2007.05.21 - San Antonio, TX, USA @ AT&T Center

Source A: Solid State Recorder --- Schoeps MK4's > Active Cables > Nbox > MT 24/96 ( 24Bit Wav@ 48Khz)
MT 24/96 > USB 2.0 > Soundforge(Fades, Resampling) > 24bit wav@ 44.1 Khz > CD Wave > TLH > Flac

Notes - Taper:
Great visual show from Tool. Recording came out alright. You'll notice some level changes during the first minute or two of Jambi. At approximately 17:39 of Lateralus you will notice a skip. Its where the Microtracker auto split the track when it reached the 2GB limit so there's about a 3 second jump there. If only I had started recording a minute or so later, oh well. Split where you want to make two discs. In case the conversion info is unclear, this is a 24bit flac set. Enjoy.

Notes - Galen:
You know I really am not certain where the taper was standing, however, it sounds as though he was from at least some distance away as there are times when you can hear the vocals kind of reverberate or echo somewhat. Regardless of nit-picking, this is most likely the finest AUD recording available for this particular performance. Other than some relatively common complaints such as a few annoying folks in the crowd the recording is rather balanced, crisp & very clean. One of the better AUD sources available from this leg; nice recording job... although, it would have been nice to see another DAT recording come out instead of another solid state recorder. But that is merely my own preference isn't it? I must say, as for the performance <yawn> I do miss the scream in Rosetta Stoned....

Maynardism:"I'm going to go backstage & make some phone calls"

Time: 1:50:18

<bass drone>
46 & 2
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Right in Two
Wings for Marie
10,000 Days

Source B: Hi Mini Disc --- Giant Squid Cardiods > 9V batt box (w/ bass rolloff) > Sony MZ-RH1
USB > Sonic Stage > WAV > CEP (Cool Edit Pro) > WAV > Wavlab > WAV > FLAC

Notes - Taper:
First off, right off the bat, I have to give major props and thanks to Tooligan for Mastering all my raw recordings. This was my first time seeing TooL and also my first time recording them. The raw material was a little soft in my opinion being my fear of the recording being too hot in some songs so in some areas level adjustments could be heard. For the most part I nailed it and it came out great for being my first time. Sure was cool meeting some fellow members of the Tool Army and meeting Jcrab66 from the Hub at the show! High Lights of the night for me was that 1.)NOBODY suspects the guy in wheelchair to bring equipment to record the show. While in line, with my bro pushing me, security went around me not even looking at me to pat me down to see if I had anything. If I've had a badass tv studio camera, I could prolly smuggle it in somehow.2.) The hottie in a wheelchair next to mine withher hottie friends.3.)Good ole' family quality time with the family. I bought a pair of tickets for the folks and they saw the show along with my brother and Me. They totally loved it. 4.) And seeing Tool for the first time! Downside: 1.)Everything cost a leg and arm. Shirts , drinks , food , etc. That was expected being a concert.2.) This asshole head of security who was hassling the hotties next to me that one of them didnt belong there. One was lapping the other. With Him being there, I was nervous of him seeing my equipment.3.) Like everyone else complained, I wanted just a little more on the setlist but what can you do!
Notes - Tooligan:
First off I started off using Cool Edit Pro to amplify, or de-amplify in some places, where abrupt level adjustments had been made. I also fixed a few spots where there was some noise from the mics being moved. I then combined all the separate tracks into a single wav file, and then amplified the entire show by 6dB. Then I used Wavelab to split the tracks and did some minor EQ adjustment (increasing the bass slightly, while lowering the mids and highs a bit to eliminate some of the brightness). I did hear some of the high end "squeal" that I've noticed in some of my recordings of other bands with the same mics, I own a pair as well and haven't found a way to eliminate it from my recordings either. I almost snuck in my pair of GS and batt box, but was weary of metal detectors that weren't even present at the venue. VincE had a much better taping position than I had, and it shows in this recording. I'm feel honored that he let me help master this show for him. Enjoy!
Notes - Galen:
Ever heard the expression 'you get what you pay for'? Well, this holds true for quite a few things in life including but not limited to taping equipment, namely, microphones. As someone who once used Giant Squid microphones I will say that for under $100 they are a really nice, low-cost option for becoming involved with taping concerts. They will pick up the sound & will 'work' but if you know what to listen to you can clearly hear the limitations of the microphones. The result of this particular recording is a tinny, thin-sounding capture with a lot of high end that occasionally borders on high end distortion. The bass, actually, sounds pretty good and although MJK's vocals are not completely buried like Jimmy Hoffa in the sound-mix, the end result leaves a bit to be desired. Like drinking a sugar free, caffeine free Coke when the original tastes, well, better. Had the taper used better microphones the result would be quite a bit better. Certainly not a terrible recording but not a fantastic one, either. I hope I am not being too merciless with this observation, I say this as I do have first-hand experience with the microphones. As a note though, I am not sure if the Tool shows I recorded with my Giant Squids sound any better than this source (to be totally honest). I think so, but then again, we all have different opinions about what sounds good - essentially, that's it. You make the decision on what sounds good to your ears.

