1998.08.24 - Medford, OR, USA @ Medford Arena
Source: Unknown Analog Recording
Position: Balcony
Gen: 1st from master
Transfer: <?> >FLAC>WAV>CDWave Editor>FLAC
Taper: Alan
Notes - Collector / Harrymerkin:
"we have a show planned for you, if you just kinda hang on we will do it for you .That is a song we have written, but we're not going to do it, sorry,we're not a jukebox . . .we're gonna try something different, something you haven't heard, how about that? ( tape cuts out before slow pushit) I 'discovered' this show completely by accident, and at random when someone somewhere mentioned that they had taped TOOL back in the day. So i got in contact with the taper, and politely gave me the show!. A special thanks to 13thmonkey for tracking this for me.
Notes - Galen:
This recording is definitely a little morsel most Tool collectors would salivate over. Not only is this an uncirculated/unknown recording from 1998 but it was brought to the community by a resourceful fella - this is how it used to be done & apparently some people know how to do it correctly. By it I mean the hobby, the game. That said, this recording is wonderful but also is a bit raw. There is the matter of the lower + higher level frequencies brickwalling at times, respectively. That is a shame. To further complicate matters there is a significant level of pervasive tape hiss. This is also a shame. There are quite a few good Maynardisms which, ideally, I would have listed here but I was driving my 4Runner at the time (on a trip to see Tool, actually). If memory serves there is a tape flip (also) which misses part of Opiate. On the torrent note of this show Flood is not listed but it is performed but it is incomplete unlike Opiate, which on the torrent, is listed as incomplete. Get all that? All in all, this is a very interesting find to folks that may have heard, um, pretty much everything out there pertaining to Tool's live recordings but to those that are more, shall we say "interested in sound quality" & "mullet-rocking appeal", this is not for you. Although knowing a lot of the people that are collectors in this hobby, I doubt many have actually heard even a fraction of the stuff listed on their hard drives.
Time: 94:46
Third Eye
Forty-Six & 2
(-) Ions
(cut in middle)