2006.05.15 - Detroit, MI, USA @ The Fox Theater

Source A: DAT --- Danish Pro Audio 4061 > MMA6030 > Sony PCM-M1 (Oade Mod II) / 48 kHz
Transfer: DAT-M > Tascam DA-20 > UXL24/96 > Goldwave
Location: Row UU (under mezzanine) / Main Floor
Taper: Galen
Notes - by: Galen circa 2024: I seriously had not listened to this recording in 18 years. We were underneath the overhang and the bass was insanely loud throughout the entirety of the performance. Also, MJK’s vocals were low in the mix from where we were sitting. I would argue this is, one of if not the bassy-est concerts Tool concerts I’ve attended. A lot of the bass picked up in the recording is due to our seats; behind the board, again, under the overhang. In post, I spent a considerable amount of time using three software programs to ameliorate the drone of decibels of bass and even then am not 100% satisfied but it is ‘good enough’ in my opinion after significant bass reduction. Although not bass-related, the entire recording did not help that the crowd all around us were extremely vocal throughout including singing, yelling, clapping, talking and line-dancing. As it is, this recording is as good as it is going to be so, there you go. Only upon relistening to this source did I recall that the two people to my left knew what CU.ORG was, some drunk guy high on pills knew me ‘from somewhere’ (as I recalled meeting him before but unsure where) and I spoke with Knobby who said he would save me a setlist in Toronto.
Notes - by Galen - 2006 - Tickets (Note: this was before you would buy concert tickets online): I'll make my story for Tool tix as short as I can. I haven't heard from my best bud Ryan B. in a long time; the day the tickets are to go on sale, April 22, I get an email from him (who later came to the show with me). Crazy. That was a sign that luck would be on my side this day. My wife was online with Ticketmaster. My dad was at a little grocery store on the other side of the State. I went to the Ann Arbor Ticketmaster outlet at 9 w/about 100 people in line. Talked with a guy & chatted for a bit. We discussed the lottery as that was definitely going to happen - we made a pact that if he was able to get 4 tix, he would sell me two & vice versa. TM people came out, did a lottery. Somehow, I managed up as the 3rd person in line. People were pissed & understandably so. 10 rolls around, first person gets 3 tix, the guy in front of me wants 4 together, TM cannot pull it up. The TM employee gets nothing & the other TM person shouts: "Tool in Detroit is now SOLD OUT!" 100+ people scream in unison. Then, my wife calls my cell & says that she was not able to get anything. I ask her to try again w/just 1 ticket. I'm standing at the counter & politely ask the employee to try. She says ok, manages to just keep hitting 'print' & manages 8 tickets. The guys in front of me buy 4. I buy the other 4 & sell 2 for face value to the guy I talked to in line - he was stoked. Sarah calls me back, manages to get 1 ticket. My dad calls, he managed 2 awesome floor seats FOS from his TM location. I end up with 5. Good fuckin' karma. I sold 2 tickets to friends, have one coming in the mail & have 2 when I see my dad next week. Amazing luck. Not bad for a show that sold out in under 60 seconds.
Notes - by: Galen circa 2006: The Fox Theatre was the largest venue of the 2006 mini-tour. Security was very tight what with metal detector wands, walk-through detectors & also pat-downs; however, this is simply standard Detroit, MI "major concert" type of security. There were reportedly several tapers that decided not to tape at this venue; not sure why. It is either you risk being kicked out at some point for taping or you do not even try to tape - depends on your attitude I suppose. Standard mini-tour setlist with the second performance of "Right In Two" - live. I was positioned under the mezzanine thus the bass is rather thick + pervasive throughout. Although I certainly did not have the most optimal of taping location, the result is a clean, clear & concise recording. It is not the best of the mini tour but it is at least an enjoyable listen. No issues with the recording other than some *extremely& annoying "fans" who 'hooted + hollered' throughout the performance at the most inopportune times. Drove me crazy. I was drilling holes with my eyes through their skulls. The show also had somewhat of a strange vibe. Apparently, MJK had a death threat directed towards prior to the performance from a dude from Ohio that was attempting to link Tool lyrics to the murder / conspiracy surrounding Tupac Shakur (murdered rap artist). It is true. I could not make this shit up... I wonder if "fuck all these gun toting,, hip gangster wanna-be's" had anything to do with it?
Time: 1:49:46
Lost Keys (Blame Hoffman)
Rosetta Stoned
"Jesus fucking Christ you guys are fucking loud. Good Evening"
"Pistons are having a hard time with the Cavaliers tonight. I'm from Akron, having mixed feelings. Fuck the Clippers, Danny. I gotta be honest, we are all talking about, this is all football, right? I don't follow this shit. Pistons, Clippers... shhh, thank you so much."
46 & 2
"We had a new album come out recently, thank you all for shelling out for that. For those of you that haven't picked it up yet, please do so on your way out tonight, I'm adding a wing on the winery - and I do appreciate your support. (clears throat). You'd do the same for Liberace, wouldn't you. How about this one? Go Pistons."
Right in Two
"Thank you very much for coming down. Thank you for allowing us to perpetuate the evil that is free-thought. I'd like to dedicate this set to, uh, Satan. Travel safely home. "
"Droughts, floods, forest fires, torrential rains, the ruins - barring any of that, we'll see you in the late summer. "
Post-Show (talking)
Source B: SP-CMC-1 (AT829) Cards > SP-SPSB6 @ 195Hz > Sony MZ-M100 HiMD (PCM)
Dissemination: Sony MZ-M100 HiMD (PCM) > Sony RCDW500C CD Recorder > Master CDR
Taper: Jason C. AKA Nameloc1
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes - by: Taper: yeah, i hope someone got a complete tape also,and hopefully their not a hoarder. i had seen flyers all over the place even in the parking garage next door warning everyone not to bring anything in,camera phones,recorders,a list of stuff.i was checking out the front entrance ealier and saw the walk-throughs,and also saw that they were also doing wands and pat downs.i usually dont get nervous at all, but like said earlier, i really didnt want to get caught coming in and miss the show completely,so thats when i decided to taker off the dry battery dock.which normally isnt a problem, but my recorder,even though it showed a full charge,must not have been. another problem was,that they didnt go on until like 8:40 ish pm.,they were scheduled for 8:00.so i had my md in standby mode for the whole time in between which i am sure helped kill the juice.that was the only show i really wanted to get done well,and i totally "shit the bed'. the really shitty part is,at the end of "lateralus" i had a little bit of power left but only like 20 minutes of blank recording space.so i thought well,i'll switch mds here(at the break) and start again,so i did but when i went to start recording again,there wasnt enough power to start up the recording process .whereas if i had left the first md in and going i probably could have gotten almost all of the show(at worst lost the last few minutes due to available space).
Notes - by: Galen: I wish I knew exactly where this guy was sitting as the bass on this is rather good. There are instances where the cymbals kind of "Swish" a little bit, the crowd overpowers the microphones & a couple drop-outs where it appears the microphone jack was messed with (i.e.: Stinkfist is most noticeable) in sound but this is countered with a rather good recording that captures the ambience + atmosphere of the performance of this night. It is at least on par with the majority of the mini-tour recordings. Unfortunately, as described in detail above by the taper, this is an incomplete recording. All in all, not too bad. Not sure what else to say so I'll leave it at that.
Time: 73:26