CD 1

CD 2

Source C: Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-719 > Sony MZ-R50 (mic-in)
WaveLab > WAV > FLAC

Notes - Taper:
The show was absolutely amazing, and the visuals were spectacular. I regret not having a video camera as well, maybe next time. The very first part of Maynard's opening speech is kinda muffled as the lights were still on and I didn't have the mic in place yet. I immediately rectified that situation, clipped to my hat, good to go. Other than the idiot sitting directly behind me talking obnoxiously (he was the idiot that yelled "Freebird"), and his buddy that sang alternate lyrics to songs (learn the words assmunch).Next time I might not have as much restraint. I was singing along to some of the songs and you can't hear me on my own recording (well maybe if you strain hard enough). Although they did seem to quiet down after my roommate bummed a cigarette from them and persuaded them to tone it down a bit. This was my first recording of Tool and I am very happy with my results, given the equipment I used and my location. It does run a bit hot at times, but that is Tool for ya. I only missed about 10-15 seconds of the Intension (intro) due to having to switch discs, and me opening the battery compartment by mistake. I know there are a few more sources that will surface for this show that will blow mine away, but enjoy this recording for what it is. High points of the night were the great new visual effects, Right In Two, and Pat and Trey from King Crimson coming out to play on Lateralus... WOW!!

Notes - Galen:
Hmm. Honestly best left for collectors for a few reasons including better sounding sources, pervasive talking from the people the taper mentions in the text, distant + tinny sound & compressed audio quality. Now if this was a recording from, say, 1997 to even 2002, I would not be as harsh, however, this is not the case. This is certainly not a terrible recording & definitely has some good attributes (and it is wonderful that this taper 'taped' in the first place) but, again, it is doubtful how many non-die hard fans are going to fall in love with this source. It should be noted that we look forward to more recordings from said taper...

"San Antonio, you all have the worst luck; not our fault. Well I have some good news and bad news....The good news is there is no bad news"

CD 1

CD 2

Source D: Hi Mini Disc --- DPA 4061 (matched pair) > CSBB > Line In > Sony MZRH10 (HiSP mode)
Sony MZ-RH10 > SonicStage (USB cable) > Wavelab 3.04a (EQ, compression, normalize) > CD Wave Editor > FLACfrontend
Section 10, Row 13, Seat 20 (Left side off of Adam's corner of the stage)
Adam / pessimisticoptimist

Notes - Taper:
Maynard said that San Antonio had bad luck, because it was the only show to be postponed twice (once by illness in the Fall, and then again in the Spring due to Danny's injury)... but I really think that HOUSTON has the bad luck. In 2002 and 2006, Maynard was sick when they came to Houston, and both times as a result, they dropped two songs from the setlist. Anyway... to "compensate" San Antonio for its "bad luck", TOOL decided to play their standard set, MINUS a song. Thanks TOOL! Another note, thanks to my friend Shelley for the seat. I met her at the Southaven show a week before, and she let me use her extra ticket at this show. My original seat was further back on the floor, but this location was much better. Last note, Pat Mastelotto and Trey Gunn from King Crimson appeared onstage for the extended Lateralus. They also played an early, short opening set before the other opening band. I didn't manage to tape that one though. Enjoy!

Notes - Galen:
Great AUD recording. Levels are virtually spot-on, there is next to no phasing (movement of air around taper or microphones) & the crowd is actually not completely annoying. Strong capture of an otherwise lackluster but yet still tight performance of Tool. Truth be told the overwhelming majority of performances from this era are polished, predictable & professional. Just like this one. If high quality recordings like this were not around, really, there would be many performance from this era simply that much harder to get into the groove with. Really, I recall that there was a lot of hopes/dreams that Tool would pull out something special at this performance, however, nada. For many previous tapers that more or less soured their mouths & either skipped going to a show or sold their tickets due to the 'same setlist'. By sticking to the repetitive sets, leg after leg, I believe that further alienated not just a significant portion of die-hard fans/tapers but, perhaps, Tool. Both as individuals & as a band? Time will tell.

"San Antonio, I swear you people have the worst luck, we've cancelled on you several times; not our fault. Not sure how to put this... I have good news &  I have bad news. The good news is there is no bad news...”

CD 1

CD 2