Source A: Mini Disc --- Shure MX185 > SP Batt Box > MD-MT877 (LP2)
Analog > Sound Forge > FLAC Frontend (Level 8) > Torrent
Mastered by:
Section 302

Notes - Taper:
As the band moves into the Stinkfist extension, you'll hear Maynard laugh as he cuts himself short on the lyric. He was expecting them to play the standard version of the song, but Danny led the band into the extension. Listen closely and you'll hear him laugh at himself.  Thanks to 'flux for taking the time to work on this. I have no idea what he did, but this tape needed a lot of work and I think he did a good job.
Notes - Galen:
Yeah, MJK sings the 'original' part of Stinkfist (I'll keep digging) while the band jumps to the extended. If you really, really listen to certain source(s) you can hear him laugh - that occurrence is hard to hear on this source. For a mini disc recording with pretty basic mic set-up this source is pretty good. However, there are other sources available without a compressed audio source. The sound has a certain crisp-y-ness to it that sounds perhaps overly done. The vocals are, at times, very hidden or buried in the mix. All in all though, not bad. As a note, if this were 2002 (when a lot more recordings were done with MD this source would get a higher rating, so to speak. But in 2007, the majority of recordings were recorded with lossless sources. Splitting hairs, fretting over pretty much nothing? You bet.

"Hope you enjoyed the popcorn!!! Consider that your bonus..."


<bass drone>
Forty-Six and Two
Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned
Wings for Marie
10,000 Days

Source B: Solid State Recorder --- Danish Pro Audio 4061s > MMA6000 w/low cut @ 100hz > Microtrack 24/96 (24 Bit Wav@48Khz)
Microtrack 24/96 > USB > CEP2.0(48->44.1 and dithering) > CD Wave > Flac Frontend > Flac[8]
Section 302, Row A

Notes - Taper:
Last night of the tour with Kinski, who joined them on stage during Lateralus. This was the first of 4 shows I went to on this leg. My girlfriend went with me, you can hear her make some comments about 'the one asshole' banging on a metal sign hanging in front of our section. He was standing about 6 seats over to our left, it might not be so bad if he could actually keep a tempo. We know he's not a drummer! It was pretty cool hearing Pushit at my 'first' show; got that out of the way and was able to sit back and relax at the next couple shows. Met up with fellow tapers Adam and Derek at the show and had a blast hanging out with them after the show. In fact, we got there early and met up with Adam, meeting in the parking lot and listening to an instrument line check. The one security guy near us told us he thought they'd already played the soundcheck, so we took off to find a hotel room. As we're leaving a hotel nearby that was booked, we could hear Stinkfist being played off in the distance...guess we should have stuck around! Thanks again, Adam ;)

Notes - Galen:
Whew! This is just a smoking AUD recording. Sure you can hear a few "yeh!" or chattin' or hoot 'n & hollerin' but you cannot hear the dumbass banging on a metal pipe all that much. Why is it that tapers are always so hard on their recordings? This is a great capture of Tool even during the quite parts when you can hear the people that the director of "Deliverance" rejected simply because they were too annoying. Vocals are actually up-front in the mix, the bass is not terribly muddy & Adam's guitar tends to cut through it all with a razors edge of voracity. Highly recommended audio recording. And I say that knowing that for shows recorded on this leg the competition is mega. The only lull is the extended Lateralus drum-solo meets duh-duh-duh-duh of Justin's bass for what seems like an eternity. Personally, I like Lateralus a lot, but, the extended jam is a bit lackluster - especially during this performance. And for some reason there is talk of Interesting Elemental Monsters associated with this date.

Source C: Solid State Recorder --- Core Sound Binaurals > M-Audio MicroTrack 24/96(@24/44.1)
Microtrack 24/96 > USB > CD Wave > Flac Frontend > Flac[8]
Derek (toolband125)

Notes - Taper:
Big thanks goes out to the deustch bags beside me who was singing the whole time thanks again you are great. thats all i can say. hope u enjoy.
Notes - Galen:
The audio recording 'of what the taper could control' is really nice for the sources used. The taper did a good job keeping from moving or singing or getting up to go to the bathroom. The guitar + vocals are clear, the bass is not overwhelming & all in all this source is a good recording. Perhaps not as accurate of a capture as the DPA 4061>MT2496 sources, obviously, but still an enjoyable listen. Now, the recording factors 'of what the taper could not control'... well... I winced. Meaning, these guys next to the taper woudl not shit up. During one point of Vicarious (if memory serves) one of them mentions spaghetti & is talking about food - if not, it sounded like it to me. Not only can they not sing but they manage to be just as loud if not more so than MJK at times. When they sing a line or two. It's almost painful at times to listen to. Unfortunately, I have the same type of recording from 05/15/2006 in Detroit. What sounds like the same douche bags that are so evident on this recording called their cousins in Michigan to sit by me & another taper. Maybe not but you see my point.

Time: 116:18

2007.05.26 - Birmingham, AL, USA @ Verizon Wireless Music Center

Source D:
Hi Mini Disc --- DPA 4061 (matched pair) > CSBB > Line In > Sony MZRH10 (HiSP mode)
Sony MZ-RH10 > SonicStage (USB cable) > Wavelab 3.04a (EQ, compression, normalize) > CD Wave Editor > FLACfrontend
GA Floor, right stacks, 50' back
Adam / pessimisticoptimist

Notes - Taper:
This was fun returning to this same outdoor amphitheater as the 2001 show where the audience got poured on. Even Maynard remembered that show and mentioned it during this one. It was especially nice getting to hear Pushit again too. I think they only played it 6 or 7 times on this tour. It was also nice meeting up with fellow tapers Geordy and Derek at this show. Note that Maynard jumped the gun during Stinkfist and started singing the album version, while the rest of the band started the extended version. His laughter at his mistake is a little hard to make out on my source because of some nearby screaming girls... but it's there. One last note... and I might get more amusement out of this than anyone, but drunken stupidity always amazes me. This drunk hick couldn't find his seat before the show. He came down the aisle and asked me if I was in row E. So I took him down two rows and showed him where they had the big "E" shown next to his row. Sure enough, the same guy came down and asked me twice more during the show. You can hear him at the beginning right before Jambi, and also about a minute into the intermission... "Is this 'E'?" Still makes me laugh... Enjoy!
Notes - Galen:
Ah this is a fine, fine AUD recording. I wonder why people would want to switch to other microphones? Ha. The vocals are solid, clean & mean. Adam's guitar at times seems like it is playing in your ear &, amazingly enough, MJK's vocals are clear throughout. This is a minor miracle you know. Strong performance. Although this source has a little bit of crowd chatter it is not nearly as bad as the results I tend to get at a Tool show. Luck? Or a higher power? All in all this source is in fierce competition with others for *the* source to groove to. Kudos to the taper.

Source E: Hi-Mini Disc --- sp-bmc-3 mics>bass rolloff 195hrzsp-bm6 batt box>sony mzrh-10minidiscHIMD
Master MD>goldwave fade ins/outs mastering>cdwave>flac
Taper:      garrett

Much like the other recordings this taper has contributed to the collective (live recordings), this one has many traits as the others including strange microphone movements, a good balance, overall of the sounds coming from the PA's, a healthy dose of people talking/crowd noise surrounding the taper but also a clear but distant sound to the recording. Being a FOS taping kind of guy, that is my preference as I often become annoyed by people talking around microphones. Recording is not the best source for this performance but it is a decent capture. Kudos to the taper; I think he pushed his equipment to it's limit.