2006.12.08 - Nantes, France @ Le Zenith

Source A:   DAT ---- Soundman OKMII-"Studio" > Sony TCD-D8 / 32 kHz
Front of Stack - Right
Bazille (FBZ)
DAT-0 > DAT-1 from Master

Notes - by: Galen
: I am not even going to joke around, I am very biased to the recordings of this fine, fine taper: FBZ. I also count him as a friend. However, I do my best to not let that sway my paradigm whilst approaching this source. So is it strange that I say: this particular source is one of the most crystal-clear, impressive & monumentally enjoyable captures to be around? There is a possibility that this source may be the definitive capture from this leg of the tour if-not for the entirety of 2006. I do not say this lightly, at all. However, I do mean it. Although it makes little sense for those that do not tape but I would take the perspective that this recording sounds better than it did "live". Excellent, superb stuff. The only drawback is that the show seemed to be cut a bit short as Tool did not play Ænima this night (as they normally did).

"I have good news and bad news, which do you want first? Well, the bad news is we don't speak French. good news is we speak music


<bass drone>
Forty Six & 2
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Swamp Song
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days

Source B: Hi-MD - Soundman OKM-IIr > Sony MZ-NH700
Antoine V.

There is a tangible layer of crowd noise that is persistent throughout this otherwise crisp, clean and clear recording. So clear, in fact, one person told me once that this particular source is actually from the soundboard; which it is not. Good compliment though. This source is an exceptional capture. It is somewhat odd that the only two materialized sources for this particular performance are sourced via OKM-IIr microphones but I dig it - having used (and still do even in 2024) these antique microphones. Excellent capture and one for anyone’s collection.

Time: 1:51:37