Auburn Hills, MI, USA @ Palace of Auburn Hills
Source A: DAT --- Danish Pro Audio 4061 > MPS6030 > Sony PCM-M1 (Oade Mod II) @ 48 kHz
Source A1: DAT / m
Transfer: DAT-M > Tascam DA-20 > UXL24/96 > Goldwave
Location: Main Floor, Section D, Row 18 (right of soundboard area)
Taper: Galen
Gen: collectiveunconscious.org Master Recording
2024 Notes: Completely new transfer with significant EQ. The original, released ~2007 was a transfer with little to no EQ done (which it needed as it was high on the low end). It is a decent capture at most and one would argue worth a listen. Good performance although this was the first and last time I bought a ticket on the Floor by the sound booth for a Tool show as we could not see anything, really. Last 10 seconds of Ænema is missing due to battery issue.
Notes: The weather turned very sour right after the performance, for a few days after this performance, the power for a certain area of Michigan did not have electricity due to the storm this evening. If one were to draw a comparison uniting 2 completely independent occurrences, you could potentially link the performance of Tool to the rain. No? Maybe? Just a concert? Probably. Suffering from a slightly buzzed-taper, the initial portion of Stinkfist (approximately 1 minute) is much lower in volume than the remainder of the source. This was due to not really paying attention and also, to note, the numerous security personal that were walking, running & otherwise making their presence known to the evil-doers who would do nothing but cause trouble. I had an aisle seat thus I was attempting to err on the side of caution during this show. Although I will refrain from details, my friend + I did not pass through security. This was due to an in-house connection/friend of mind that surprisingly played-out extremely well; we walked up one of the side entrances as the doors opened. Never had that happen before. The taping location, seat, whatever you want to call it was crap. It was extremely hard to see the band. During the performance, the sound was not so great. Listening back to the recording, I believe it came out quite well actually, refer to the MP3 sample above, you can decide for yourself. When this is ready it will be shared. In actuality, given the poor location, I am quite pleased with how this source came out & I would recommend it for a good listen. This would be a little more ambient, live-feel than I generally prefer in my taste for recordings. But a nice result regardless. The performance was as inspired, so to speak, as any other show within the span of the shows prior & post Detroit, MI (technically Auburn Hills, MI) so you can take that for what it is worth. We do believe that either MJK's father or Uncle (?) were in attendance - this mystery person & his entourage (family) stood together behind the sound/light crew on an elevated platform for an apparent great view of the show.
Notes: Last 10 seconds of Ænema is missing.
Time: 1:48:21
<Bass Drone>
"Lighten Up. Here we are in Mich...again."
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days
"Ohio was louder. Fuck, even Kansas was louder. I thought I was in Detroit."
"Thank you, good night."
"Anyway. Gotta wrap this up. I've got a bunch of internet porn I've got to get back to."
Source B: Video --- Sony DSC-W50 / 640x480 @ 30fps Optixal zoom > FLAC
Taper: **REMOVED**
Notes - by Taper / Audio:
Crowd noise is normal, except a loud screaming girl from time to time. If the audio needs tweaking let me know. It sounds fine on my end except lacking bass, but the show didn't have subs it seemed. It rarely ever got over 130-135dB below 50hz at the show. Audio rip torrented on demonoid by taper.
Notes - by Taper / Video:
Optical zoom was used to film at fixed ranges during a shot Lots of research was done to find a camera to suit the job. One that was small as a wallet, recorded unlimited video @ 640x480 @ 30fps pending memory/power capacity, and in a file size small enough. This covert job cost over $300, but I do it for the love of the band, so show your love of the band... >>>>This is beta 0.91 of the show, in the coming days I have MD audio I plan on syncing up, along with other cameras to have a multi-cam show specially during the first 3 songs (as they lack direction....if you will)>>>>> I recorded this from the side of the venue, and I had floor B Row 25 tickets my girlfriend had bought for me off scalpers, and for a number of reasons we chose to stay 20-30 rows up on the lower bowl. With the nazi gestapo watching for cameras on the floor. This is my first time recording, and after about Jambi I get a good hang of it, and the rest of the show looks steller, the light show was recorded perfectly. If anyone has an md recording I would appreciate a line on it or for other video content (@ 640x480 30fps) from this show I would love to play with it This is a nonprofit effort to advance my a/v authoring skills. Any problems playing this media, use VLC Media Player...it is free...and it plays everything
Notes - by Galen:
There apparently are at least two other video sources of this performance floating around in Michigan via the Western side of the State. If they are of similar quality then they may remain buried for a very long time. Apparently, this is the taper's first stealth-film attempt. As such, I commend him as certainly something is better than nothing. Having been at this show myself, a video source is always welcome however it is really hard to watch until at least Rosetta Stoned due to so much movement from the camera. As such, this is cool, however, this would most likely be most appreciated by collector's only.
