2007.07.03 - Clarkston, MI, USA @ DTE Energy Music Amphitheatre
Source A: DAT --- DPA 4061 > MPS6030 > Sony PCM-M1 (Oade Mod II) @ 48 kHz
Source B: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Transfer: DAT-M > Tascam DA-20 > Coaxial > Audiophile 24/96 > Goldwave (resample) > CD Wave > WAV
Location: Right-Center, Pavilion (covered) Seating, Row YY
Taper: Galen
Gen: collectiveunconscious.org Master Recording
2024 Notes: I’ll be brief. This is a distorted recording due to the taper making a total rookie mistake by sliding the db switch from -20 to 0 on the Sony PCM-M1, which, if you use it as microphone-in, will distort. After this show, I adopted using electrical tape on the switches to prevent such an occurrence from happing again however hindsight only means so much as, again, this is a distorted recording. Even with a fresh transfer and a considerable amount of time to attempt to put lipstick on a pig, this is what it is: best left for collector’s only as there are several other great recordings available. But, hey, here this is for those hardcore collectors.
Notes - Taper / Galen: Ah well you simply can't win them all. Funny thing happened. Prior to the performance myself, Nameloc & Geordy were talking at the top of the lawn about all sorts of fun things like spinal piercing, hairy merkins, Bell Biv DeVoe & how between the three of us 'tapers' we will pull off some great recordings. It was almost like a well-spirited contest to see who could pull the best tape. Well, with this source, I lost. Big time. When both of their sources turned out to be brilliant captures of this performance this M1 recording was, in fact, distorted. Yes, bass distortion. I know exactly what I did. I was running a 120m Maxell tape in this DAT, started taping early, the band did not go on time when I thought they were going to so I had to rewind my tape. I did this with the unit in my pocket & I must have bumped the -20db switch to 0db position that means the sound was not padded thus although while taping my levels were fine the recording was in fact distorted. Check out the MP3 sample to see what I'm talking about. Ah well. Ah well. Ah well. As such, this recording is best left for serious collector's only. There really is no reason to release a damaged recording when 3 other AUD recordings are really quite enjoyable. So it will just be a part of my own DAT collection
Time: 1:54:33
<bass drone>
"Good evening Northern Ohio. Just kidding, relax. Good evening Michigan. Are you ready to get your socks wet? Assuming you are wearing socks?"
(-) ions
The Pot
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days
"Jesus Christ these guys are tall. They should get their thyroid checked out. It's been a pleasure. All kinds of fun stuff. Loud, happy people. A party dress, the works. See you guys in that lovely town, Grand Rapids."
Source C: Solid State Recorder --- Core Sound Binaurauls > Edirol R-09
Transfer: Master (file) > USB port > Goldwave (resample, EQ) > CD Wave > WAV > Nero 6.0
Location: Right-Center, Pavilion (covered) Seating, Row YY
Taper: Galen
Gen: Master Recording
2024 Notes: Totally fresh transfer on this. It may come to some or no surprise for me to tell you that this source was originally not intended to be CSB>R09. Instead, this was supposed to be: Aiwa CM-30 > Edirol R-09. However, when I was in the venue I discovered that the signal would not pick up on my line-in on the R-09. I was unsure if running the CM-30 into the mic-in would overload the signal so I grabbed my CSB’s which were in my gear-bag instead. The line-in on my R09, as it turns out, was defective as I had to send the unit into Roland for them to fix (under warranty) so I did run it as microphone-in which did work, I had the levels very low so in post I had to increase them significantly. This is one of those times when a CSB source completely sounds better than a DPA 4061 source (i.e.: the distorted DPA 4061 source). Actually, this recording sounds better than it probably should based on the source information. Some annoying crowd noise as the people around Geordy & I, Christ-God-all-mighty, were more talkative than two 16 year old girls comparing favorite pop artists.
2024 Time: ~1:55:00
Source D: Hi-Mini Disc --- Sound Professionals CMC4U (ATU853) > Nady CBM40 > Denecke PS-2 > Sony MZ-M100 (PCM mode)
Transfer: MD Master > Behringer 802 > Sony RCDW 500 CD Burner > CD (1) > CD(2) ((cu.org copy))
Location: Pavilion Center Row, Row Y, Seat 25 (10' Front of Board)
Taper: Nameloc1
Gen: 2 from Master, we miss you brother
Notes: Just want to clarify something... DTE Music Amphitheatre is a venue that was once called Pine Knob (note from 2024 - and this was changed back to Pine Knob in 2022). This venue is located in Clarkston, MI which is a good 30 minutes from the heart of Detroit, MI. Just a stickler for correct venues or just finding something to complain about? Good question as to which I would have to go for the latter. So this performance was well attended by cu.org... ok... well, maybe three regulars (myself, Geordy & this taper). Between us we managed at least 6 sources? Possibly. You know, it is kind of amazing how three people that really do not know each other all that well can come together just like old friends, hang out, shoot the shit & tape their favorite band. Good times, good times. This recording definitely gives the two DPA 4061 recordings a run for their (our) money. This source is definitely much better than my DPA recording due to me having a taping snafu (caused entirely by my own mistake) in which distortion on deep bass results. This source though has vocals that sound sweet, the guitar is super clean, the bass is deep + crunchy while Danny's drumming is super crisp. Possibly one of the better recordings from this leg of the tour? Perhaps.
