2006.07.07 - Gothenburg, Sweden @ Metal Town Festival

Source A:  DAT --- Danish Pro audio 4061 > MPS6030 > Sony TCD-D100 (Oade Mod)
Location:  Center. Approximately 6-7 meters (20') in front of Soundboard.
    1 Gen from Master (DAT-1)

Notes - Galen:
Great recording of a performance that is loose but tight, relaxed but intense, professional but enjoyable & is an accurate capture of Tool seeming to have fun on stage. The recording itself has a very live, ambient feel to it which is actually quite enjoyable even though it is not my personal favorite type of taping style; Front of Stack. This particular source captures, very, very accurately I think, the feeling of being at a Tool show. Unlike many US Arena shows the vocals from this performance are clear, clean & loud. A lot has to do with the equipment used by the taper. Unlike so many DPA recordings the low end is not too intense in regards to lower-level frequencies. Although up against a lot of other high quality recordings, this particular source could very well be one of the best captures from this leg of the tour. All in all, highly recommended.

Maynardism: "You think there's all this mystery. You think there's puzzles, you think there's some kind of higher-order, but honestly, we're just a bunch of drunk, dirty old men. That's it. Sorry. Trying to trick you into sending us dirty photos on the Internet. That's it. That's all there is. So, in case you want our email address, that's uh..." <into Opiate>


<bass done>
The Pot
46 & 2

Source B: DAT ---- Danish Pro Audio 4061s > modMPS-6010 (flat) > modSBM-1 (44.1) > D8
Transfer: D8 > VX Pocket V2 > Sound Forge 7.0 > CD Wave 1.93 > wav
Location:  Front of Stack - Left
Taper:   The Anonymous One

Notes - Taper:
Channels swapped in Wavelab 5.0) / D1T04 - D2T : Volume +1.5 dB in Sound Forge 7.0
Notes - Galen: A
h yes this recording is seriously only for Tool fans & collectors who enjoy a clean, comfortable & very live-sounding capture of Tool. The bass does rumble a bit due, I believe, to the proximity to the bass stacks from taping location or perhaps it is simply a reflection of the sound this evening. Nevertheless, the kick drum, something that is often obscured in Tool recordings is precise & crystal clean in it's presence - that is a good thing. MJK's vocals are not hidden or buried; they are prevalent throughout. Adam's guitar is mixed correctly however one may feel guitar dominates a little but, again, that may not be a bad thing. At this stage of the tour, the band seemed to be enjoying themselves & I think that comes out in the quality of the live performances thus effecting the audio sources. All in all, a great recording of a very lively performance. Definitely recommended. If you do not believe me; take a listen to the "we both want to rape you" in Opiate (approx.: 3/4 of the way through) as MJK lowers his voice close to a growl, howling the words. No ECM microphone could capture that. 

CD 1

CD 2