2022.01.10 - Eugene, OR, USA @ Matthew Knight Arena
Source: Video — GoPro Hero 10 (only on YouTube)
Taper: AenSuplak
Notes: The first Tool performance at the outer edges of the grip of the pandemic. good to be back. This source… Hmm. The audio is actually quite good. If you did not know, this could easily sound like a built-in-all-in-one or a lower quality cardioid microphone capture. But, no. This is a GoPro capture and, again, the audio quality (and I say that with huge deficits in quality) is the only real reason this is even listed (besides being the first and only full capture of the performance to come to light). The video is (checks notes) atrocious for 3/4 of the recording but does get a bit better post intermission. Appears the taper had this on right shoulder sticking out of a pocket or something. There literally is no attempt to film, just a passive experience watching a concert. Which is fine. However, at most, this source should be recognized for the audio and not the video. Also, this is on YouTube and there does not appear to be a physical version or more information about this, not that we really need it as this is what it is.
Time: 2:35:09
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right in Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
2022.01.11 - Tacoma, WA, USA @ Tacoma Dome
We all do know this was recorded and not released by censored but it’s ok, the Earth still revolves around the sun, or does it?
2022.01.13 - Boise, ID, USA @ Ford Idaho Center
No Known Recordings
2022.01.15 - Sacramento, CA, USA @Golden 1 Center
Source A: Solid State — Schoeps MK4 > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: TJ
Notes by Taper:
I have several people to thank for making this recording happen. First of all, a huge, huge, HUGE thanks to Daspyknows for letting me borrow his Babynbox + Actives to tape this show. I'm eagerly awaiting for my own set to come in but due to parts shortages there's been a delay so he was kind enough to let me borrow it for the Sacramento and San Francisco shows and I'm so glad that I used the MK4s both nights to tape given the setlists. I'd like to extend another thanks to schoepsenbox for reaching out to Daspyknows to ask if I could borrow his rig as without that it wouldn't have happened. And finally, I'd like to extend a thanks to hoserama for buying the tickets in the first place. Unfortunately he wasn't able to attend but I was able to hold down the fort. This was a great show. Tool played mainly deep cuts and sounded incredible throughout. "Culling Voices" was given it's maiden voyage and for the performance the entire band sat down near the edge of the stage to play it and Danny actually played guitar for part of it. Maynard sounded awesome and did the roar during "The Grudge" which IMO was the highlight of the show.
Time: 2:14:09
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right in Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
(Live Debut)
Source B: Solid State — Audio Technica ATU853 > Sony ICD-UX560
Taper: TJ
Notes by Taper: I actually ran two rigs in Sacramento and San Francisco: one using MK4s and the other AT83s. Since it was my first time running the Babynbox I wanted a backup in case things failed so I brought the rig I've been using and wired it up to a shitty voice recorder we had in the house so if needed I could fail over quickly. I did NOT realize that the recorder did dynamic adjustment so as a result this recording sounds kind of flat. I'd recommend everyone grab my MK4 source, this is really for collector's only.
Notes: Look at this guy, a taper after my own heart running multiple rigs. Awesome! To be clear, this was a secondary rig that was ran as a backup in case of something catastrophic occurred with the primary (Source A: MK4). The issue with the dynamic adjustment is for those that are unaware, basically, the recorder adjusts the recording level based on the SPL (sound pressure level) it experiences based on preprogrammed settings by Sony. Thus, some quieter sounds are louder and some louder sounds are softer - this is just a setting and it is able to be turned off to manual. As it is, I get what this taper is saying, however, this is significantly better than just for collectors. It is superfluous, sure, but it is still a decent source. A source that is for sure better than any iPhone or Samsung phone recording.
Time: 2:13:49
Source C: Solid State — Schoeps CCM 4 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Anonymous
Notes: And, of course, here we have a reoccurring anti-hero taper extraordinary, “Anonymous".” Astute collectors and maybe even readers of this website will recognize this tapers name anywhere there are high caliber quality stealth recordings of Tool to be found. Who is this person? Your dentist? Maybe the guy bagging your groceries? What about your neighbor, Earl, who dresses like he lives in 1975? Or, potentially, maybe that person is you? Makes sense as you are an anonymous IP address visiting this site, right now. Hang on a second, currently calling Christopher Nolan’s agent to see about a movie deal… …Ok this recording is totally solid. Only complaint, like source A, is that the vocals are buried a bit. I suspect this has more to do with the location of the taper rather than the mix; that is what is so nuanced. From Nobby’s mix and location, the mix is perfect, always - he is a genius. What is challenging is where the taper is in the location said arena. Now, splitting hairs is a total tool move but should be noted just like the fact that there is some movement particularly towards the beginning of the recording which can distract. Drums are particularly clear as is Chancellor’s low end, caught effortlessly on this recording, as complimented by Jones' virtually perfect guitar performance. Fantastic performance and energy from the band
Time: 2:13:49
2022.01.16 - San Francisco, CA, USA @ Chase Center
Source A: Solid State — Schoeps MK4 > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: TJ
Notes: Whew another fantastic recording from TJ! Damn. As always, the optimistic pessimist, I tried to find things to say about this recording other than ‘sweet’ or ‘great’ so I will say that I had a hard time to say anything about this source. It is clean, clear, concise and well balanced with the vocals up front (relatively) in the mix which, not knowing where the taper was standing, means a whole lot. This source may be one of the best recordings of this leg of the tour (for sure) let alone the entirety of 2022. I really spent time trying to poke holes in this recording but, uh, not happening. This is that good. Excellence to the taper for nailing Tool. Don’t get me wrong, the tapes’ other recordings are wonderful but this one is just kicked up as notch to level 11 out of 10.
Time: 2:14:09
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right in Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
(Live Debut)
Source B: Solid State — Audio Technica ATU853 > Sony ICD-UX560
Taper: TJ
Notes by Taper: I actually ran two rigs in Sacramento and San Francisco: one using MK4s and the other AT83s. Since it was my first time running the Babynbox I wanted a backup in case things failed so I brought the rig I've been using and wired it up to a shitty voice recorder we had in the house so if needed I could fail over quickly. I did NOT realize that the recorder did dynamic adjustment so as a result this recording sounds kind of flat. I'd recommend everyone grab my MK4 source, this is really for collector's only.
Notes: To be clear, this taper ran a couple different AUD rigs at the same time. Net result, both of them are able to stand on their own two feet and he is specifying that the back-up recording, this ATU853, again which is damn good enough to be its own source, is for collectors? I thought I was harsh but man TJ takes it out on his own. My own 2c is that this has issues with sound phasing loud/soft throughout but, to be fair, there are a lot of singular sources from this era and beyond which have that as a factor. I think this taper out did himself. Nice job man!
