2007.01.25 - Sydney, Australia @ Sydney Showground
Source A: Hi-Mini Disc --- Sony ECM-MS907 > Sony MZ-NHF800
Taper: Phil M.
Gen: 1st from Master
Notes - Galen: The audio quality for this particular source is good. Let me clarify, the audio clarity is as good as an outdoor venue with a chatty crowd & taped with entry-level Sony ECM microphones can be. That said, the taper pushed his equipment to the limit as other tapers' may have not achieved such a listenable recording. It is clear that this will not be confused with a Schoeps or DPA or for that matter CSB recording. Take it for what it is. As a collector, you hear all sorts of different versions of Tool songs, Stinkfist included. Where the scream generally "is" - is replaced by 'fucky-fuck-yeah'... first time I heard this I thought it was hilarious. You may have a different opinion. The band seemed to be rather relaxed throughout the performance but also did seem to push the envelope so to speak. There are several interesting 'soundscapes' between songs, including the intro to Opiate - by the way, what the hell was going on? I believe I hear a delay in the intro but then the band starts to improv the subtle part. I would hate to say this is one of their best performances, it's not, but it is also not one of their worst. Standard, generic but yet still interesting as even on a so-so night the band is still better than 99% of the other bands out there.
"What an absolutely fantastic day. Fantastic weather, fantastic music, fantastic hippies. Thank you very much. See you in December - now go home & take a bath."
Time: 79:55
<bass drone>
The Pot
46 & 2
Source B: Solid State Recorder --- SP-CMC-2 > 3-wire battery box > iRiver H120
Taper: Tripkore (AKA: Xplicit Bootlegs)
Release #1: All copies are MP3
Release #2: Non-lossy format
Notes - Taper: This gig felt more complementary to the night before rather than a good set in it's own right, and it was bloody amazing. Even the big day out bogans with the flags didn't phase me too much. Every now and then you can hear the sound of a water droplet hitting my mic, and there is more crowd noise than last night, but I think it turned out better in the most part. Master released to auroboros.
Notes - Galen: The recording itself is not all that bad though there is a lot of crowd noise tinged with the Australian accent, nothing wrong with that, but at times that drones out MJK even (as per MP3 sample). The sound is, for lack of a better term, "dirty sounding". Recording is of at least average quality for this era. Basically, since this is a compressed MP3 source, this is not recommended - be aware that MANY copies of this source are from MP3. Seriously, there is little reason to release a show strictly in MP3. Months after the initial release, a collector ascertained a non-lossy version of this show. Just a note to be aware of.
Time: 82:45
Source C: Solid State Recorder --- Soundman OKM-II Rock Studio > M-Audio MicroTrack 24/96
Transfer: WAV > CDWave > FLAC
Location: Rail, Left
Taper: auroboros
Notes - Taper: Position was on rail directly in front of stack (Adam's side). Every now and then security came and sprayed a fire hose on me therefore I had to repetitively duck for cover to save my gear - is noticeable throughout the recording.
Notes - Galen: If I am to be truly honest, I really wanted this recording to sound better than it does as I have the same microphones (one of the different version), OKMII-Rock (not studio). As much as I do enjoy the sound of these microphones I found this source to be a bit bass heavy, quiet & distant-sounding (more so than it probably should?). The good, if you are a fan of a beat-y type of recording than this is certainly for you as you can hear a lot of Danny's kick, Adam's heavy drop-d tuning notes & Justin's deep bass. MJK is a bit buried in the mix & does not stand out a lot on this source. The crowd around the taper was rather annoying (what's new?) & there are several instances of microphone movement/phasing (perhaps when the taper was being sprayed with water?). All in all not a bad source but not I'm not sure how many people will find it to be entirely accessible.
Time: 83:25