proffering to or requesting drugs of myself. Apologies. The mics were installed in the rim of either side of my hat, with cables going down my shirt to a battery box in my back pocket, to my iRiver in my front pocket. There are a couple of minor level adjustments during Stinkfist, but nothing exceedingly notable. Security was not very intense, likely necessarily because of the ridiculous amount of people that were there seeing Tool. Entrance consisted of a very quick pat-down and no metal-detector wanding. My concealed recording device went undetected.
Notes: There is a mostly complete video of this performance, however, it is relatively rough.
Notes - by Galen: Surprisingly good recording. From other recordings with the same microphones & recorder I would not guess that this product would turn out as nicely as it did. A lot has to do with the open air venue & speakers but nonetheless this is definitely worth a listen. Not as "tight", let's say, as Source A but definitely good. Enjoy.
Time: 1:43:05