1994.02.23 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ Massey Concert Hall

Source: Analog --- Sony ECM-909 > Sony Walkman (model # unknown)
Transfer / FLAC:
Yamaha KX-650 3-Motor/3-Head Closed Loop Dual Capstan Cassette Deck > Hosa Cables > EMU0404 > CEP2.1 (recording, cutting, no fx) > FLAC (level 8, verify enabled)
Taper: Andymon
Gen: 1

Notes / 2006: Following this short note are notes from the seeder from the .txt file from FLAC that was torrented as an upgrade in early 2006. Before this source was released, the source information for this was referred to as "unknown audio recording". Take a note in regards to disc time for what source is what - updated source has the intro music.Notes / 2006 / Seeder: This is a new transfer from cass(m) done 2006-03-19. Tape flip at the end of t06. There are two other sources for this show in circulation that I am aware of. Both are generated, processed, missing 10+ minutes of the introduction and ultimately sourced from this cassette master. I would rate the sound quality as B. What is particularly interesting and unique about this tape is that it includes most if not almost all of the bizarre tape the band played before hitting the stage. (Note: Seeder had this link on .txt information).

Notes / 2001: This show has, in the past, gone floating around as 02.23.93 so watch out. There is a noticeable layer of fuzz on the recording. Most likely, the taper simply put this onto a cassette & a different trader put it onto CD a few years later. This is definitely sourced, originally, from a cassette recorder -- but the taper knew very well what he/she was doing so the sound is quite good. Must have used decent microphones as well, especially for the time period. Sound is not totally balanced as the vocals can overpower a bit. Although certainly not a bad recording by any means, I think that collector's would probably appreciate this show more that, say, a causal listener. As always, Tool did put on one very nice performance. After all, this is their first 'world tour'. As it is, the sound is decent but it does seem to be a little bit distant. Many people would complain about how the bass hits -- which is a little bit too rough. Vocals can have a little too much presence than desired; the treble is up quite a bit for this recording. Perhaps a little bit of equalizing  could fix that. Tool seems to be in a rather play-full mood - Paul is talking shit to the crowd & Maynard only adds to that fun. Although not the best in sound quality, it is an exceptional capture of Tool doing what it is they do best, relatively early on in their career. To me, the tension between Paul & Maynard is noticeable at this show.

"This is another song, no really.""This song is dedicated to our friends -- the kids in the hall"
"So, uh, knock knock? <who's there?> Little Boy Blue. <L.B.Blue who?> Michael Jackson"
"Elvis lives in a trailer in Kalamazoo" <Michigan, USA>

Common Version

Cold & Ugly
Prison Sex
<microphone problems>
tape flip

4 degrees
Swamp Song
Jerk Off

Released: 2006


Intro Tape)
Cold & Ugly
Prison Sex
<microphone problems>
tape flip

Swamp Song
Jerk Off