2002.08.30 - Cleveland, OH, USA @ Gund Arena
Source A: Mini Disc -- Giant Squid Audio Lab (omni) > Sony MZ-R700
Transfer: MD-M > Tascam MD 301 MK-II > UXL24/96 > Goldwave
Taping Position: Bowl, Center
Taper: Galen
Gen: collectiveunconscious.org Master Recording
2024 Notes: Remastered and EQ’d over the course of a span of time, this source was a bit fickle. The bass just always sounded kind of muddy to my ears and the highs were not high enough. So, I spent some time on this source to give it a proper release. At minimal, this is a decent recording for the time frame and potentially fills in one of the many missing pieces of live recordings of Tool (even though there are other arguably better sources of this show around). Enjoy.
Notes: This show was a bit of a road trip, about 220 or so miles from home, myself & a friend did a road trip to Cleveland, Oh from Ann Arbor, Mi + back. Perhaps it was the experience of running into other people on their way to see this show at some dingy Burger King in Ohio that made it all a little more enjoyable. Sometimes, a road-trip is just what you need for a good concert experience, sometimes not. It all pretty much depends on your state of mind as well as the performance you are going to see. Even in retrospect, this show seemed to be a little cooler - had a little more fun. We met some rather interesting & nice folks at the show, in the seats next to us that were very cool + discreet. Discretion was necessary as the damn security folks would bother you & have you throw a cigarette away - gotta love non-smoking venues. There is a little bit of banter/talking by the guy next to me before AEnima...he asks me if MJK (notice: not Tool) will play 'Third Eye' later in the set & I say 'not a chance, not this tour' to which he promptly replies 'I don't care, Maynard's in his hometown he needs to'. I don't think he understood what the hell Tool is trying to do this tour...it's totally cool if they play the same songs, in the same setlist pretty much the whole fucking tour. Wait a minute, I do not understand either what they were trying to prove or why they repeated the same songs, for the most part, night for night. Boredom? Or are they trying to give a message to those of us that actually give a shit? I mean, really, Tool is just a band that happens to be exceptionally good at what they do - but, they are still Americans & we, the fans, must keep in mind that they are doing what it is they do to promote art, free speech, whatever & also to make a living. Really, if someone is at a point where they can claim to be actually bothered with repeated setlists on this tour, they need to just chill out. I was wanting a little variety but, wtf, if Tool doesn't care then why should I? Just sit back & enjoy the show. One thing which really bothered me is some dude shouting: "Ronnie Dobbs, Ronnie Dobbs" almost right behind me. I finally turn around & say "shut up dude". He at least realized he was being quite stupid & chilled out.
Notes 2: Yes. I know this setlist is from Radio City Music Hall. Again, Knobby gave it to me at the Cleveland show in 2002.
Time: 2:12:02
The Grudge
(Suspicious Minds + White Lines)
Source B: DAT --- Sony ECM-717 > Sony PCM-M1
Notes: Pretty good sounding show. Levels are really tight & the crowd is drowned out during the music. It does, however, sound a little hall-e & slightly distant. Tool was pretty good this night as well. A little talking by taper in the beginning but that quickly dissipates once the music starts. Um, not much more to say... I would rather listen to my master of this show but I'm just biased. However, this is a pretty nice recording... The performance of Tool at this show was rather interesting. They did not pull out all the stops nor did they really expand on any tangents in regards to the setlist but this did have more energy than the Detroit show a few nights prior. All in all, I would recommend this recording as this is an accurate reproduction of the performance.
CD 1
Time: 62:40
CD 2
Time: 68:01
Source C: DAT --- SKM 140's > Sony PCM-M1 (Oade Bros Mod II) @ 48 KHZ
Position: Floor / Seated-Back
Taper: Smagmapig
Gen: 1
Notes: This is a really, really cool recording. The sound itself has the sonic 'big room' feel of a nice pair of microphones that, ideally, woudl be up on a mic stand rather than stealthed in a shirt or under a sweater. I scratch my head wondering how he got these mics + the wire in; that is some considerable size. That's mighty impressive. Instead of the standard fair 'small mic' sound (is that real or did I just make that up?) this source is by far the most superior creation out there. There is not, obviously, that front of stack feel per se but what is left leaves the listener with the feeling that they are, almost, there. That's the mark of a really good recording; if it can evoke appreciation for not just the performance but also for the overall sound of what it is you are listening to. Fantastic; this could be a thing of legend in a decade or so.