1990 - Unknown
(pre) Tool
"Unnamed Studio Album"
Source: Recording Studio
Year Recorded: 1990
Source: Zoo Records (Past Associate)
Transfer: Cassette-M (estimated that this was from the studio, no hiss) > TDK Professional Sound Master Series SM10 Tape > Pioneer CT-W205R > ESI US24XL (digital transfer sound card) > Goldwave @ 48KHZ by GSP/CU.ORG 2020
MJK = Vocals
Danny Carey = Drums
Marko Fox = Guitar
Sven = Bass
Notes 2021: I do not think enough Tool fans understand the impact and influence and just ‘being there’ that Green Jelly meant to the Los Angeles music scene but more specifically, Tool. If Green Jelly had not ever existed would Tool be Tool? Hard question, no answer. Bill Manspeaker, arguably the brains behind the artist collective known as Green Jelly, had his space available for artists. And stoners. MJK ended up on a couch in 1989/1990 (accounts vary) at the Loft which is how MJK even started to get his association with local artists. Obviously, he had guest but prominent vocals on ‘Three Pigs’ by Green Jelly which is the first public vocals outside of the greater Grand Rapids, MI, USA arear after Children of the Anachronistic Dynasty. Without Manspeaker’s acceptance of freaks, weirdos, fools and artists; I truly believe there would not be a Tool. As it is, this recording appears to be the bridge between CAD, Green Jelly and what would become Tool.
This is a fascinating item and even though I mislabeled the DAT as 1991 when, in fact, this was 1990, it is rather unique. Clearly, this pre-dates any Tool recording as there is a somewhat fleshing-out lyrics of Intolerance put towards the funky beat provided by Danny Carey and both Marko Fox + Sven of Green Jello on bass/guitar. Based on the circumstances from the provider of this eclectic recording, the rough date of recording is late 1990 to early 1991. The recording as a whole is loose by any measure and is more along the lines of Children of the Anachronistic Dynasty more so than a release from Tool. However, just like CAD and the song Sober (look it up). from a historical perspective in regards to the development of Intolerance, this is of particular interest; sample above. I really wish I knew more about this recording. I also wish I could say that this particular recording was wonderful and a true gem. On some level, it is, but on a practical level this is, at best, an unpolished jam in the studio. The recording is superb in being a studio recording but the execution of the performance is lacking perhaps because this was never meant to be heard outside of a small circle of people? Which clearly makes sense. And as much as I would like to add a setlist or song list of some kind, I cannot, as this information has either been swept away by the sands of time or CU.ORG is to basic to appreciate the finer things.
Time: 1:35:59
Unknown Song Titles