Time: 2:04:27
Source C: Video — Panasonic Lumix ZS100
Source: YouTube (uploaded by filmer)
Taper: TJ
Notes: To be clear, this taper, TJ, pulled triple fucking duty at a Tool show - arguably, one of the most difficult bands to cohesively tape let alone film and here this guy pulls a Super Hero effort pulling two AUD and one of the few videos of this era of Tool. That, my friend, is impressive. The video is not great though, it is shaky and at odds with being centered. That said, it is an absolutely impressive pull, in my opinion. Nice job!
Time: 2:04:27
Source D: Solid State — Schoeps CCM 4 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Anonymous
Notes: This is a fantastic recording of a fantastic performance very, very early ‘post-Covid’ of Tool. And this is where this observation goes waaaaaaay off the rails… Wha-wha-wha-whaaattt? This anonymous taper guy, man, he is everywhere. I have a theory I gleaned off of a Q’Anon sub-reddit… so… this ‘anonymous’ taper guy is actually in cahoots with John F. Kennedy Jr. to pull the best recordings of Tool possible? Not a question, this is now a fact because you just read it on the Internet. Seriously until we know who this anonymous person with the big microphones are, we can only speculate how much damage he/she has done to our Democracy by not endorsing Tool to lead our the United State of America. Based on this completely scientific measure brought to you by my own subjective opinion, you could put MJK in charge of the Military as he was enlisted and a graduate from West Pointe, Adam Jones in charge of our economy as no one knows how to commodify a strategic business idea like Adam + Alan Jones, Chancellor, not an American citizen, has insight into how America (the ONLY Western country that does not have Universal health care) so he would be in charge of implementing Universal health care to all and Danny Carey, the heart/soul of Tool…? This dude is a national treasure. Danny Carey’s job in this fictionalized reality? Implement Universal music in American schools to focus a bit more on percussion in middle/high school. In fact, Danny Carey is such a National Treasure that Nicolas Cage could easily play a movie based on any version of Merkaba or Chocolate Chip Trip.
Time: 2:07:32
(Intermission is edited)
2022.01.18 - Anaheim, CA, USA @ Honda Center
Source: DAT — Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Sony PCM-M1
Taper: Distortion
Notes: Excellent recording with clear-ish vocals for the most part, balanced bass, drums are clean and guitar is crunchy as it should be. Distortion is a long-time Tool taper with a discernable pallet for pulling excellent recordings, it is a blessing and a curse. Some old school folk may remember a certain website Distortion ran, members of CU.ORG always appreciated distortiononline.com - you should go waaaaaaaaaay back in the (click the next bold text, am surprised how many people could not figure this out) wayback machine and check out what you can find at the same time see what CU.ORG looked like back in, oh, 2005. Source wise, Distortion coming in for the win with a killer recording and, AND, ladies and gentlemen, sourced used a Sony PCM-M1 DAT recorders - representing out on the West Coast. A taper after my own heart. Why would anyone use such archaic digital analog transfer for a recording when there are so many easier units to use? Why? Why? Because it is fucking cool. that’s why. If you were or still are, there is a ritual and a connection that is there… or not. Call it what you will, possessing the physical master of a recording you pulled is just fun. It’s cool. It’s fucking cool. And as such, this is a fun, great, fucking recording of this performance which as of 3/2024, no other sources have thus emerged.
Time: 2:08:57
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
(edited out on this source)
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.01.19 - San Diego, CA, USA @ Viejas Arena
Source: A Solid State — Schoeps MK41 > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: Ed Davis
Notes: What is going on with this taper? Every source we have heard has been just off the charts amazing. This fine recording is just the same. I do not know how one could get a much better recording than this example. Vocals are mixed or captured perfectly, DC’s drums are the heartbeat of the performance as Chancellor drops the rhythm for Jones to lay the foundation using his tried and true Drop-D, for the most part, throughout the performance. Perhaps there are parts of this recording where if you turn up the volume real loud and close your eyes it literally sounds like you are at a Tool show. And that, that, is the mark of a superb recoding from a taper who risked expulsion to capture the allusive Tool in it’s natural habitat. 10/10.
Time: 2:05:10
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
Source B: Solid State — Asus 5
Taper: Quadropheniac
Notes: Jesus. Come on. 99% of times phones suck for taping. Brckwalled, muddy, distorted, incomplete and obscene crowd noise. Beyond just for hardcore collectors. This is like, niche S & M bondage collectors only.
Time: 1:21:00
2022.01.21 - Phoenix, AZ, USA @ Footprint Center
2022.01.18 - Anaheim, CA, USA @ Honda Center
Source: DAT — Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Sony PCM-M1
Taper: Distortion
Notes: Excellent recording with clear-ish vocals for the most part, balanced bass, drums are clean and guitar is crunchy as it should be. Distortion is a long-time Tool taper with a discernable pallet for pulling excellent recordings, it is a blessing and a curse. Some old school folk may remember a certain website Distortion ran, members of CU.ORG always appreciated distortiononline.com - you should go waaaaaaaaaay back in the (click the next bold text, am surprised how many people could not figure this out) wayback machine and check out what you can find at the same time see what CU.ORG looked like back in, oh, 2005. Source wise, Distortion coming in for the win with a killer recording and, AND, ladies and gentlemen, sourced used a Sony PCM-M1 DAT recorders - representing out on the West Coast. A taper after my own heart. Why would anyone use such archaic digital analog transfer for a recording when there are so many easier units to use? Why? Why? Because it is fucking cool. that’s why. If you were or still are, there is a ritual and a connection that is there… or not. Call it what you will, possessing the physical master of a recording you pulled is just fun. It’s cool. It’s fucking cool. And as such, this is a fun, great, fucking recording of this performance which as of 3/2024, no other sources have thus emerged.
Time: 2:08:57
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
(edited out on this source)
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.01.19 - San Diego, CA, USA @ Viejas Arena
Source: A Solid State — Schoeps MK41 > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: Ed Davis
Notes: What is going on with this taper? Every source we have heard has been just off the charts amazing. This fine recording is just the same. I do not know how one could get a much better recording than this example. Vocals are mixed or captured perfectly, DC’s drums are the heartbeat of the performance as Chancellor drops the rhythm for Jones to lay the foundation using his tried and true Drop-D, for the most part, throughout the performance. Perhaps there are parts of this recording where if you turn up the volume real loud and close your eyes it literally sounds like you are at a Tool show. And that, that, is the mark of a superb recoding from a taper who risked expulsion to capture the allusive Tool in it’s natural habitat. 10/10.
