2010.07.09 - Vancouver, BC, Canada @ Rogers Arena
Source A: Solid State Recorder --- CA-11 > BAT-2B > r-09 (16/44.1)
Transfer: cep (4db Boost & track splits) > flac > zomb (tracked by scorpiopulse)
Taper: smashing0
Gen: Torrent
Notes: Very good performance by the band, kudos! The taper did a nice job with what he was using, no real complaints. At times it seems like MJK's vocals are a little low in the mix but then just as quickly as I convince myself of that, I hear another section which sounds quite clear. Now, I do detect, at times, a certain swishing of the cymbals and a slight swirling of the high end. To my jaded ears, sounds like a healthy does of phasing/movement from the taper. Or someone around them. The crowd is not obtrusive, either. All and all, this is a very pleasant audience-sounding recording.
Time: ~1:53:50
Third Eye
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
46 & 2
Source B: Analog — Church Audio 14 > Sony WM-D6C
Taper: Leif
Notes: Excellent. One of the finest analog Tool recordings to date. Reminds me of classic Hagar pulls, I mean that as a massive compliment. Clean, clear and concise levels throughout with an explosive energy captured on tape. One of the best 2010 recordings to feature MJK’s vocals; they are definitely not buried in the mix. Low crowd noise and just enough thump to make it sound like you are watching the performance. Superb taping job.
Time: 1:50:52