1995.xx.xx - Unknown, CA, USA @ Unknown Studio: "No Quarter" - MP3 Version (early 2000’s)
Note 2025: This note is in reference to the version/s of this track which leaked onto the Internet at/around the same period as Salival was released (~2000). I felt that this needed to have it’s own reference point; the MP3 version. I compared this version to the DAT + cassette versions I have/received; they are very close in mix potentially the same, honestly, to this one (i.e.: an unknown cassette copy > WAV > MP3). The timing is off by a few seconds but that means… very little. I am sure that they laid down different tracks for this but other than a hiss - we are splitting hairs here. Thus, in sum, the MP3 version from the early 2000’s (below) is a higher gen than what is known to exist (i.e.: DAT + cassette demos) but they all pale in comparison to the version on Salival.
Notes 2001: There is, unfortunately, no definitive information about this cover version of Led Zeppelin's "No Quarter". It is speculated that this was leaked onto the Internet by a site called lachrymology.com. This now-defunct site (since maybe 2001(?)) hosted quite a bit of stuff on MP3 format; none of it rare - except, of course, for this little gem. This is, without a doubt, not the same version released on Salival. There is a very faint hiss common in very low generation cassette tapes & the mix is certainly not as dynamic as the officially released version. It is suspected that this could be the coveted version that Howard Stern wanted for his "Private Parts" movie + soundtrack. However, the specifics of this will probably never be known unless someone steps up & has definitive information. We would know this when a non-MP3 version of this comes up to the surface. Yes, unfortunately, all known copies/versions of this alternative version are sourced from MP3. Highlights include faint conversations/whispers starting around the 6:00 minute mark... if your constitution is not stable enough for mind alteration remind yourself to not take hallucinogens on a Sunday night! For those that care, the specifics are as such: 128kbs @ 9.71 MB w/a file name of: Tool_-_No_Quarter_Studio_Demo
Time: 10:36
No Quarter