Time: 2:05:10
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
Source B: Solid State — Asus 5
Taper: Quadropheniac
Notes: Jesus. Come on. 99% of times phones suck for taping. Brckwalled, muddy, distorted, incomplete and obscene crowd noise. Beyond just for hardcore collectors. This is like, niche S & M bondage collectors only.
Time: 1:21:00
2022.01.21 - Phoenix, AZ, USA @ Footprint Center
Source: Unknown
Notes: The only known circulating source is from a YouTube upload and apparently someone from Tool Drive Project spent the time to convert this tinny, quasi-distorted and scrambled for-collectors-only recording to audio. Why? Why do fish swim? As it is, blah.
Time: 2:05:26
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.01.22 - Las Vegas, NV, USA @ T-Mobile Arena
This was recorded but the tapers have not released anything (10/2023)
2022.01.25 - Salt Lake City, UT, USA @ Maverik Center
Source: Solid State — Sony A10 (built-in, internal mics)
Taper: zeegrizzle
Notes: Truth be told, internal microphone stand-alone units do little for great audio quality. However, the Sony A10 is an unit which has some versatility. You need to point the microphones, elevate the unit above your ears (i.e.: put it in a hat and do a cross of the ‘microphones’) and you can end up with something decent. Does not sound like that was done here, however, this is still a decent pull for the source information associated. Not exceptionally clear, not exceptionally. It is what it is. At best a mid-grade recording IF you are someone who has listened to hours beyond hours of live Tool recordings for over three decades at this point. We at CU.ORG use a few of the Sony A10 units as besides the potential for AUD recording, they are solid recording units with the dependability of Sony behind it.
Time: 2:13:26
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.01.27 - Denver, CO, USA @ Ball Arena
Source: Solid State — Sony A10 (built-in, internal mics)
Taper: zeegrizzle
Notes: Those astute readers would notice zeegrizzle, clearly a birth name, recorded the previous performance in Salt Lake City and then made it to Denver for the next performance, two nights later…. I wonder how long that drive would be let me look that up for me + you - ooh - eight hour drive, each way. Unless you flew, of course. Taper zeegrizzles’ recording this night is remarkably clearer and cleaner than the Salt Lake City. Obviously, no idea where this person was but the levels are just about perfect and if someone said this was generic microphone X or Y > Sony A10 I don’t think anyone including me would bat an eye. In another one of zeegrizzle’s recordings, I mentioned wearing a hat and positioning the microphones a certain way, again, unsure if this what this taper did as whatever he did do - he nailed it. Pushed the equipment to its limit, nice job. Excellent job on finding the G-Spot, Mr. Zeegrizzle. All that said, another solid gig by Tool as they perform one of the greatest setlist choices in years. Not just this show, but the entire tour, to be clear.
Time: 2:09:36
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.01.28 - Colorado Springs, CO, USA @ Broadmoor World Arena
Source: Solid State — Sony A10 (built-in, internal mics)
Taper: zeegrizzle
Notes: A bit more crowd noise than the other two recordings in the ‘trifecta’ (?) which is zeegrizzles’ arduous journey. Was it arduous and a journey? I’d like to think so. Every Tool experience where you have to travel is something unique and special. This must be soooo many miles from where zeegrizzle, clearly his birth name, resides but then again who knows. In 2023/2024 there was a guy who hit all or most Tool shows of that leg dressed as Waldo (you him, contact us!) so who knows where anyone lives or miles they hit to make a show possible but this guy is 3 shows per 4 days for this run. Not too shabby. The recording, this is more in line with how one would think a built-in Sony A10 recording would sound. Decent at best, not muddy but not clean but gets the job done. It’s like shopping at Wal-Mart… Sure, Target is going to make you feel better and you might find something somewhat unique but at the end of the day you wipe with the same toilet paper - if you live in North America. Truth, the consumption of toilet paper in North America is just nuts. Let us take the EU As a whole, do they have toilet paper? Yes, but do they also combine that minimal use with a bidet? Yes, they do. And I, for one, love a nice bidet. It’s like water sports minus the swimsuit! So, yeah, that’s my metaphor. All joking aside, this taper, zeegrizzle, had a Tool journey which took time out of his life which required preparation, time and a shit-ton of money to make it happen. To people and tapers like this guy… We at CU. ORG commend your diligence, patience and admiration for Tool. Good job, dude.
Time: 2:31:08
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.01.30 - Tulsa, OK, USA @ BOK Center
Source A: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4080 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: Tb
Notes: This particular source is almost breathtaking in it’s depth, focus and clarity in regards to accurately recording the sound coming from the PA as the perfectionists on Tool’s team want you to hear -live- at the show. Many recordings attempt to come to such a resolution but this source actually delivers a sonic experience that is, truly, reminiscent of actually being at a Tool show. It is not just the equipment used, it is not just the location, it is not just microphone placement, it is not just the crowd around you, it is not the audio emanating from the stacks: Each and every one of those factors must perform together to deliver a truly fantastic and realistic capture of not just Tool but any band. The taper, Tb, has pulled some really nice recordings since 2019 when he started taping Tool but this one, he got lucky with this one and is going to be hard to beat.
Time: 2:20:54
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
Source B: Solid State — John Ramsey Stealth Binaurals > Sony ICD-PX470
Taper: Vincent66
Notes from TDP: Mastered by specialK. Thanks to Vincent for letting us play around with his recording!
Notes: Unsure what the raw, unmastered Dave I mean John Ramsey Stealth Binaurals sounded like compared with this version but it must have been halfway decent because this source is great. Clean drums with a crunchy live guitar and bass combo complimenting Carey’s amazing drum technique. Vocals are right up in your face throughout the recording as is the overall intensity Tool. Solid. Really, wonderful recording of a most pleasant concert performance.
Time: 2:20:09
Source C: Solid State — Shure MV88 > Apple iPhone 7
Taper: Coleson D.
Notes: Before checking out this recording, I had never heard of a Shure MV-88. It is a single condenser which attaches to the port of your phone which, for a stealth rig, is a relatively solid decision if one is going for ease of use. The net result is decent, overall. One would use the words thin, lack of bass with lots of high frequency, splashy cymbals, relatively present crowd noise but clear with vocals present in the mix. Interesting technology but this microphone is not for an audiophile as it appears to be geared towards bloggers, podcasters and folks who have so many fantastic thoughts in their head all the time and not for recording concerts.
