2002.08.13 - New York City, NY, USA @ Radio City Music Hall

Source A: Mini-DV --- Panasonic PC-DV252 w/built-in Microphone, 10X Optical zoom, 25X Digital zoom
Source A: Master > DVD
CD: Master > CD
Taper: Pr1ck
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: There are a few more known sources from this performance known including an incomplete IEM.
Notes: This is the only audio/visual recording of Tool's Radio City Music Hall which truly was a superb performance. How this taper managed to smuggle his Mini-DV into the venue & pull out such a professional recording boggles my mind. No one is in front of the camera, no one is yelling & the recording is pretty-much focused simply on Tool. The taper is in a good location, almost dead-center. This performance featured the "new" artwork that Tool was using by artist Alex Gray, who was at this show as well. The camera is focused; excellent shots of the band, the 'new artwork' & video shots. Sound is great, better than some MD versions I've heard of various shows. If There were some people who described this performance as something short of the 2nd-coming-of-what-Christians-call-Christ.
Fun fact, I ascertained the setlist above from Radio City Music Hall on August 30 2002 in Cleveland, OH from Knobby who just happened to have one as there were no more remaining setlists.
Time: 1:54:13
(Debut/Ramones cover)
The Grudge
(-) Ions
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
Source B: Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-MS907 > Sony MZ-R900
Taper: J. Post
EQ'd by: Senator Bigsy
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: Some people tend to think of this show as a special turning point for Tool. While I'll agree that the band was on this night, I'm not sure RCMH was anything but a very intimate gig. Remember, the four mini-tour gigs in 2001 were all at comparable size venues. This does have the first appearance of 'Commando' by the Ramones, which is pretty cool. Wish I could've been at this performance because the band really had a nice vibe to them this night. Energy, not complacence like the majority of the summer '02 gigs. Looking at how this venue is setup; I doubt a bad seat is even possible. I've heard that the acoustics in this venue are extremely good. If this recording is any indication, the acoustics are not just good, they are great. According to the person who mastered the show, Kevin, the taper was a bit apprehensive due to security so he put the mini disc & microphone underneath his seat. That said, the sound is a tad distant & a slight layer of fuzz (computer static?) coats the recording; but it is quite hard to pick that out unless you are looking for something to complain about like I am. There is ample crowd noise a few times; girls talking (c'mon Tool!) & insightful comments made by the people around the microphone. Sometimes it's hard to make out what Maynard is saying; his vocals could've used an increase in volume. Although this recording is pretty good, no one will ever confuse this with a sound-board recording.
Maynardism: "We would like to thank the artist responsible for these wonderful pieces of art you see before you. His name is Alex Grey, thank you Alex. Everyone say 'thank you Alex'. Alex is responsible for our album cover artwork. Alex Grey. Thank you for sharing this moment with us tonight, hopefully, we've been some sort of catalyst for healing or inspiration. Hopefully, you'll leave here inspired, healed & horny. We suggest you go home & have sex. Thank you very much for sharing this time with us this evening."
CD 1
Time: 66:05
CD 2
Time: 55:34
Source C: DAT --- Sonic Studios DSM-6 S/L> Sony PCM-M1
Taper: Kevin
Notes: You may notice the setlist at the bottom. I was not at this show. After the 08.30.02 show, I attained the setlist from the sound engineer. Completely different show - still, managed to get a setlist. Truth be told, I was hoping for the setlist from Cleveland, OH but, retrospectively, am rather pleased at the outcome.
Notes: The best, sound-wise of the RCMH gigs to surface. Sound is not muffled, is up close & has a wide-ranging dynamic sound. Besides the taper vocalizing his excitement during 'H' (I don't mind, I don't miiiiiiind); you can barely hear the crowd during the songs. A bit of talking between them though, but that's all right. This recording has the absolute worst tracking I've ever seen. Track transitions are fine, no mini-gaps, but a new track will appear in the middle of a song and whatnot. Not a big deal; kind of funny, really. Either the person who mastered it has no idea where a song starts/ends or this was done automatically by the mastering program itself. In sum, good sounding audience recording/arguably professional sounding with a less than professional taper.
CD 1
Time: 56:13
CD 2
Time: 67:48
Source D: Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-DS70P > Sharp MT-821
Taper: Jared D.
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: This recording features the standard ECM>MD "sounding" capture of the performance. Is this spectacularly clean, clear, sharp or vibrant? Not really - but this is, if nothing else, a decent recording. If one were to strain the ears, maybe there are some instances of high level distortion. All in all, this recording may be worth checking out but I do not for see many collectors having this source on regular rotation in their Tool collections.
CD 1
Time: 79:41
D 2
Time: 44:19
Source E: Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-MS908C > Sony MZR-700
Taper: Charles C.
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: Man, there are turning out to be a fair number of sources for this particular show. I think I have said way more than I need to reiterate now about this particular performance. This recording is one of the better of the sources out there but is probably not -the- best as there is a little pinch of high end distortion & also a fair amount of crowd noise. So, I really do not think there is much else to say here, to be honest. If there weren't a bunch of screaming right next to the mics, I think that this seriously could've been very, very good. On the other hand, this is more or less just another basic capture with a pretty basic recording set-up.
Maynardism: "We would like to thank the artist responsible for these wonderful pieces of art you see before you. His name is Alex Grey, thank you Alex. Everyone say 'thank you Alex'. Alex is responsible for our album cover artwork. Alex Grey. Thank you for sharing this moment with us tonight, hopefully, we've been some sort of catalyst for healing or inspiration. Hopefully, you'll leave here inspired, healed & horny. We suggest you go home & have sex. Thank you very much for sharing this time with us this evening."
CD 1
Time: 79:41
(Debut/Ramones cover)
The Grudge
(-) Ions
(White Lines + Suspicious Minds)
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
CD 2
Time: 44:19