1998.07.16 - Noblesville, IN, USA @ Deer Creek Music Amphitheatre (Ozzfest)
Source: Analog --- Aiwa cassette recorder w/ included microphone (model # not known)
Notes: The taper was definitely on the lawn as you hear someone complaining about people throwing mud towards the front. When I saw Tool there in 2001, people were throwing mud as well. Some things never change. I've been to this venue & it really kind of sucks, hard to see & the acoustics aren't very good. As a result, this recording is a little distant but listenable. There is quite a bit of crowd noise & banter. This is best left for collectors. For sheer entertainment value, I highly recommend this performance as it is a capture of Tool at, perhaps, one of their most creative & energetic time-periods. Like the overwhelming majority of Ozzfest recordings, there is much to be desired as far as recording quality but, like most Ozzfest recordings, if you can look past a slightly shoddy recording then the benefits outweigh the negatives. Although this is not meant to be rare per say, there are not a plethora of copies out in many collections - this may be chalked up to the overall recording quality. This recording does feature, as far as I can tell, one of the best captures of mud being thrown at a Tool performance. The commentary by people is very amusing.
Maynardism: "Good morning! Wake the fuck up!"
Time: 55:11
Part Of Me
Prison Sex