Time: 2:09:27
Source D: Solid State — Apple Watch > Apple iPhone
Taper: JPFoster
Location: Taped from Section 12, Row E, Seat 13.
Notes: This source is clearly not for an audiophile. It is thin and compared with Sources A-C is the least enjoyable to listen to. That said, it is amazing what technology can do. Recorded on a watch? Ok. Where was the watch? I heard all sorts of subtle movements during songs, it is quite annoying. Do you keep the watch on your hand? You hold your wrist up the entire show? It sounds like a massive pain in the ass. If anything, what I would do, take the watch off and put in a hat on top of my head and do my best to not move or talk. Further, you have to worry about bluetooth remaining active throughout. I don’t know, sounds cool in theory and sure I see the argument of but I didn’t have to bring anything in, which is true, but the results are not great. What’s that expression? You miss 100% of the shots you do not take. That’s it.
Time: 2:08:59
2022.01.31 - Dallas, TX, USA @ American Airlines Center
Source: Solid State — Apple Watch > Apple iPhone
Taper: JPFoster
Notes: It is amazing what an Apple Watch is able to capture even if it is basically a sonic, muddy mess with a plethora of movement throughout, crowd chatter and did I mention subtle movements throughout? Apparently this is the only released recording of this performance which is surprising as there were quite a few folks discussing the fruits of their labor post this show on Reddit. But I digress. As such, this is the best recording of this performance you will find.
Time: 2:05:29
2022.02.02 - San Antonio, TX, USA @ AT&T Center
Source: Unknown
Notes: Apparently the audio from this source was ripped from YouTube by TDP thus is inherently lossy. Audio is significantly better than the footage but I bet it is all just sourced from a phone. The video itself is terrible. Imagine being at a Tool show where 3/4 of the screen is a concrete wall with the outline of the stage behind that. That is the extent of the quality, for the most part as there are times where the ratio goes down near to 1/2 the screen so improvements! This does mark the return of Eon Blue Apocalypse, if I am not mistaken, so that would be a highlight.
Time: 2:23:11
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Eon Blue Apcalypse
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.02.04 - Houston, TX, USA @ Toyota Center
Source: Solid State — Zoom Q3HD
Taper: bradleybee
Location: Taped from section 11
Notes: As of 2023, I believe I have heard every type of solid state, built-in, internal microphone available from compaines ranging from Sony, Edirol, Philips, Tascam and finally to Zoom particularly the Q3HD. The Q3HD, in my subjective opinion is the highest quality all in-one for audio quality on a value level; which all internals basically are for a value minded consumer. Other internals are often shriller whereas this recorder has more depth and ability to process deep levels of bass while maintaining a crisp upper frequencies. As it is, this is an accurate representation of the fantastic performance Tool put on for those lucky enough to be in the audience this evening. Crowd is relatively relaxed around the taper throughout but their presence is known at times. Clear vocals and instrumentation.
Time: 2:24:20
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Eon Blue Apcalypse
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.02.05 - New Orleans, LA, USA @ Smoothie King Center
Source A: Solid State — Sony A10 (built-in, internal mics)
Taper: zeegrizzle
Location: Taped from Section FLR A, Row 20
Notes: Yes! One of the best Tool names/monikers, zeegrizzle, clearly a birth name, lends his hand at capturing another recording of Tool in NOLA. And you know what? He nailed it with just a little Sony A10. Vocals are quite in the mix, DC’s drumming is super clean, Justin’s bass just holding it down and Adam’s blistering guitar work gives evidence of his genius. The Sony A10 was pushed to its limit this evening and it succeeded in it’s goal. Nice work.
Time: 2:13:05
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
Source B: Solid State — Olympus LS-1
Taper: rxz796
Notes: All in all, solid recording using a relatively basic setup with above average results particularly for the source information. Thick low end prevalent throughout, the vocals are present within the mix but not directly in your face whereas the bass can sometimes seem somewhat obfuscated as can the kick drum. Cymbals have a somewhat swish to them. Crowd is rather low, guitar is clean and many of the subtleties that DC will throw in on songs are captured nicely. Good job to the taper.
Time: 2:14:34
2022.02.08 - Orlando, FL, USA @ Amway Center
Source A: Solid State — Schoeps MK4 > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: Sevoflurane
Notes: Clearly, the most resilient and accurate representation of what came out of the PA system this evening, Sevorflurane making his post-Covid debut and just nailing this recording. Clean, crisp, crunchy with vocals generally right in your face, enough, as depending on where you were at the show depended on how clear MJK’s vocals were. Rest assured, you can hear all of MJK’s Covid friendly tips on HWAP where he goes in-depth discussing the efficacy of sticking a finger someplace where you would want to wash your fingers later. Excellent performance and an excellent capture.
Time: 2:12:41
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
Source B: Solid State/Phone — The Sound Professionals MS-TFB-2 in-ear binaural microphones > Samsung Galaxy A10e
Taper: a wave upon the cosmic dew
Notes: The best thing about this source is the moniker the taper chose: “a wave upon the cosmic dew.” Somewhat poetic and potentially accurate as a self-reference, I’d like to hear what else this cosmic dew, does. It appears that, thus far, this source is what the wave on the cosmic dew has consummated, thus far. Not going to kid anyone, I did not think this was going to be a decent recording - I just did not - based on the format of the phone. I do stand by that prejudice and it shows in this recording. Guitar, bass, drum and vocals clear (if not the latter slightly obscured by clouds) and a completely accurate capture of the performance any casual listener would thoroughly enjoy and the taper should be stoked about. Picking apart a beautiful audio painting, if you will? High SPL: the cymbals are somewhat swishy (totally common with these microphones, long-term), the bass and kick drum can be kind of muddy and the vocals are often clear but this recording cannot shake the distance. Having heard a ton of Sound Professionals microphones over the years but having never heard this variation combined with the iPhone… I would think that the minor negatives I mentioned are from some interplay between the two variables already mentioned.
Time: 2:12:12
Source C: Solid State — Olympus LS-1
Taper: rxz796
Notes: Seriously this taper again who manages sick recordings with an all-in-one? Much kudos to the taper, nice work. Balanced throughout and an accurate capture except the exhaustive low frequency bass flutter which the built-ins could not process effectively; although not exactly but imagine if the lower frequencies were having an issue with flatulence and there we go; bass flutter. This flutter is pervasive and not great throughout. The taper was absolutely close to the stacks/PA which is why we have this issues, further away, there would be no flutter. Positives, vocals are relatively clear as are the mid, highs and low with the exception of the lowest frequencies… ooh that bass flutter. Ouch.
