1996.11.19 - Detroit, MI, USA @ The State Theatre

Source: Unknown Analog Recording Equipment
Cassette of unknown gen > Goldwave > .WAV > NERO > CD ((Mastered to CD by Galen in 2002))

Although I used Dolby B, upped the highs & tried to alleviate some of the problems with the recording, it still sounds pretty much like the cassette. Although, there is a little less tape hiss than the tape itself but that is what you get with generation over generation over generation of copying via cassette. This is, however, relatively rare in the trading community & there is a chance that this is the first/only version to be available on CD. The performance itself is actually pretty good while the instruments actually blend very nicely together. There are no brick walls & the sound is in balance, it is a little muddy & muddled. This is a recording best left for collector's. The taper must have been relatively far from the stacks as well, maybe on the upper balcony but, still, the sound is blown. For those that are interested, Maynard has the crowd sing  'Happy Birthday' to Justin after Third Eye. Interesting. This is not the complete show, apparently only up to Sober was taped. Maybe a full copy exists, maybe not. It was also Justin's birthday, for those that care.

Notes: Cold and Ugly, Opiate & Aenima are missing from this recording.

Maynardism: "So, anyways, this is our new bass player & he is from Belgium"

Time: 79:43


Third Eye
46 & 2
Swamp Song
Prison Sex (OTRM)
Prison Sex
Cold & Ugly
