2001.10.15 - Memphis, TN, USA @ Mid-South Coliseum
Source A: Source: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony PCM-M1
CD: 1G from Taper, Transferred in 2001
Taper: Travis
Notes: I think that this recording is one of the better captures of a 2001 performance that is floating around. The band just seems very in the moment at this show - focused. Sound is nice, overall. I think that if the taper was a little closer to the speakers, the recording would be a little more crisp & bright rather than slightly muddy. I mean muddy only due to the distance as CSBs seem to be a little quiet when recording from a distance. This is to not negate the fact that this is a rock-solid recording though. But...this is a standard 2001 gig. For what it's worth. However, many people have commented that this particular show was very different. I don't know, I can't tell - sounds pretty standard to me. If you notice carefully, the setlist is sort of evolving is changing up things, even slightly, at this point. Interesting stuff. One of the reasons I enjoy collecting Tool & listening to these recordings is to monitor and understand, for myself, why & how they change over performances and time.
Maynardism: "Thank you so much for coming"
CD 1
Time: 58:33
CD 2
Time: 71:53
Source B: DAT --- Schoeps MK4 > CMC6 > Lunatec V6 > Sony SBM-1 > Sony TCD-D8
Notes: Technically speaking, this is one hell of a superior recording. Excellent microphones like these, it is hard to get a bad recording. There is a lot of annoying chatter by the taper that happens more often than one would actually hope for in a recording this sweet. Guitars rock, bass hits, drums kick & the vocals soar - excellent reproduction of this Tool performance... until, someone spills beer & starts talking. Please note that I am being a little bit harsher on this recording simply because the taper spent something like $3K for these mics - he should have a pretty clear idea of what not to do while taping. Ah well, maybe he just didn't care, which is cool as well I suppose. As it is, this has been circulating on the 'no trade/no list' lists that people have floating around for about 2.5 years, as of mid 2004. I am not sure why this as so. All in all, definitely a great capture of a standard 2001 setlist and performance that is most likely in your collection. To be honest, this is one of those shows that pretty much every collector has. I have been offered this at least 25 times; this is out there. And, rightfully so. It is a sweet recording. However, I have yet to actually understand the rationale about why this was rare in the first place...
CD 1
Time: 54:56
CD 2
Time: 72:14
The Grudge
(-) Ions
(Suspicious Minds)
46 & 2
Eon Red Apocalypse
Eon Blue Apocalypse
The Patient
Source C: Mini Disc --- Sound Professionals Binaurals > Sony MZ-R700
Notes: Pretty basic MD sounding recording. There are track transitions. In comparison with other sources, this may not be that high up on a person's list of choices. There also seems to be a little bit more crowd noise than the other versions as well. This is an entirely subjective statement but I think that many people feel the same way about this source. One of the more redeeming characteristics of this source is the fact that there are times when the audio sort of encapsulates your mind... what I mean is, if you close your eyes, it almost has a hypnotic effect as, after all, this is a decent recording. But then someone screams in your ear & it's all over. There is something weird that happens at the beginning of Triad, the microphones seem to duck down or something as the sound gets very muffled & bass-e. Strange stuff &, let me tell you, it sucks.
Maynardism: "Thank you so much for coming"
CD 1
Time: 78:18
CD 2
Time: 39:13