Time: 2:23:00

Source D: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / p
Source E: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source F: Solid State — Sony A10 / d
Source G: Solid State — Sony A10 / a
Taper: The Collective: “MItaper78, ITS1984, Anon”
Gen: Master
Notes: Have you ever had a friend who you, perhaps passively seeing as how you lived close enough together, to start out as strangers then evolve into friends from elementary school to middle school then to high school then decades later meet up at random Tool shows prior to the Pandemic then afterwards? Those people are few and far between let alone you would be able to even comprehend meeting up with them later, at a Tool show? Again? Well, we met up with one of the members’ of the collectives eldest friends, Al, and wow what a journey and awesome time it is to see that cat again! Last time was NOLA 2019 right before ye old Covid-19 Pandemic. He pulled some fantastic floor tickets and we were oh, so happy to hang. After meeting up with Sevoflurane prior for a beer close enough to the venue to feel the blue light of soundcheck, we met up at the show and it was just like it always was. Isn’t that the best?
Time: Various but about the same
2022.02-09 - Tampa, FL, USA @ Amalie Arena
Source A: Solid State — Olympus LS-1
Taper: rxz796
Notes: Considering the source information herein, this recording is excellent. The taper pushed his rather basic equipment (nothing wrong with that!) to the max and although there are some issues with crowd vocalizations. some amount of movement and maybe some hints of movement, this is a good capture of this performance. For sure, the most complete source around. Nice job, rxz796… That just rolls off the tongue, rxz796. Seriously, say it out loud. Each time you say his moniker, he grows in strength until he makes the ultimate sacrifice and purchases MBHO microphones to teach all of us a lesson.
Time: 2:24:36
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
Source B: Solid State — Schoeps MK4 > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: Sevoflurane
Notes: Can this taper pull a bad tape? I do not think so. Although recorded from some elevation, this recording is incomplete but is still a fantastic pull (i.e.: Intermission/CCT/CV/Invincible are missing). Vocals are clear, guitar, bass and drums are perfect considering where the taper was located. Excellent.
Time: 1:34:20
Source C: Solid State — Sony A10 x 3 / incomplete
Taper: The Collective
Gen: Master
Notes: Complete and utter fail for all involved. Movement. Massively incomplete. Absolutely a Rosetta Stoned moment. However, one learns from adversity and strife. Partial AUD only, multiple. Ouch. No one was busted or had anything bad happen just everything that could have gone wrong for the objective to be completed, went the other way. It is what it is. Tampa is a really pretty city, though.
Time: 1:31:12

2022.02.10 - Miami, FL, USA - FTX Arena
Source A: Solid State — Core Sound Binaural > Sony A10
Source B: Solid State — ALD (house system) > Sony A10
Transfer: Master File > USB > Goldwave (resample, EQ)
Source B1: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source B2: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / p
Taper: The Collective: “MItaper78, Anon, ITS1984”
Gen: Master
Notes: Members of the Collective wasted little to no time in a “clown-car-esque” mad dash to Miami from Tampa in order to make it to the next Tool gig. Although a couple members suffered some serious skill issues the night before, they pressed-on with little more than a turkey sandwich, half a bag of jalapeno chips and warm beer for the drive. Crammed into the closest hotel by FTX Arena (Motel? Definitely not a resort) the team were eager to see Tool this evening. One taper managed to request a house ALD system which they gave her to use whereas others decided upon more of the Dark Arts such as filling up on restaurant priced beer in lieu of Arena prices just to stumble in at the right time for pulling some tapes. Night 3 of 3 in a row for Tool and those many people who followed the band during this particular eventful leg.
Source A
2024 Notes on CSB: This recording is first and foremost, incomplete. It is abridged and fades in during Fear Inoculum, missing maybe first two minutes, as ITS1984 was still outside smoking (a Cuban cigar, totally gross, I know who still smokes?) and did not notice the time. Further, this recording cuts out at the beginning of Culling Voices with the ye old Core Sound Binaurals setup Galen bought from 2002, however, I believe the ‘switch’ was in the ‘on’ setting (with the microphones plugged into the battery pack, if you know you know this will drain the battery if the mics are plugged in and over days, well... Here we have the result) for a very long time and that killed the battery. Let's not give this taper too much shit, he was in Florida at a Tool show in February so it could have been worse. Pretty decent sound - for what we were dealing with; 22 year old heavily used CSB and a 9V that should’ve been swapped out. Still, required some EQ'ing to balance out the sick low end SPL's but overall impressed how the mics held up. As it is, relatively decent CSB source with more of a hint to nostalgia than audiophile dreams happening with this source. Not crazy full of low end but enough that it retains enough of the flavor to make you bop your head like you are at a Yo Gabba Gabba show. Not a perfect dance partner but close enough that she won't tear off your nose if she trips.
Source B
2024 Notes on ALD: This ALD (Assisted Listening Device) box was provided to, let’s call him as he prefers to be referenced as, Anon (but as long as you don’t tell him he’s on the ‘Net his name is RJB and he doesn’t even have a FB page or YouTube account and only scrolls Porn Hub for the news articles), at the customer service department of the venue. Took a risk, gave them her/them drivers license in exchange for an ALD pack. Risky shit, arguably. This is essentially a massive bonus and absolutely unexpected, at the time, literally, because the box was acquired as the show started. It is incomplete as the source starts about halfway at Fear Inoculum. Although this could have been released fully with all of FI, the stuff EQ’d out was done so for a reason as during FI, Anon had some issue finding the sweet spot for a minute but that is a different story. This source is not perfect but it is relatively cool and somewhat unique; arguably rarer than IEM recording/s of Tool - because ALD systems are venue dependent and rely on all sorts of various factors. Although not a perfectly flawless recording, on one side you have random spots of what sounds like radio frequency flutter that interferes briefly, and other times when it sounds like someone is tapping glass directly in your ear; that is how clear it can be. Even with some random and annoying drops, this is nonetheless worth checking out. Does it work as a stand alone? Yes. It absolutely does. However, in true ALD fashion, there is little to no low end but you sure would be hard pressed to find a clearer recording of vocals and high end.
CSB Time: 1:50:44
(Missing half of Culling Voices + Invincible)
ALD (house system)
Time: 2:12:24
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
Source C: Unknown Video Recording (Audio ripped by Geordy of TDP from YouTube)
Notes: This source is rough and best left for collectors only as it lossy and incomplete as it is missing Invincible which is odd as that is the only song Tool allowed people to record since it was the last... Honestly it may be really rare as it is unclear how many people have downloaded it? That said, something is better than nothing.
