2007.12.14 - Las Vegas, NV, USA @ The Pearl
Source A: DAT — DPA 4061 > MPS6030 > Sony PCM-M1 (Oade Mod II) @ 48 kHz
Source A1: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Transfer: DAT-M > Tascam DA-20 > Coaxial > Audiophile 24/96 > Goldwave (resample)
Location: Tiered Seating
Taper: Galen
Gen: collectiveunconscious.org Master Recording
2024 Notes: Although not Front of Stack this recording is really quite clear. Retransferred the DAT-M and provided some light EQ to this source and for the most part it stands on it’s own. One of the more difficult aspects was trying to locate the file from when our old buddy made some crank phone calls to strippers - I did find the file though and it is layered over the Intermission. Listening to it, it still makes me laugh even though it is absolutely in poor taste.
Notes: Waking up relatively early from over-doing it the night before including drinking a lot of beer, a waitress that sassed Geordy for not tipping her for a beer, collecting "stripper cards" from porn slappers on the Strip (i.e.: women on cards that you can call for a party or something), Mindlattice crank-calling the whores, ending up (at around 2am) in the Hustler strip-club where tattooed (and damaged) strippers tried to steal our money (not into strippers - it's like drinking water out of a toilet), a crazy Russian(?) taxi driver that attempted to bring us to to an illegal brothel (we did not go in - the 'welcome' sign was on a flatbed trailer & the 'location' was in a warehouse in an industrial complex; no thanks) & an overall feeling of disillusionment, over stimulation & lack of leafy greens, basically, was the lead up to the final performance of Tool for the 10K Day era. The performance this night was spot-on. No mistakes that I am able to discern. The energy level was exceptionally high & Tool performed, in my opinion, among the best yet I've heard. Supreme. The down side is that this was the exact same set as the night prior. Maynard, this night, did not just hit those screams - he nailed them. One of the better screams in Stinkfist I've ever heard. Long. Again, great performance & hey if they are going to do the same set at least it was pulled-off professionally.Notes: During intermission I included the crank calls made by our friend Mindlattice to strippers Geordy & I collected on cards. We found that amusing - maybe because of all the oregano we added as spices - but nevertheless this 4 minute session was recorded on my Edirol R-09 with the internal microphones. For your listening pleasure. Consider it more of a bonus then Tool gave the audience this evening other than putting on a great performance that is ;o)
Time: 1:41:50
<bass drone>
"Las Vegas. How many of you lost money - hands up who lost money? You'll never learn. Could have spent that on tee shirts. Are you ready? Prove it."
Rosetta Stoned
(contains crank phone calls to strippers - the utmost of immaturity, all parties apologize)
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days
"So. Do your best not to get sideswiped by a roofie and wake up in a bathtub full of ice missing some kind of organ. Just a suggestion. Careful on those slot machines, they'll get you. Uhh... the Vicarious DVD is coming out in a few days. Last song of the last show of the last tour - not ever of course - fucking relax. Peace the fuck out. "
Source B: Solid State Recorder --- DPA 4061 > MMA6000 w/low cut @ 100hz > Microtrack 24/96(16 Bit@48Khz Wav)
Transfer: Microtrack 24/96 > USB > WAV > Flac Frontend > Flac[8]
Location: Section 304, Row G
Taper: Geordy
Gen: 0 from Master
Notes - Geordy: Mic/preamp troubles throughout the show. Night and day difference in the performance from the previous night. I was basically in line with the left stacks, this could have been a great recording. Maybe next time?
Notes - Galen: Man it is a shame that this otherwise kick-ass AUD source is marred by un-for-seen technical issues such as channel quasi-drops & crackles throughout. Ouch. I do not know what to say; I stood next to Geordy at this show & hearing the cracks now.... I feel bad. Truth is, at times, it is almost painful. A great AUD recording marred by technical difficulties. Honestly, I'm not even sure what to say about it. Too close to the situation? Maybe. Associated MEI floats with this source as well, nicely done.
Time: 1:56:10
Source C: Solid State Recorder --- Giant Squid Cardiods > 9V batt box (w/ bass rolloff) > Iriver hp120(rockbock)
Transfer: Iriver > USB > CEP > CD Wave > TLH > FLAC
Location: Section 302 Row G Seat 10
Taper: To0l
Gen: 0 from Master
Notes: This particular source sounds better then I, for one, would have thought based on the source information alone. Unlike the tapers (source C on 12/13/2007), this source has much less bass & is quite a bit more distant sounding. The truth though is had the Pearl not sounded so damn good what with the high quality sound system then this recording would have suffered greatly. I used to have a pair of Giant Squid microphones and although they are capable of doing an ok job they really are meant best for small clubs. In my opinion, the distance from the stacks actually worked well for the microphones as the SPL did not saturate the volume at really any point. Overall, decent recording of an otherwise lackluster performance... those that pay attention will note that the comments for 12/13/2007 & 12/14/2007 are virtually the same; this is due to me being A) lazy? & B) unable to comment on two recordings from the same taper in virtually the same place.
Time: 1:55:09