
Source: Studio Sound Board
Source: 2G Cassette > Unknown CD transfer > FLAC

Notes / Undertow:
The following demos were released on FLAC via various file-sharing services and have no overlap with the Massy Outtakes. The precise specifics of the Undertow out-takes / AEnima demos are not known. The 5 Undertow out-takes & the 4 AEnima demos were reportedly on the same cassette thus they will circulate with each other. Only a rough sketch of the scenario is available that consists of someone attaining the out-takes + demos from AEnima on a cassette right around the time Tool was looking for a replacement for Paul on bass. Since that time, they have been sitting on a shelf, collecting dust, until now. (Not counting the 4-track demos). Although there are obviously numerous other demos and out-takes created by the band, these are the only demos we as fans have at this point. Maybe more in the future, maybe not. Time will tell. The Undertow demos are pretty much the completed versions with subtle differences, I don't think most people will think they are a radical departure from the official releases. Subtle differences include: drum-stick clap during the intro of Crawl Away, heavy drum-roll at the end of Bottom (w/a very quiet MJK speech), slight timing differences in Swamp Song & a quasi-alternative intro to 4*. Sober sounds to be very close to the finished product though. The clarity is very clear & clean with minimal tape noise. There are definitely differences in the completely mixed versions on Undertow but I have a feeling that the overwhelming majority of people will truly enjoy these demos.

Notes / AEnima:
Remember that although they are from separate years, the Undertow/AEnima demos travel together. 

Time: 56:21

Undertow Out-Takes
Swamp Song
Crawl Away

AEnima D'Amour Demos