Time: 1:42:38
Source C: Hi-Mini Disc --- SP-CMC-1 (AT829) Cards > SP-8 > Sony MZ-M100 (PCM)
Transfer: Hi-MD-M > Sony RCDW500C CD Recorder
Location: Sec. 209, Row B
Taper: Nameloc01
Gen: 1st Gen
Notes: A good if not above average recording. The vocals are very clean, the bass is pure, guitars are loud, bass is crisp & the drums are mixed correctly. I suspect that many collectors/fans will find this source to be absolutely delightful. If you listen intently, the mid-range is virtually not-present. The bass hits very nice & there is not the low-end "dump" that effected so many recordings during the 2006 mini tour... you know, where the bass reverberated throughout the old-venues wrecking havoc on so many recordings that turned out "ok" instead of "sweet". In my opinion + the point I am trying to make here is that this very good source would've been a better choice given the conditions of the mini tour versus the US Arena Tour. The fact is, the bass was not as intense & MJK's vocals were up more in the mix during this leg of the tour. To me, this source is lacking in bass, at least the type of bass that is normal in a recording, and the mids are almost non-existent. Some may have the feeling that this is a great recording. I agree this is quite good & the opinion I give is simply that... based on listening to & taping Tool for X amount of time, consistently. Also, take note that MJK misses one of the last few lines of Ænema.
CD 1
Time: 1:13:30
CD 2
Time: 32:39
Source D: Solid State Recorder --- Core Sound Binaurals/120 > Microtracker 24/96 (@24bit/48kHz)
Transfer: USB > WAV > CEP2.0 > CD Wave > FLAC [8]
Location: Main Floor, Section D, Row 18 (right of soundboard area)
Taper: Geordy
Gen: 0 from Master
Notes: The taper & I were nearly all the way back on the floor (in seats). Really, a very poor location to see a concert &/or record from. There were some very annoying Tool fans hooting + hollering &, of course, talking through WFM but these are what you expect when you have shite seats. MJK also messed up the beginning of The Pot by coming in too early. Now, you may wonder how does this recording sound? This is a very crisp sounding recording that definitely should not be as enjoyable as it is due to our location. The vocals are very in-your-face & sound is rather up-front for a recording taped from a distance away from the stack. My own opinion is that this sounds more like a Cardioid recording than an omni. It should be noted that this is definitely not how the majority of CSB recordings sound. He got very lucky. And, it should be said, he has tested his skill for a while & it pays off. There was also a massive amount of EQ applied to this creation. Highly recommended.
Notes: During this time period, this taper seems to be associated with Interesting Enigmatic Machinations.
Time: 1:49:24
Source E: Hi-Mini Disc --- SP-CMC-8 > SP-SPSB10 > Sony MZ-RH10
Transfer: MD-M > USB > Soundforge > CD Wave > WAV > CDR
Location: Floor Section A Row 12 Seat 16
Taper: Relayer67
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes: I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by this recording with the crisp vocals, clean guitar & overall clarity. At the show, I thought the bass was quite muddy but as this source proves that recollection may very well be inaccurate. There are the 'whews' of the crowd, some chatter but these are things uncontrollable at a Tool show or for that matter most rock concerts. For those with OCD specializing in audio balance there is a bit of sporadic phasing throughout the source from when the taper turned his head but not many people would notice this most minimal of issues. Now may be an interesting time to make notating concerning the issue of microphones, venues & location. This source makes it apparent that Cardioid microphones make more sense at a venue such as the Palace Of Auburn Hills (where the Pistons play) due to the reverberation of sound & the inherent nature of the pick up pattern. That said, the higher frequencies that are oft buried by omni microphones are illuminated nicely in this source. Also, in Section A, well, that's a pretty good seat. All in all, this is a highly recommended recording even with it being incomplete due to a weak battery that decided it would be good to die 9 minutes to early.
CD 1
Time: 64:44
CD 2
Time: 22:14