2001.08.14 - Los Angeles, CA, USA @ Wiltern Theatre

Source A:
DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony PCM-M1

Good recording. There is a little bit of fussing with the mics, volume & something else for a few moments (taper is adjusting) but that is really no big deal. The thing that really seems to separate this from other recordings is that the sound has an extra-crispy sound to it. Like, the high end is more prominent than the low end. If that makes sense. There are quite a few different recording sources for this show, I think this is one of the better sounding. However, MJK's vocals seem to be just a little bit low throughout. All in all, this is probably the better-sounding source to be out there available. If Tool were to ever release this performance as a soundboard recording, I feel that it would be a great idea.

 CD 1

CD 2

Tuva (intro)
The Grudge
(-) Ions
(White Lines)
46 & 2
Intermission - Sound Scapes (Fripp)

Source B: DAT --- Sound Professionals Slimline Cardioids > Sony TCD-D8

Help: Having attained for the 2nd time this source with different source "information", I request your assistance. Thsi source may either be the MD ECM717>R700 or the SPSCD8 version.  Please refer to Source B for the description. The ECM717>R700 source & the  SPSC>D8 sources have been confused. Please email me with more information for clarification purposes as it is important that this is figured out: email.
Notes: There is a certain amount of microphone placement, fidgeting & phasing throughout this recording; the beginning is the most noticeable. Overall, the sound is rather tinny & one would actually expect a SPSC>D8 source to be quite a bit more fuller, intense, balanced and generally enjoyable than this one is. I am not trying to say this is a bad recording, it is not, however it is not the best source for this performance and other recordings with the same type of set-up have faired much better results. The taper sounds rather far away, maybe towards the top of the venue/concert hall as the sound, if you listen to this with headphones, seems to be coming from 'downward' - if that makes any sense. Overall, this is probably nor a for collectors but for this tour-period, there are better sources of this out there...

 CD 1

CD 2

Source C: DAT --- Inner Ear Monitor (IEM) > Sony PCM-M1 > FLAC > dimeadozen.org, 05/31/2006

First, this "note section" is the same as the 08/13/01 IEM section (as they are virtually identical in sound & issues). Second, I will go out on a limb & say that I was 110% surprised by seeing that this was being torrented. This recording & the 08/13/01 show were torrented by the same uploader & are the authentic, real deal IEM's of this performance. Perhaps the overall negative connotations of many Tool collectors made me think that nothing this, well, cool, would be massively released anytime soon. But here I go, being wrong. Good! Although the sound check was recorded & retained, it was not included in these releases but beggars are not choosers, eh? This source is very clean & crisp. As with the majority of IEM recordings, this has more high end than anything else. The bass, even when used w/a bass box in a Jeep or car is lacking. This is not a diss but it is what it is. If someone were to take this source & matrix it with the best audience recording, the result, I imagine, would be quite good. There are many instances where MJK's vocals seem to brickwall / distort at very high levels so know that this is not perfect. It is what it is & I am happy to have the opportunity to enjoy it. There are sporadic cuts & if you listen you will hear static. Deal.

: "Thank you very much. We are glad you could come down"

 CD 1

CD 2