1993.07.10 - Barrie, Ontario, Canada @ Molson Park (Lollapalooza)

Source A:
Unknown Analog  > Cassette --> ? Gen CD transfer

Notes: Slight tape warble sound. Bass is a little shaky on deep parts but not bad. Perhaps, this actual recording would safely be left for collectors rather than for a superb audio situation. There is a rumor out there that an extremely better source is available - time will tell if anything comes of it, at least openly. Although I do know at least two people that quite like this recording for whatever reason. Performance itself is quite decent as the band has a lot of energy but the recording detracts from the overall recording: tape hiss. A little sloppy transition & the overall effect may leave just a little bit to be desired. Truth be told, this is one of the only gigs I've listened to, at most, twice all the way through... through-out the years. All in all though, it is better to have a bad copy than to not have one at all.

Time: 44:12


Maynard - 'This is your brain, and this is your brain on drugs. It's like Summer Jam '81 out there. Hi, we're Ted Nugent'
Paul - 'Wow, there sure are a lot of people here.'
Danny - 'One, two, three, four!'


Paul - 'Hey, you little hacky-sackers!'


Paul - 'This song is called Sober.'

Maynard - 'This is a love song. It goes out to my boyfriend, Theresa.'

Prison Sex
Maynard - 'This song is about masturbating. No, really.'

Part Of Me
Swamp Song

Crowd - 'Tool! Tool! Tool! Tool!'
Maynard - 'You'll have to be patient, Tool will be up next. We're Crystal Pistol, we'll be gone in a minute, so please be patient. Thank you, good night. Baa! Baa! Baa! Moo!'
Paul - 'This is Opiate.'


Paul - 'Goodbye. You've been a very courteous and kind audience.'

Source B / Digital: Sound Board > Digital Coax > DAT-M > DAT-1 @ 48 KHZ
Source C / Analog:
Sound Board > Analog Cables > Cassette-M > DAT-2 @ 32 KHZ
Sound Engineer

Time/Digital: 47:41

Notes: Ok, take a listen to the two samples & see if you can notice a difference. Can you? I can. Thankfully, for those that have this common SBD, you are listening to the 48 KHZ sourced recording; the Analog version was not released since it is, by default, an inferior product. Digital is much more in your face although if you did not have the 48 KHZ to compare with the 32 KHZ you would, arguably, say that the 32 KHZ sounds hella-good. Which it does. Just not as good as the 48 KHZ source is all. The recordings document just an intense & wonderful performance by Tool. This is a standout among standouts in so far as Tool recordings from this era go. The banter with the audience, the welcome addition of Swamp Song to the set & the overall energy make this a classic recording that deserves it's own spot in your collection. In fact, this is a cornerstone of any collection. Just make sure you listen to it.