1994.04.23 - Dallas, TX, USA @ The Bomb Factory
Source: DAT --- Sonic Studios DSM-6P > Sony TCD-D7
DAT: DAT-4 > Digital Clone-5
CD: Unknown DAT > CD transfer
Notes: Overall, this is one of the most interesting recordings from 1994. The sound quality is super clear and
the crowd is quite low. It sounds to me like the taper was rather close to the stack. Not front of stack, but somewhere rather close. Vocals and guitar are very clear although the bass and drum may seem a tiny bit muddy
if you really listen to it. This is a very insignificant comment due to the fact that this is a great sounding gig. The performance is very, very good - as most are but this show feels a little bit different to me. Paul talks quite a bit in this show, rather oddly. He mentions drugs, hallucinogenic and monster trucks. I think this is rather interesting as Maynard, throughout performances, has discussed the same types of things. In earlier gigs, Paul would usually say something funny & Maynard would say something sort of wise-ass but intelligent. This gig, it seems that Paul was trying to play both roles. Or, wearing too many masks at one time. It seems to me that there is definite cohesion with the band as a whole but the personality clash may be annoying other members at this time period. I don't know. The more I listen to complete gigs throughout the years & hear the banter between songs, it seems like it all comes a little more into focus. Paul really wasn't fitting in with the band... perhaps this is a precursor to him leaving Tool. Although I do have this on DAT, there is no need for more audio rips as there are already a couple - no need to confuse things anymore than normal.
Paul: "I don't know about you, but I've opened up my third eye. I understand that it's the Flaming Lips world.
We just live in it. Thank you."
Maynard: "Are any of you familiar with the comedian Bill Hicks? If not, you should get yourself acquainted with Mr. Hicks - he's done a lot of wonderful work, very inspirational. In addition, he is a friend of ours but a month or so ago, Bill passed away of pancreatic cancer. He died at, uh, 32. Very unfortunate. On a lighter note, he, uh, he did live a pretty full life. He did more by 32 that most of us won't do by 65 so that's kind of good. Think uh, the message that Bill would of left behind is a something to the effect of: live your life as fully as you can, without fear, without compromise, this song goes out to him. It's called 4 Degrees."
Time: 61:41
Cold & Ugly
Prison Sex
Swamp Song
4 Degrees