Time: 1:52:15
2022.02.19 - Boston, MA, USA @ TD Garden
Source A: Solid State —- The Sound Professionals SP-CMC-8 > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: Favre
Notes: This is a decent audience recording recorded from somewhat a distance away. If I were to take a guess it would be lower bowl opposite end of the venue. Vocals are decent in the mix although there is a certain swish of the cymbals, thin guitar sound with crunchy bass notes sprinkled with a certain echo-effect from the sound bouncing around. Low crowd noise and a clearly focused taper seemed to have helped this recording be as good as it is. And, it is, nice job.
Time: 2:07:00
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
Source B: Solid State — Edirol R09 (built in microphones)
Taper: EJC666
Notes: We try to approach the entries onto CU.ORG with an open ear and open heart. This was no different and the fact is, this is actually a very clean sounding recording given the source and, maybe even, accounting for the age of the unit (originally released in 2006). Impressive capture. The taper must have been in the perfect seat with the Edirol R-09 elevated close to a stack even though there is not a hint of distortion throughout. A little crowd chatter but nothing egregious.
Time: 1:51:51
Source C: DAT — Schoeps MK4 > Sony PCM-M1
Source D: Solid State — DPA 4061 > Sony A10
Source E: Solid State
Source D: Solid State
Taper: The Collective
2022.02.20 - Philadelphia, PA, USA @ Wells Fargo Center
Source A: Solid State —- Shure MV88 > Apple iPhone SE
Taper: mozohere
Notes: At the very end of what was recorded of Pnuema, you hear a ‘phht’ sound and some cables clicking as the abrupt fade-out takes hold. The actual audio quality is, at best, pretty good as subjective of that analysis is. For those astute readers, this microphone setup has been seen before. The microphone used on this iPhone is a Shure MV88 which basically just plugs into your lightning-port (which has been replaced by USB-C by Apple) into your iPhone, you use the little software program and you record. It all should work and be great for stealth. And it does work - until it does not work. Perhaps something catastrophic occurred or simple user error? As such, this is what it is.
Time: 51:36
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.02.22 - Washington, D.C, USA @ Capitol One Arena
No Released Recordings from any of our elected officials
2022.02.23 - Elmont, NY, USA @ UBS Arena
Source A: Unknown Video Recording
Taper: ?
Notes: Zero idea about what the source information is for this. Honestly, the only reason this source was included is because someone from TDP took this lossy, thin and unfocused video from YouTube and included it as a viable source on their website which then spread it so this floats in trading circles . Legit? It’s not terrible or anything but definitely requires the video to be of real any interest as, sonically, this is poor. Collectors only.
Time: 2:08:13
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.02.26 - Newark, NJ, USA @ Prudential Center
Source A: DAT —- Core Sound High End Binaural > Sony TCD-D8
Source A: DAT —- Sony PCM-M1 / m
Taper: The Collective, “JDA”
Gen: Master
Notes: Excellent capture of Tool by a member of The Collective. Recorded from the floor approximately 15’ directly under Adam Jones’s stack, this is as close to a FOS old school Tool recording I’ve heard in a long, long time. Good job, JDA. Despite a correction during FI to adjust the volume, this is nonetheless a tight recording. Apparently, this is around in the physical sense of actual CDR copies but the taper did not release this to be on the Internet. She is quite old school with that… I mean, the philosophy is old school, the taper is not old I would never say that. The last thing anyone would want to do would be to make JDA mad.
Time: 2:18:20
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
(Post Show - Talking)
2022.02.27 - Buffalo, NY, USA @ KeyBank Center
Source: Solid State —- MBHO KA 200N > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: Toaster
Notes: To say that this particular source, recorded by a long-time Tool taper, Toaster, is decent would be a cardinal sin. This is a solid recording through and through, technically. MBHO microphones are fantastic. However, sonically and subjectively, I hear a lot of swish embedded within this source including vocals which are somewhat buried in the mix. Not by much, just a little. In no way shape or form am I implying that this is a bad recording, it is not it is fantastic but to my ears a little bit more lower end would be nice in the mix. And maybe that’s not the case for you - that’s why we have subjectivity.
Time: 2:18:20
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.03.01 - Pittsburgh, PA, USA @ PPG Paints Arena
Source A: Unknown Video Recording
Taper: ?
Notes: Zero idea about what the source information is for this. Honestly, the only reason this source was included is because someone from TDP took the audio from this off of YouTube and tracked it thus it is “in the wild” however what is not known is what full version of this was “ripped” from YouTube. We do not know and there are a few videos both complete and incomplete of this performance without source information. Further, there is another source of this which is basically audio only of this performance… so… ugh… how do you keep track? What is a source versus a lossy rip from YouTube? A FLAC from the Master w/source information should have more weight to it than an unknown video recording. Just saying.
Time: 2:18:20
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices

2022.03.03 - Detroit, MI, USA @ Little Caesars Arena
Source A: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source B: DAT — Sony TCD-D100 / p
Source C: Solid State — Sony A10 / d
Source D: Solid State — Sony A10 / a
Taper: The Collective. “MItaper78, LW, ITS1984”
Gen: Master
Notes: The only thing to be said about this performance is: The first performance of Undertow since 2002! Dusting off Undertow after 20 years, the song sonically sounded (live) as clean, clear and intense as it did back in 1993. Members of The Collective (collectively) freaked out for a good few minutes staring dumbstruck like we were watching a dragon giving birth to an ice cream cone. Right before the song, MJK, under his breath just says “oh boy” before the band kicks in. Does the fact that MJK spent many formative years in Michigan evidence that he wanted to give the crowd something special? Probably not but you never know, it would be cool to think so. As it is, there is another source of this performance which was ripped from YouTube by the Tool Drive Project floating around if one were so inclined. Apparently, the sources pulled by these guys are actually in circulation but have thus far stayed successfully off of the Internet.
Notes: Also, I was on the stage right (Adam Jones’s side) and was able to get a few cool behind the scenes gear related pictures.
Time: 2:18:20
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
(First time since 2002)
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
(Post Show - Talking)
2022.03.04 - Louisville, KY, USA @ KFC Yum! Center
Source: Solid State — DPA 4061 > Sony A10
Taper: Geordy
Notes: For a DPA 4061 recording, this is really nice. A bit on the tinny side if one were taking a subjective opinion. One thing cool about this recording is it lacks the bass which can somewhat permeate DPA 4061 recordings rendering them with a lot of work in post. And that is what this recording sounds like to my ears, some amount of EQ’ing the source, that is clear. Perhaps I am harsher on DPA recordings as I used those mics for a good decade before I moved on to more interesting microphones - microphones not as technically good but vintage. As it is, the taper did a great job on this and you should probably check it out sometime soon.