CD 1
Time: 64:09
CD 2
Time: 48:20
Source E: Hi-Mini Disc --- SP-CMC-8 > SP-SPSB10 > Sony MZ-RH10
Transfer: MD-M > USB > Soundforge > CD Wave > WAV > CDR
Location: Pavillion Section CTR3 Row K Seat 22
Taper: Relayer67
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: If I may say so, this particular source stands up against some significant competition in regards to overall clarity between sources of DPA 4061 & Nameloc's killer recording. However, perhaps surprisingly perhaps not, this recording is one of the better captures - without a doubt. MJK's vocals sound quite a bit louder on this recording than while at the concert. With the mix being notoriously muddy during the 10K Days era of performances, it is refreshing to hear a well balanced recording that is not a DPA source. It should be noted that the beginning of Jambi is on track #1 with track #2 beginning about a minute or so into the song. Taking a guess, either it was a mastering/CD Wave mistake or intentional after the input sensitivity/volume was corrected. There are a few instances of wind noise (slight) as this is to be expected when you wear your microphones somewhat exposed at an albeit covered pavilion but still at an amphitheater. Well worth a listen, head nod & rock-out.
CD 1
Time: 63:25
CD 2
Time: 52:26
Source F: Solid State Recorder --- Danish Pro Audio 4061s > MMA6000 w/low cut @ 100hz > Microtrack 24/96 (24 Bit Wav@48Khz)
Transfer: Microtrack 24/96 > USB > CEP2.0(48->44.1 and dithering) > CD Wave > Flac Frontend > Flac[8]
Location: Right Center / Sec 5
Taper: Geordy
Notes - Taper:
Fourth and final show for me on this US tour. Had the privilege of hanging out with fellow tapers Galen and Jason/nameloc01 before the show. Recording came out pretty well due to the great FOS seats. Other than the GA floor in Jacksonville, this was the closest I was to the stage. Couldn't have asked for a better 'mystery' song for my last show than Flood! Maynard came on stage after Lateralus wearing a Detroit Pistons jersey and spoke quite a bit for a change, so I made that a separate track. Having been just short of getting the entire show on 5/31, I manually created a new track after Flood. There is a small gap of 7 seconds or so until the new file starts with Soundscape 3. I used this as the disc break on the 16/44.1 version.
Notes - Galen:
Hmm. All I am going to say in regards to this wonderful AUD recording is that had I not switched over from -20db pad to 0db (which caused distortion when bass hits) I would have hoped to attain a result just like Geordy did. Top quality of a rather decent performance. Tough competition from the alternate sources that other tapers' pulled off - suppose we will have to see what the future will hold - however this one could very well be the best AUD source for this performance. Or maybe it's Nameloc's? Or maybe it is one of the others? Regardless, this is a source that you should burn to CD & rock out. Chances are if one looked closely it would be possible to Investigate Experimental Muggles from this performance which have traveled nicely together with this source.
CD 1
Time: 64:44
CD 2
Time: 49:42
Source F1: Solid State Recorder ---IEM > MT24/96 (@24/48)
Transfer: Microtrack 24/96 > USB > CEP2.0(48->44.1 and dithering) > CD Wave > Flac Frontend > Flac[8]
Location: Right Center / Sec 5
Taper: pimpdawgs
Notes - Taper: ~15 min gap between Flood and WFM, taper error. Includes soundcheck (Stinkfist > goofing off > Jambi > goofing off > Vicarious). Some 'alternative' lyrics on Stinkfist and Maynard only sang during the first verse of Jambi though everyone else finishes the song. Lots of dropouts during soundcheck due to venue layout.
Notes - Galen:
Other than a gap due to taper error, it happens to the best sometimes, this is an excellent capture and the minimal issue should not diminish your interest in this capture. I mean, how many IEMs have you pulled and shared with people? Taper did a great job. I have a lot of fond memories of this show, hanging out and chilling with pimpdawgs and Nameloc before and after the show. Ah, time.
Time: 1:53:37