1998.08.21 - Portland, OR, USA @ Memorial Coliseum

Source: Mini Disc -- Core Sound Binaurals > Sharp 702 Mini Disc

Nice show, all around. Maynard as the Reverend. On many, if not most, versions there are tiny & inconsistent tracks. Not sure where they came from though. So, this recording has the potential to possible be originally sourced from an MP3. Pretty sure most copies floating around are MP3 sourced... this is a bi-product of the hey-day of Napster.  In the past, I thought that this show simply not mastered smoothly but as it turns out it was a MP3 sourced gig. However, I have been confronted with other collector's who will swear up-and-down that this is not MP3 & there are other slightly different versions floating around. In the final analysis, does not really matter too much. In essence, there is maybe too much information on this show out there with conflicting reports. Suppose the only way we will truly know is when or if the taper ever surfaces. Overall, the recording is slightly distant although clear. It sounds to me like the taper was in the tiered seating, maybe center. This will certainly not win any awards nor be mistaken for a SBD recording but it is, after all, a good recording.


"I noticed that you are not naked & that means your not fucking & that disappoints me. You
don't necessarily have to freak, like with other people, but, Y'know, fuck. If you're just to damn ugly to find a
partner, masturbate! This song is about rectal water sports - if that doesn't give you a hard on, nothing will"

CD 1

Part Of Me
You Lied
Swamp Song
46 & 2

CD 2