Time: 2:09:28
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.03.06 - Columbus, OH, USA @ Nationwide Arena
Source A: Solid State — Audio-Technica 853U > Sony PCM-A10
Taper: live2cd
Notes: Yeah man, live2cd outdid them/they selves on this recording. No idea where the taper was but this performance was nailed in all of it’s complex polyrhythmic machinations. Often, I feel the AT’s can leave the listener with a swishy-head-spinning sort of thing but not here, no way. Excellent job. This is probably the best AUD recording to surface of this performance. Nice.
Time: ~2:10:59
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices

Source B: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source C: DAT — Sony TCD-D100 / p
Source D: Solid State — Sony A10 / a
Source E: Solid State — Sony A10 / d
Source F: Solid State — M10 / mon
Taper: The Collective. “MItaper78, JL, Sid, ITS1984”
Gen: Master
Notes: Columbus, OH is quite actually a very cool place. The venue, Nationwide Arena, is right in the Arena district of downtown and is located close to Express Live (a club sized venue just down the street). Lots of trendy bars, restaurants and chill things to do in that immediate area. Also close to the expressway which is helpful for those who commute for a Tool show which arguably would be most people. Of special note is the intersection of W. Nationwide Arena and Marconi Blvd. Some intense tapers have mentioned that this is a spot that you can, presuming the wind is correct, hear the machinations of bands thrashing and jamming from afar (if one knows what to look for) even from afar, like in your car.
Time: ~2:20:00 (roughly)

2022.03.08 - Grand Rapids, MI, USA @ Van Andel Arena
Source A: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source B: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / p
Source C: DAT — Sony TCD-D100 / d
Source D: Solid State — Sony A10 / a
Source E: Solid State — Sony A10 / mon
Source F: Solid State — Zoom F1 / tec
Source G: Solid State — Tascam DA-20 / crw
Source H: Solid State — Matrix of A+B+C > Sony A10*
* (on the fly, live)
Taper: The Collective. “MItaper78, Anon, Aimee, Sid, ITS1984, DT, HiT”
Gen: Master
Notes: The team consisting of MI Tapers went all out for this performance at Van Andel Arena - It was the first time post-pandemic most everyone was able to meet up thus obviously we ended up at the charming but now defunct Grand Rapids Brewing Company located next to the venue where the bar played lots of Tool. Members were spread out amongst the crowd in an effort to capture every angle and be as professional as possible… Just kidding, there was next to no organization in regards to ticket purchase as it was a helter skelter crapshoot with tickets anyway. Most of these sources are floating around on physical media and have thus far evaded the Internet.
Time: ~2:25:00 (roughly)
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.03.10 - Chicago, IL, USA @ United Center
Source A: Solid State — Audio-Technica 831 > Sony PCM-M10
Taper: tapeworm48
Notes: Just another stellar Tool recording by tapeworm. For those who perhaps unaware, tapeworm was one of the first on the Internet to create a database for live recordings of numerous bands such as Pearl Jam as well as Tool, among others I cannot recall off the top of my head. Point is, without some of his early work in the late 1990’s, a lot of information could have easily been lost by the sands of time. As it is, this is a fine recording. Clean, clear with vocals that are relevant no matter how much it seems, at times, that the guitar attempts to overwhelm. The United Center can be a difficult venue, sonically, and this recording demonstrates that it is possible to get a real nice recording within the concrete box.
Time: 2:04:09
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.03.12 - Omaha, NE, USA @ CHI Health Center Arena
Source A: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4080 > Sony PCM-M10
Location: Recorded from 15th row floor, dead center
Taper: Tb
Notes: This recording, for lack of a better term, is savage. It is almost the definition and aspiration of what one would aim for when audience recording a Tool show. You use good microphones in a proper position, you often receive back what you put into “it” be it taping or learning an instrument or practicing Lachrymology. In lieu of my feeble attempts to explain the nuanced nature of this recording, I recommend just listening to it.
Time: 2:03:10
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
Source B: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Sony PCM-M10
Location: Recorded from Floor Section E, Row 13, directly in front of soundboard
Taper: Dave A.
Notes: Great DPA 4061 recording - it truly is. I like it a lot, however, I have had a lot of taping experience with DPA 4061 microphones (the good, the bad) and it is kind of a love/hate relationship at this point thus everything I write about this source is colored by my own subjective experiences: Unlike a DPA source I came across (Knoxville I think), this source has not been altered much. The bottom is all here, the highs and mids are what they are and even though MJK’s voice almost tries to bury itself in the music, it is quite clear. But, then, you have the classic DPA 4061 mid-level low end bass flubble and overall low-end wobble. That is also prominent, as it should be, this is a DPA 4061 recording that has not been tinkered with. Is this absolutely worthy of a solid listen? Of course. But if you had the option of this of the DPA 4080 source, I would take a guess you would go with that.
Time: 2:11:30
2022.03.13 - Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
No Released Recordings
(as of 7/2024)
2022.03.15 - Kansas City, MO @ T-Mobile Center
Source A: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4080 > Sony PCM-M10
Location: Recorded from 6th row floor, Justin's side. Some personal info was captured during intermission so it was cut.
Taper: Tb
Notes: For an audience recording, whew, can you get any better? Although there is a Part of Me that thinks this is mixed with some special sauce I am willing to suspend belief and say this is a straight up AUD recording. Thus if we are going by this narrative, based on the bass characterized by DPA microphones (tell tale) and the ambient pauses throughout, quite honestly, if you are a taper why are you not using DPA 4080 microphones? I’ve had random emails complaining to me about how much I focus on microphones, media and other BS I rather enjoy as “most people would never think to tape a concert” but then again, buddy, here you are on a live recording website. The disconnect is oftentimes remarkable. Seriously, these microphones are great. The taper is using such a basic recorder, the M10, it is almost fool-proof to pull a great recording. Excellent.
Time: 2:09:20
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.03.17 - Moline, IL, USA @ TaxSlayer Center
Source A: Solid State — Zoom H2 (internal mics)
Location: Taped from very last row of the arena section 208 seat 1.
Taper: hoverboard
Notes: Originally, pre-2022 when this show was on the books to be in June 2020, I was going to hit this performance but alas two years later schedules changed. As it is, rather standard setlist and dare I say performance although it is always a standout performance with Danny Carey behind the drums. What to say about this recording? It sounds better than it should based on the source information/equipment used. From a taper angle, this recording was recorded from the back of the arena bowl and it sounds like it. Crisp, clarity and w/o echo are words which would never describe this recording. It is decent for what it is.
