2002.10.23 - Toledo, OH, USA @ Sports Arena
Source A: Mini Disc -- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony MZ-R700
Transfer: MD-M > Tascam MD 301 MK-II > UXL24/96 > Goldwave
Taping Position: Front of Stack (directly)
Taper: Galen
Gen: collectiveunconscious.org Master Recording
Notes 2024:
Somewhat surprised not many more sources of this show ever surfaced. I met up with quasi-legendar-taper Smagmapig actually at the beginning of the show and we ended up taping directly in front of the left stack; I mean we could touch it if we had wanted to. The crowd was really wild that evening, I do recall that. Aggressive. Moshing, crowd/pit movement as we were in the trenches of a Tool show back when the audience was still young! Ha. Oh shit I made myself laugh - yeah but movement from me being pushed FOS from security not handling the crowd at all. Always fun. My recording turned out a lot like Kalamazoo ‘02 in regards to sound. I actually never did anything with this recording, never released it. Maybe I will. Although I was directly in front of the left stack there was a bit more bass than desired thus EQ’d this source properly after the 2024 transfer from the Master Discs.
Notes 2002:
Tool was quite strong tonight. To be honest, I was a bit put off at the beginning when they played Sober...I thought that they would do the exact same setlist as East Lansing, a few nights earlier. But, no, Toledo got Third Eye...and it was good. Really good. The crowd was a standard Tool crowd complete with mullets & IQ's which could be legally covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Security was worse, though. When someone would come out of the crowd (surfing) they would direct them back into the crowd, thus, creating a vicious circle. Numerous times was I pushed & then told to get back...I just sit there, not causing a wave & still this is the shit which the docile have to put up with. Ah well. Really, not that bad but definitely irritating. BTW, myself & the other confirmed recording source of this show taped pretty much right next to each other at this show, both were FOS on the left. Nice guy. Due to where I was standing, I got pushed a bit by the crowd & security throwing people back into the crowd. There are a few times when the sound sort of shifts for a second, but not much longer. Slight, but you probably have to listen for it. Very clear sound. Hard to not get a real nice sounding recording from CSBs. I'm sure I'll manage somehow. During the last minute of Lateralus, I booked it back to the sound-booth to grab a copy of the set list as its always nice to grab one. If that's what you're into. Also, the picture below was taken from my car window as I was pulling up. Snagged a setlist from the sound-engineer, see scan below
"You have one chance & one change only to show these non-Ohio people that your smart, that you're on the ball. Ready? Round on the end, high in the middle... what's that spell?"
Time: 2:14:18
Intro I - Robert Fripp
Intro II - Tuva
The Grudge
(-) Ions
46 & 2
Third Eye
(Dr. Timothy Leary speech / Bill Hicks)
post-show (talking)
Source B: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony PCM-M1 (Oade Bros Mod II) @ 48 KHZ
Position: Floor / Front of Stack - Left
Taper: Smagmapig
Notes: This particular performance was one of my, personal, favorite concert experiences. The sound was quite good, being on the front of stack left & once I arrived there, that's where I stayed. As I recall, a few minutes before Tool were to be on stage the taper, Smagmapig, arrived. He rode the rail on the FOS-L this evening as I was in the same position. Really, an excellent set list & the venue itself although quasi-large had a rather intimate feeling to it all things considered. The performance of Third Eye alone is worth the price of admission. As it is, this recording has much more depth & overall quality than my own source as the limitations of Mini Disc in comparison with this DAT source are painfully obvious (a good deal of difference due to recorders; both used the same microphones in the same position) as this source, other than a few annoying crowd shouts, is just stunning. Seriously, this is simply jaw-dropping & this recording I have listened to quite a bit more times than my own master. Top job to the taper.
The Grudge
(-) Ions
46 & 2
Third Eye
(Dr. Timothy Leary speech; Bill Hicks sample)Intermission
post-show (talking)