2002.08.23 - Buffalo, NY, USA @ The HSBC Arena
Source A: Mini Disc --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sharp MT90
Taper: Henry D.
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: Very nice AUD recording. For the rather basic equipment used, this came out well above average. Perhaps, some would say, even a professional job taping, all around. There are a a few times when it sounds as though people very close to the microphone may be lending their voices to the songs, this is tolerable. This is, after all, a Tool show. Perhaps the only real complaint I could even attempt to have is that the bass is a little more than present sometimes. No, not flooded but just there; which is fine, really. Not sure if his CSBs have the bass roll-off; doesn't sound like it though. I have heard some people say this is the best sounding source of this show to be "out" in available trade.
CD 1
Time: 58:55
CD 2
Time: 49:37
The Grudge
(-) Ions
(White Lines)
Source B: DAT --- Sony ECM-717 > Sony PCM-M1
Notes: Really nice sounding show. Good peaks in sound, very full, crisp, clear & dynamic in sound. Low crowd noise although there are some interesting comments by the taper & his buddy that are not totally sporadic but are a little bit irritating. This is true during intermission but is not all that bad I suppose. The microphones have audible limitations but the message/overall sound of Tool does come across nicely. To be honest, nothing about this show really jumps out at me after a listen... Tool-wise. However, the post-show is very amusing & rather interesting. Correct me if I am wrong, this part is from memory, but I think the taper & friends end up getting stoned, having a beer(?) and a girl vomits? Interesting and definitely worth a listen, if just for the post-show. Who knew that human interaction could be so much fun and interesting.
CD 1
Time: 62:34
CD 2
Time: 61:32
Source C: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony PCM-M1 (Oade Mod II)
Taper: Smagmapig
Location: Front of Stack
Notes: Beautiful recording. This particular taper, man, he just seemed to have 'the touch' with recordings in this era. Without a doubt, this is the definitive source for this performance. For such a simple setup, equipment wise, these results are astounding. This recording gives credence to the notion that some AUD recordings sound better than a sound board.
Time: 1:53:28
Source D: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals/120 > Sony PCM-M1
Transfer: DAT-M > MOTU 2408mkII > hard drive > FLAC
Taper: Toaster
Notes: This source is just awesome, it is. Although the vocals can sometimes seem to be almost a tad buried in the mix something happens which pulls your ears from that angle. Clear snare, kick drum and the cymbals are miles away from swishing. If anything, it seems that the bass stack was a little closer than the higher frequencies thus there is a little bit of thick-mud-like sounds common in CSB recordings. All in all though, hell of a job there Toaster.
Time: ~116 mins
Source E: Unknown Video Recording Equipment
Notes: Unfortunately, as with the overwhelming majority of Tool recordings that are video based, there is no specific information pertaining to what equipment was used. Bummer. This has to be a master > DVD transfer as there are not any of the normal tell-tale signs of a VHS transfer. In fact, I am sure of it. Has to be. So clear for a video, almost brilliant & not dodgy in quality at all. The recording itself may be considered a bit jerky at times but not anymore than the average filming escapade from 2002 is. The audio, however, is real nice for a video source. Filmed from the left-upper-mezzanine, this source manages to film from a very far distance away but still pull off some amount of craftsmanship. There are some very good close-ups of Adam, especially, and the rest of the band. MJK seems to be obscured more than is fair par in a video recording from this era though. There are some pretty good screen shots as well but many of the screen shots get only half the screen. This source also features a pretty nifty fade-out as the recording ends. All in all though, this is a good video source for this show and is quite enjoyable to watch. There is a rumor that there is one more film source for this show as well, time will tell.
"Buffalo. We're gonna test your memory...give you a couple chances. 'Little Pig, Little Pig - Let Me In.' <not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!> One more time, 'Little Pig, Little Pig - Let Me In.' <not by the hair of my chinny-chin chin!>"
"Thank you very much, Mike & John from Tomahawk. Currently in Tomahawak, formerly of Power Rangers. Little known fact. Both Power Rangers also own a Chinese food & carwash in Riverside, CA. Doing very well. Thank you very much for sharing this moment with us. We hope that we have been some source of inspiration & or healing on some level & we hope that whatever feeling you are having tonight, from this experience, we would hope that you would take that feeling home with you & in the coming weeks, coming months & in the coming years, use that feeling to create something positive. Thank you very much."
Time: 1:49:17