Time: 2:20:12
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
2022.03.18 - St. Louis, MO, USA @ Enterprise Center
Source A: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4080 > Sony PCM-M10
Location: Recorded from 7th row floor, directly in line with Adam. Intermission was cut.
Taper: Tb
Notes: And here we have yest another spectacular DPA 4080 recording. Man, I love the sound of these microphones they absolutely capture a live performance like few are able to. Crisp, clean and strikingly ambient, this is just a great recording of a wonderful if not standard 2022 set. All that said, the vocals do seem to be somewhat limited in presence on this particular recording; most likely how it was at the show.
Time: 2:10:34
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
Source B: Solid State — Danish Pro Audio 4061 > Tascam DR-2D
Location: Recorded from 14th row floor, just right of center.
Taper: geordy
Notes: I do not know the ins/outs of this source, however, Geordy totally nailed this stellar recording. Makes me think DPOA 4061’s are a bit better than my faulty memory. Although, I do believe, Geordy uses the MMA6000 DPA box (long since discontinued) which allows you to roll off bass, increase highs and otherwise alter what is recorded prior to the signal reaches the recorder. That said, the low-churn of bass so common with DPA 4061 mics are not here… I wonder if it is the box which alters the recordings so? Must be. Or post-editing. As it is, great recording of a solid performance. Vocals seem to be more prominent in this source vs the DPA 4080 source. Interesting. Thumbs up dude, great job.
Time: 2:05:36
Source C: Solid State — MBHO KA 200N > Sony PCM-M10
Location: Taped from Section B, Row 14, on floor. Thanks to Geordy for grabbing this ticket for me!
Taper: SpecialK
Notes: What is going on? How do you have so many fantastic recordings from one show (DPA 4080, DPA 4061, MBHO)? There are a few performances where all the recordings were completely on fire but those are few and far between. This show, it seems that it was a meeting of the minds of tapers… And of course, of course, there are more tapers of a certain nature as well as lots of special ‘sauces or sources’ consisting of understanding interesting enigmatic magnets. This MBHO source is just a delight to listen to. The taper did a spectacular job, he is a seasoned professional and longtime Tool-taper if you did not know, and this only is a feather in his cap in regards to pulling tape. Excellent job. All that said, there is limited low end compared with either of the released DPA sources, as one would expect, being a MBHO.
Time: 2:24:12
Source D: Solid State — Edirol R-07 (internal mics)
Location: Taped from Section B, Row 14, on floor. Thanks to Geordy for grabbing this ticket for me!
Taper: SpecialK
Notes by Taper: Intermission was removed. This source was just for shits and giggles. I bought the R-07 on sale way back in January of 2020, right before COVID hit, and I had not used it yet, so I figured I would just add a second source for taping this show. I set the input all the way down to 01, and even though the wav file peaked at about -9dB, there is clearly some distortion on the recording. Perhaps if I was sitting further back the R-07 might have handled the high SPLs a bit better, but I won't complain, as my MBHO source came out very nice, in my opinion.
Time: 2:12:32
2022.03.20 - Cleveland, OH, USA @ Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse

Source A: DAT — Sony PCM-M1 / m
Source B: DAT — Sony TCD-D100 / p
Source C: Solid State — Sony A10 / d
Source D: Solid State — Sony A10 / mon
Source E: Solid State — Zoom F1 / a
Taper: The Collective. “MItaper78, WWJD, ITS1984, Anon”
Gen: Master
Notes: 1 The last performance of Tool in the United States post-Covid, ending the long-delayed continuation of the Fear Inoculum tour. Of special highlight, is the spaghetti dinner MJK had during Descending complete with waiters, fresh mozzarella and a bottle of wine from Caduceus Cellars/Merkin Vineyards (well, I can’t verify that but it looked like it to me I mean would MJK drink anything else)? First time I saw a little play during a Tool song. As it is, relatively standard setlist for the era but wow what a setlist it certainly was. Excellency in action. But, at least for me, on my way to meet up with folks hitting the show within the guise of the Collective, I had a really bad thing happen (which could’ve been much worse).
Notes -Nothing about Tool but About Avoiding an Accident or How I Got Lucky (Again): Coming from Michigan en route to Cleveland, OH on a Sunday afternoon I was roughly half the way from my house as I was to the venue when I had a potentially live altering event occur. In Ohio, there are long stretches of toll highway with only rest-stops. I was driving (obviously the speed limit), I noticed my truck was behaving strange. Unlike operating like the sports car I drive, compared with our Suburban, the Land Cruiser was behaving like it was pulling a 10,000 pound trailer. I pulled into the right lane of the expressway as I saw there was a rest stop/gas station just half a mile East. I slowed down and made it to the off ramp where I decelerated to 20 MPH and began to turn right. As I made that turn, I felt the back-end of my SUV literally fall(!) then scrape (loud) onto the pavement. I turned my head to the left to see my drivers side rear tire continue towards the gas station without my vehicle attached to it. I came to an abrupt stop and attempted to catch my breath… Called the State Police who sent a wrecker, took a statement and they hauled the SUV off to a holding garage. For reference, I had an oil change and tire rotation at my local Toyota dealership literally five (5) days prior. Always double check the lug nuts on your tires! The day after the incident, I contacted the service department/manager and they provided a loaner and completely fixed my vehicle and told me, frankly, what happened: It was a trainee who did not tighten down the lug nuts which is why the tire came off although I did counter with the fact that if a trainee did something and was not a master mechanic, a master mechanic should have checked the work which the business did agree. I was satisfied that they admitted the mistake and fixed my vehicle but it was quite a terrifying event.
….So how did I get to Tool with a disabled vehicle?
The first person I called after I realized everybody was OK was my brother in law, Luke or LW, as I was mildly shaken and not stirred. He texted his wife, my sister in law, and she came to pick me up as I was literally halfway between Toledo (where they live) and Cleveland (where Tool was playing). She then offered to drive me to the Cleveland Airport as, being halfway between Toledo and Cleveland that did make pragmatic sense as nothing else was open on a Sunday and, literally, there was not one loaner open anywhere but Cleveland or Toledo. Big props to my SIL, Laura: You are the only reason I made it to this Tool show - love you.
Time: ~2:20:00 (roughly)
Litanie contre la Peur
Fear Inoculum
The Pot
The Grudge
Right In Two
Hooker With a Penis
Chocolate Chip Trip
Culling Voices
(Post Show - Talking)